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Everything posted by tjs98jetta

  1. It seems I share my name "Trevor Sears" on the web with a couple of lawyers around the world, a builder in Queens, NY and assorted others with a small presence. Combining hits from my work (research chemist) plus my main hobby (bike racing) clearly seems to make me the "winner" though. Interesting, barely decipherable copy of a New York court ruling someone with my name in default of some tax due in 1981 (I didn't live here then). Also: "Flowers give 4000 reasons to smile - Molesey News & Mail OnlineCelia Hall among some of the 4000 daffodils in Witley which her grandfather Trevor Sears helped to plant. EVEN if the weather has taken a turn for the worst ... www.moleseyonline.co.uk/news/ 95/95022/flowers_give_4000_reasons_to_smile " Not me... It's interesting to see what is archived out there though. I suspect that the results will vary depending which country you do the search in.
  2. If the train looks favorite, i suggest meeting there! Its quite a big landmark and just at the edge of the city centre!! I haven't done it yet, but I intend booking at the Travelodge in the centre of Norwich as several of you suggested. I see that's only a mile from the station, and I should be able to navigate my way there to meet. I'm looking forward to seeing you. Cheers, Trevor
  3. Anybody find a source of these in the US? These are the rubber covers that fit neatly over the head of an M8 hex head screw. According to my parts manual they are p/n X04686113Z. The ones on my car have rotted away and the rubber gasket on the engine cover is getting damaged by the bare bolt heads.
  4. That's great, I'll keep an eye on that thread and let you know as my timetable gets finalized. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you guys, Trevor
  5. This would be Thursday 20th December, actually. It sounds great! Cheers, Trevor
  6. Thank you everyone for the great responses. I looked at some of the web sites. Catton Hall looks interesting, but it's out of the town centre and I was thinking of doing some tourism without a car. I'll continue to think on that. The conference is Monday-Wednesday 17-19th Dec, and I'm thinking of perhaps staying through Thursday night. Beer and curry Thursday night sounds like a good idea if anyone is around :-).
  7. I'm going to be at conference at UEA for a few days in the week before Christmas. Any recommendations for a reasonably-priced hotel in the city? Not necessarily close to the University, but walking distance to the town center
  8. Well, funnily enough my day-day driver is a 1998 A3 style TDi, chipped, with larger injectors and Shine suspension. It's fun to drive around town, goes round corners well and has a lot of torque for its size making it feel faster than it is. Also gets about 45 mp(US)g even with spirited driving. It's also possible to lose anything behind me in cloud of black smoke. :-)
  9. I got a Johnson pump model cmp30p7-1 from Auto Performance Engineering. It costs about $125.. It's a 12v magnetically coupled pump. You'll have to sort out the wiring based on the LEW write up. Trevor
  10. I just bought an ugraded impeller from PUK. I have a replacement electric pump ready to install, but I decided to keep the car closer to the original in the end. Trevor
  11. I spent a few days in San Diego last month. I can recommend staying in the "little Italy" area, close to the downtown airport. I stayed in a small hotel called La Pensione. Great value, and close to lots of restaurants. Less than 10 mins from Lindberg airport, so an easy cab ride, and also close to a tram stop.
  12. I had similar problems with mine. Taking the mechanism apart, cleaning and re-lubricating solved all the problems. I also found the felt guides in the window frame added a lot of friction too. I used a teflon-wax stick sold to help sliding patio doors to cut down this friction with success. Very cheap at the local hardware store.
  13. Yes, that was it! Thanks. Trevor
  14. I'm seeing the same as others in that I only get a few avatars. Also, my screen is taken up with a lot of green and yellow background (fine colors :-)) and there's not much space for the content. This makes it necessary to do a lot of scrolling, up/down, left/right in order to read the posts?
  15. Hi Bob, I spent quite a lot of time looking for a nice, late 4 cylinder, car and ended up with a 91 SE, in your price range last year. There's a huge amount of useful information on the web, for example at Lotus Esprit World. I learned a lot from reading this stuff before actually buying a car. I'm on Long Island, and after looking at cars all over, eventually found mine via Cannillo Motor Sports in Deer Park (www.cannillomotorsports.com) . It's been trouble free, except for some minor issues with a headlamp and the electric window winders that I easily took care of myself. According to what I read, the engine is not normally a problem, but it's obviously prudent to try to find a car with service records. Good luck Trevor
  16. I have an original owner's manual for my 1991 SE that I'd be happy to copy for you if you still need one. Where are you?
  17. I had this problem with the driver's side headlamp pod on mine. The captured bolt had come loose from the back (inaccessible side) of the riveted support bracket and there was a lot of wear at the point where the bolt went through the glass fiber pod itself. Plus the bolt and washers were all rusted up. I ended up cutting the bolt with a thin hacksaw blade to release the pod and fabricating a new pivot bolt using a short length of the appropriate metric size stainless steel threaded rod and a pressed on washer to form a solid support that could be epoxied into the pivot bearing in the support bracket. I also cut a small piece of 1/8 inch aluminium sheet to size and drilled it through to repair the pod itself. This was also epoxied in place. After reassembling it all, it works fine and looks completely original. This avoided having to drill out the rivets of the support bracket. It was a time consuming and fiddly job though.
  18. Wow, I'm very sorry to hear about your accident. It's good to know you're apparently not seriously hurt. I hope the insurance comes through and you're able to get yourself back on the road in a new or repaired esprit. Good luck, Trevor
  19. A different kind of bike racing. I'm the yellow and blue guy hanging on up the hill in Prospect Park in Brooklyn early one Sunday morning last April. It wasn't very warm, but the daffoldils were out as you can see. Age has definitely slowed me down, but I'm still making it hurt for some of the other old guys. Lance Armstrong never had to worry about me though...
  20. My 91 SE needs a replacement for its front rubber lip too. Does anyone know if the listed 93 on S4 one will fit?
  21. Hi Andy, Welcome to the LEF. I'm just across the sound from you on LI and have had a 91 SE since last spring. It's been a lot of fun: I can recommend getting one. The last 4 cyl cars seem quite rare, well I didn't see many nice ones for sale when I was looking. I'm pleased with my SE though, it's in nice shape, I have quite a lot of the service records and it's done less than 26 000 miles. Trevor
  22. Hi all, After dreaming for years I finally did it and bought myself a nice 91 SE. Pity it's been raining here pretty much continuously since I got it. Hope to be out on the suburban NY roads this summer.
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