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Everything posted by march

  1. Mmm - I think the European EU countries are pretty much making sure Europe is divided from within the EU.
  2. Sorry that does not cut it with me. A European country is being invaded, people are dying, and we are just sitting on the side lines watching and tinkering with a few sanctions. At what point should the UK and EU actually stand up and so something meaningful?
  3. The UK, US, EU and NATO response has also appalled me. Putin will be riding bare chested around Kyiv on his little pony before the west does anything meaningful - By then Ukraine will be a distant memory and all that will be left will be a few Ukrainian flags posted up on Facebook so people can feel they have done something. Absolutely shameful. Just wait - China will be after Taiwan next.
  4. Don't forget we have our very own Jeremy Corbyn here in the UK. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10538829/Jeremy-Corbyn-slammed-attacking-Nato-UKs-aggressive-posturing-Ukraine.html
  5. It's interesting but I have heard 2 news channels talk about Putin as if he is unhinged.
  6. Woohoo - power has just come back on and the wind has subsided, will find out tomorrow how much damage there has been. We have had wind (obviously), rain, hail, sleet, snow and sometimes all at the same time, what a day!
  7. Well it looks like the barn door has survived which is a bit of a miracle considering the wind we have had. But we have no power to at least midnight and I am getting really bored. The good news is I worked out how to tether my phone to the laptop, the bad news is there is bugger all phone signal.
  8. Yes - getting clobbered right now.
  9. Phase 1 of the fortification completed😁
  10. yep us without power as well, and water (which is bad news for the cows). Just about to go move the cows to a more protected set of fields and start barricading the barn doors. Predicted winds at the farm are over 80mph which I have never seen before. Same as above with regards the generator - we have a small one but not enough for the farm. Next weeks job - buy a bloody great generator!
  11. Wonderful news - It's great to hear she is going in the right direction, onwards and upwards!
  12. march


    Wordle 230 2/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Joining the "Photoshop" club
  13. The percentage petrol price increase is a bit disingenuous. From the start of the pandemic (Nov 2019) until now the petrol price had risen by about 14%. So 14% in over 2 years is quite a lot but not the 27% I assume in one year stated. https://www.racfoundation.org/data/uk-pump-prices-over-time
  14. Well there is no way in hell I will vote Conservative in any form of election whilst BJ and his cronies are in charge so on a personal basis it is reality. Whether I vote for someone else is another matter.
  15. Yes - It just shows how bad the Conservatives are at the moment. I have voted Conservative for many years but have recently being weighing up the options of other political parties. I would even think about Labour if it was not for the Corbynites still lurking in the background and the Deputy Labour Leader.
  16. Yes - it's a shame the opposition has been so catastrophically ineffective and inept. An effective opposition would have forced the government to up it's game.
  17. And now to darken the mood.
  18. Is that the battle of Helms Deep?
  19. march


    Wordle 225 4/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟨🟨 🟨🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  20. march

    BBC - Again!

    And what do you know about me and my life history?
  21. march

    BBC - Again!

    Oh FFS - you are allowed not to like this but please don't assume I'm sneering, indoctrinated or indoctrinating. I must admit I thought the book burning was from the film Fahrenheit 451 but didn't bother to look too closely but hey ho - who really cares. It's an attempt at humour to make a point I suppose - How did you survive the 70's. Bored with this now.
  22. We have a bore hole. The plus side is the lack of water rates and the ability to use as much water as you like without any real concern for cost. It will need servicing annually which I think costs us less than £200.00 if I remember correctly but the price will depend on the type of filters you have. We are in a lucky situation that we are pretty much living over an underground lake so running dry is of no real concern. We also do not add anything to the water so we live on pure spring water. The concern would be for any failure of component / cable / pipe being eaten through. In 16 years we have had 1 x Rat eat through the plastic pipe where it enters into the house (garage in our case) creating a lovely fountain until we found it. 1 x Rabbits / Rat eating through cable at the junction to the bore hole. 1 x seal leak at the pump causing it to trip So would suggest keep on the good side of your neighbours just in case you need to use their water supply (you could also buy up lots of water from the super market - did you ever hear of the Exeter bottled water crisis just after the Loo roll crisis - I started that 😁). Also find a good service / repair company to use, avoid the one man bands as they are often a lot more expensive and rarely have the response time / spares you need when something goes wrong (learnt that the hard way as did our neighbours). The pumps are generally fit and forget until they die, if you have a good one this should not be a problem as they last for years (our one is probably over 25 years old and looked like new when we pulled it last year. Overall they are bloody good and can highly recommend.
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