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Update on Exige Life


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Well guys just thought I'd post an update to my prior thread, as some of you disagreed with me, some more heavily than others,  but many of you voiced a common view, I should simply use the car fully and just enjoy it.

So.. after continuing to be frustrated with the situation, I've booked two track days this September.

Hopefully I'll be able fully enjoy the car and really open it up.   The first one is at Oulton Park and the second is a LoT at Hethel.   I expected the total cost to be quiet horric, my ferry costs for the Exige and support car  (luggage + tools) is over 600GBP alone.   We've then got accommodation etc.   But hell its cheaper than the depreciation :-)  I really do hope it all works out well and I see the value in it.

If any of you are also doing the LoT day at Hethel on the 19th please come over and say hello.  I appreciate you don't necessary share my views but hopefully that won't prevent anyone from being friendly.

I would also like to request any advice or support prior to the events

For example, we'll be staying over as near as possible to Hethel, is there hotel with really secure car parking etc.  The Cup doesn't have great security.   What about fuel? how do people manage their fuel levels? Any other advice much appreciated

Btw guys, I have to say I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing, when I used to have access to local track days you'd see a max of 5-10 cars.  Speed and car control isn't an issue but the volume of cars circulated is going to be completely new.

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You'll have a lovely time and will fall in :wub: with the car :D

Old Thorn Barn is right next door to the factory, or the Bird in Hand less than 5 mins away has some lovely new accommodation and is a pub steeped in Lotus history :)

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This is a good guide...


Remember to hydrate, 10 laps at a time is enough and have a warm up/cool down lap but mostly remember it's not a race, drive at your own pace and enjoy yourself :)

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I think it's a good idea to really see what the car can do before deciding if its for you or not. With a Cup car that does mean taking it to the track.

I honestly don't think two track days will affect the value at all. It certainly wouldn't put me off if I was a private buyer. If I were you I'd look up some Anglesey dates. It's a fantastic track, many of us would be regulars there if it wasn't for the slog up there and back and it must be your nearest decent track.

Oulton Park is fantastic too if a little intimidating to begin with. If it's dry you will have a great time. But if there's free instruction I'd make use of it there, you'll enjoy the day far more. Hethel is also a great track to drive, very smooth now of course but misses the undulations of Oulton or Anglesey.

I wouldn't worry about traffic on track at all. LoT events are very strict on safety and cater for complete novices so you shouldn't have any problem at all. You also have a car that can keep up with a well driven Elise without breaking a sweat so will be on the pace straight away. If anything you might start to get frustrated by the strict overtaking rules by the end of the day. If the events are open pitlane then just go at your own pace, take regular breaks, you're there to enjoy yourself. But even when you're feeling more comfortable take the time to warm the V6, the brakes and the tyres up for a couple of laps at the beginning of each session and let the car have a cool down lap at the end to avoid warping the discs or anything like that. Very few people seem to bother with either on trackdays and wonder what I'm doing going so slowly on the first lap, well, that's what I'm doing!

If you're really getting the hang of it and wondering why the hell you left it so long to get on track you might want to let some air out of the tyres (still on the original P-Zero Trofeos presumably?). The target pressure is 2 bar all round (call it 30 psi) - hot. You should only do it when the tyres are hot and you have to be going fairly well at Oulton Park in September for them to get hot. If in doubt stick to the factory pressures of 32 psi front / 38 psi rear. If you have been letting the tyres down over the course of a day you'll need to put them back up to the road pressures for your drive to the next track. They will be very low once the tyres have cooled. But the reward is otherworldly grip front and rear. If it's a cold-ish day aim for 32psi front and rear as a good compromise. But you will need to do this to experience the tyres at their best. They work fine up to a point with factory pressures so if you're taking it easy just enjoy the car as it is. If it's very wet, avoid standing water otherwise you won't be singing the praises of the Trofeos. Aquaplaning is a real and present danger above 80mph but it has to be very wet. In light rain the Trofeos work well.

It's worth a thought about the DPM setting. For general sighting laps it makes no difference. Many leave the car in 'sport' as you still have the full electronic safety net which has its place for learning new tracks. However this mode will make increasing use of all four brakes as you pick up the pace and brake wear can be high. I don't think it helps with tyre wear either. Race mode works brilliantly in the dry but you can still spin. 'Everything off' is not risky business, the car is naturally very strong in traction and grip so not a problem for a reasonably competent driver. In the wet leave it in 'Sport' or even 'Tour' unless you want to play with the DPM just for fun.

The Cup has great security! Take your steering wheel with you to your room at night! I can recommend the Old Thorn Barn at Hethel. Should be less than £50 for the room incl breakfast too.

Don't worry about fuel but keep an eye on it on track they really do like a drink on trackdays.

We're doing the Lotus DPM day at Hethel on the 17th September. If you're coming all this way, it might be an idea do that too. It's never been done before and is focused purely on the Exige V6 DPM system. Should be a really interesting day plus you get to drive Lotus's cars and chew their tyres!


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Pits thanks for such a detailed response.

I did look at other venues, but the dates were a nightmare.   The two I've aligned are pretty much the best I could manage, plus I'll get some time in the UK to see family.  

I've been to Oulton as a spectator before and I know there circuit reasonably well, of course driving is something else, but knowing the route is at least a start.  I've booked the tuition at Hethel too.  Its just a shame the Hethel date is after the Oulton date.

My attitude is to have some fun, and enjoy the car, but I'm certainly not out to prove anything.

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What date are you at Oulton park?, i am only 35 mins from there and will pop over if i am not at work. Oulton park is the best UK track in my opinion. Between Druids and Lodge is the main place to take care, it is under large mature trees and gets very green from October to March. I spun there, on only my second lap at my first experience in a Lotus and missed the arnco by the width of a tyre. I was in a straight line hardly going any pace and just lifted off the throttle on a hump and around i went. I have also had the TC kicking in along there more than once in damp conditions. 

As mentioned would like to come over and meet you if i am not working. 

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On 4 September 2015 7:15:44 am, Top cat said:

What date are you at Oulton park?, i am only 35 mins from there and will pop over if i am not at work. Oulton park is the best UK track in my opinion. Between Druids and Lodge is the main place to take care, it is under large mature trees and gets very green from October to March. I spun there, on only my second lap at my first experience in a Lotus and missed the arnco by the width of a tyre. I was in a straight line hardly going any pace and just lifted off the throttle on a hump and around i went. I have also had the TC kicking in along there more than once in damp conditions. 

As mentioned would like to come over and meet you if i am not working. 

If you were able to pop along I would be most appreciative, any experience and moral support will be most welcome, especially from a fellow Lotus owner.   :unworthy:  :unworthy:

The date is the 15th September, its a Javelin trackday.

On 4 September 2015 7:16:42 am, Bibs said:

Bike or bus tyre? :hrhr:

This is not helping my confidence levels....  :sweat:

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Hi Mark, I"ll be at the Hethel day on the 19th in my orange Caterham, I'll pop by and say hello. Would love to take a closer look at a cup too. You will be fine on a lotus on track day.


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I echo everything the others have said re LoT, very professional, and almost as importantly you are sharing the track with people of the same mindset IMHO.

I'd go a little further than Pitts, and say if there is instruction, even if you have to pay, it would be worth the money many times over, especially given the investment you are putting in to the day!

Try your hardest to get at the front of the queue, it will give you confidence that you can then use for the remainder of the day.

Let us know how you get on, but I'm sure you'll have a fab time!

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The Lotus DPM day might be a one-off opportunity to learn about a cutting-edge traction control system from the people who developed it and a good chance to meet other Exige owners too. You will definitely get even more out of your trackday at Hethel and can tell us all about your time at Oulton Park over the lunch (courtesy of Bell and Colvill)! ;)

I know it's an extra expense but given you're over with your car and heading for Hethel on the 19th anyway, it might be an idea. I think a few of us are meeting up for some food on the 16th anyway, you'd be very welcome to join us if you were around.


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On 4 September 2015 8:18:09 am, mcx said:

Hi Mark, I"ll be at the Hethel day on the 19th in my orange Caterham, I'll pop by and say hello. Would love to take a closer look at a cup too. You will be fine on a lotus on track day.


That would be fantastic, please do come over and say hello.

On 4 September 2015 7:28:50 pm, simon mac said:

I'd go a little further than Pitts, and say if there is instruction, even if you have to pay, it would be worth the money many times over, especially given the investment you are putting in to the day!

I've booked the LoT training, thought it sensible too,  

On 4 September 2015 7:50:21 pm, The Pits said:

The Lotus DPM day might be a one-off opportunity to learn about a cutting-edge traction control system from the people who developed it and a good chance to meet other Exige owners too. You will definitely get even more out of your trackday at Hethel and can tell us all about your time at Oulton Park over the lunch (courtesy of Bell and Colvill)! ;)

I'd love too but I have my wife with me for the entire week and she is being good enough to put up with two track days already,  I think a 3rd date is being a little selfish on my side.  I'm already having to book a swanky suite at Park Farm on the Saturday to keep her sweet.

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Track day insurance, any Lotus specific recommendations?

Sorry another question, I know from my rally co-driving days, MSA scrutineers hate in car cameras mounted with suction cups.   Is that the same for UK track days?  Or will a GoPro suction cup mount be acceptable?

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Should be fine mounting a GoPro on the inside of the rear window with a suction cup. LoT are very strict about safety so might even ask that it's tethered or somesuch nonsense. It's unlikely that you'll be allowed an external camera. It's usually best to mount it securely and not to draw any attention to it.

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On 5 September 2015 4:43:02 am, CTRMint said:

Track day insurance, any Lotus specific recommendations?

Sorry another question, I know from my rally co-driving days, MSA scrutineers hate in car cameras mounted with suction cups.   Is that the same for UK track days?  Or will a GoPro suction cup mount be acceptable?

I have bought the odd one off track day insurance cover for my 911 from Moris as my normal annual insurance doesn't cover tracks abroad, at not too unreasonable premiums. If you get the bug for it then try and get an inclusive policy, my caterham is insured with Lloyd & Whyte covering 5 track days and is very reasonable. Not sure if they cover Lotus but possibily worth bearing in mind for renewal.

Re cameras, it seems to be a bit hit and miss. I did a morning at Spa in the 911 with the camera on the rear window, looking forward on a suction cup ( no cage) but got told to take it off by someone in the afternoon. I have a small base for a mount on the side of my crash helmet which is ok, although the footage waves around a bit when I'm checking for faster cars. Does the cage in the cup not give you a mounting point?

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Yes actually a very good point. Just did it as a temporary measure to get some in car footage, but not such a good idea.

Edited by ramjet
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I've also used Moris for one-off track insurance and they seem quite efficient. I've not had to ever claim but they seem well established. I'd definitely get day insurance if it isn't included in your annual policy.

Your GoPro should have come with an semi-permanent self adhesive mount which you could use as an alternative to the suction mount if you get told to remove it. Stick it to the rear screen. It's fairly small and discreet so you could just leave it there for the next time.

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Hate to appear lazy here, but unfortunately I'm away on business prior to the trackdays mentioned in the prior posts, which is making it more difficult to put everything in place.

I've received quotes for dedicated trackday insurance which is pretty expensive, as a result I'm wondering about swapping my main insurance to one which includes limited trackday cover.  As I'm away its limiting my ability to research the matter, has anyone any recommendations regarding an insurance company suitable for the Exige and provides trackday cover on the normal policy.


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On 8 September 2015 12:29:22 am, CTRMint said:


Hate to appear lazy here, but unfortunately I'm away on business prior to the trackdays mentioned in the prior posts, which is making it more difficult to put everything in place.

I've received quotes for dedicated trackday insurance which is pretty expensive, as a result I'm wondering about swapping my main insurance to one which includes limited trackday cover.  As I'm away its limiting my ability to research the matter, has anyone any recommendations regarding an insurance company suitable for the Exige and provides trackday cover on the normal policy.


Even better, the forum sponsors (AIB insurance) offer trackday cover in their policies and discounts for members:



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Thanks for the input all.

Unfortunately I'm struggling to find time to switch whilst I'm away on business.

Hopefully next week will be an outstanding success, if so I'll swap my insurance on my return.

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