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Everything posted by C8RKH

  1. You were talking to a guy about fuel cells who isn't an expert in fuel cells lol... They're not made entirely of steel, but carbon fibre composites, or carbon fibre combined with metal alloys and other composites. The tanks have an inner lining of a high molecular weight polymer, as this acts as the gas permeation barrier. Not a cheap or easy thing to make, but they've been making them for some years. The future is not going to be battery, or hydrogen, or anything else, on its own. It is going to be a combination of everything, playing to the strengths of the fuel, for the need. For example Hydrogen makes 1,000 times more sense for commercial trucks than a battery. It also makes a hell of a lot more sense for trains, than spending a billion or two to electrify old lines. Batteries for cars, yup, for sure. They make sense for over 95% of the people who use cars.
  2. Bloody hell Tony, that's about £2k in metal value isn't it?
  3. No problem with you disagreeing Dr. Doom. I have been very vocal that Hamas's attack was awful. However, imvho the Israel response is totally disproportionate. They have also inflamed the situation, with their hard right settlers attacking, bull dozing and stealing peoples homes and farms and lands. Yup. The whole situation is a mess, but this "war" is keep Netanhayu in power and has nicely shifted the focus from his accusers. War crimes have been committed. The question is whether he, and the IDF, will be held to account
  4. A war crime for sure, but Nethanayu, nor Israel will ever admit The blood on their hands now will never wash off, and no amount of "excuses" will condone it. Israel has lost the Goodwill. Hamas was totally wrong. Inexcusable. But the ensuing loss of so many innocents is out of control. Netanhayu is the new Putin. BBC News - Deadly strike on Rafah a tragic mishap, Netanyahu says https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjjj26d0eqxo
  5. What a "twonker" - why are people not talking about stuff like this?
  6. It feels like we do that already anyway for a lot of them.
  7. Today on the M6 around Warrington. Looked good with the side skirts and GTE wing I was the guy who waved in the Silver VX👍 on my why to Anglesey, from Perthshire, for a Lotus on Track day bank holiday morning.
  8. C8RKH

    Formula One

    Not when you consider the moaning etc. verstappen would have had us believe he had no chance. He hit the wall here in qualifying. Hit a bollard and ripped his floor previously. Is he feeling the pressure? All adds spice of course.
  9. Hope you finally get it sorted @Alfa2Evora, it's been a long haul David.
  10. C8RKH

    Formula One

    Anyone find it weird how Verstappen is complaining more and more recently, and yet, suddenly during Qualifying, and the race, things miraculously get better? I think he is "sandbagging" in practice.
  11. Starmer wants to lower the voting age to 16? Why? The average 16 year old couldn't give a toss about politics, and can be easily influenced by populist policies. Ooops, I may have answered my own question. We lowered it here in Scotland and it hasn't helped. Next, like in Scotland, Starmer will say that young peoples brains don't develop until they are 25, so any crimes they commit below 25, they need to be given a lighter sentence. Guess what, we've tried that up here. All it does is further reinforce to young people that they are above the law, and when caught, will be dealt with leniently. I was looking forward to hearing about Labour's bold new policies to restore the "Great" in Britain. Was I foolish to at least have a hope?
  12. @Dan E I have to admit cruise control is my one exception. Not RADAR cruise, but simple stick at xx mph cruise control like in the Evora. I'm driving down to Anglesey tomorrow, 400 boring miles. I'll be in the VX220 with no cruise control, and it will be a right PITA and a pain in my right ankle. Several sections are average speed camera controlled. CC is an absolute boon on journeys like that As for self parking and court cases. Watch out, as these cases will crop up, especially with some cars about ready to be shipped with Self Drive L3 capability. Tesla has already been "convicted" and accepted liability in some cases when the tech has failed.
  13. I am sure you're right Dan, hence my asking about ensuring it was used "by the book" etc. As you know I'm not a fan of all this tech as it could take away the drivers accountability and responsibility. However, some seem to love it, crave it, and gush about it, then cry like a baby if it all goes wrong (NOT a reference to the OP).
  14. Lovely car @SW_Mike and a lot of car and performance for the money. Enjoy.
  15. If you were using it as per the manuals/instructions then surely they should. Have you contacted them? You may have additional rights under the Sale if Goods act as items sold need to work as described, be fit for purpose, be free of defects, etc. One thing to find out would be what is stored by the cars computers. If you can get a "dump" that shows everything was used properly, with no additional driver inputs etc then you should have a solid case. Good luck There's a reason why I DON'T like all this new tech in my cars. I know lots of people get very excited by it and love it, but me, I'll back my own skill and judgement over any dipshit computer programmer, every time. Worked in IT since 1985, seen a lot of bad code lol ....
  16. Mine will be blue @Barrykearley solely because of where I live. The SNP have a slim majority, Labour are nowhere, so Tory it needs to be to get an SNP member out of Westminster. Sometimes, it's not about voting fow who you want, but about voting to get rid of who you don't. I'm absolutely dreading Labour winning. I believe Starmer is weak. He's a puppet who may well be gone after 12 months, potentially leaving us with Raynor 😱 The Tories deserve to go. Ironically, based on performance, Cameron seems to be an excellent Foreign Secretary, plenty of good things being said from the international community. I look at the current government, the key faces, and just want to cry. I look at the opposition and the shadow cabinet and feel nothing but despair. I really do fear for the future of the UK with this current bunch of idiots, that by and large, we have as MPs today. How did we get to a position where the talent pool is so bad? I mean, even the Leaders, Sunak, Starmer and Davey, are about as credible as Muppets, then again, I suppose they also share the similarities of having cotton stuffing for brains, and, someone's hand up their arse controlling every movement. I do like your point about cooperative politics. I agree with Barry. Leave the fight for the election. But once the election is done, work together to deliver the agenda the majority voted for, and the priorities people chose. We've had 14 years of SNP "Progressive" Government. Ha! Regressive Government more like as we're heading back to the dark ages up here. Be good to hear from everyone else to get a broad collective of views etc. We might not always agree, but should respect our different views.
  17. They're called a "spoiler" for a reason.
  18. I agree. Love the look for the roadster. Just looks cleaner, purer, more honest.
  19. And yet we've been allowing 2.5 ton Range Rovers, ICE, to park forever. On the one hand, councils are spending oodles of cash on new charging facilities, on the other, arguably, they're banning the cars that need them the most. Yup, that'll be right. Typical LA logic.
  20. You really don't. Honestly. We have a version of PR in Scotland, and have had it since devolution. It's what has kept the SNP in power, for over 14 years, DESPITE them only once in that period tactually having a small minority. This has given huge power in the past few years to the "Greens", who despite only having say 2% of the votes, have had a massive impact on policy as they were essentially the "King Makers" to give the SNP the majority it needed. As a result, our educational attainment, law and order, local authority services, health services, etc have all dramatically fallen well below their previous high standards. Rather than focusing on what matters, what people really cared about, the Greens have been able to exploit their position under PR to: 1. Introduce disastrous gender assignment legislation 2. Waste over £200m on a deposit return scheme that was unworkable 3. Drive policies to potentially make home owners who use log burners criminals with a criminal record (many of us in the wilds of Scotland do not have mains gas so log burners are not a "cosy cottage" luxury but an essential additional source of heat The list goes on, and on. PR sounds great, but believe me, in Westminster it would lead to successive "hung parliaments" which then opens the door to narrow minded, niche, parties to hold power and sway. I do believe that what we need is a reset of our politics. Labour come out gushing with an awful lot of bullshit about how they are the party for the working person - utter crap to be honest. What are their real policies that are going to help the working person? Labour have done more to "assist" the Financial Institutions and shysters than the Tories in the past 30 years. It was New Labour who took the shackles off the Financial Services industry. Blair and Brown where well warned that what they were doing was going to cataclysmic. But they didn't care as they were told the issues would take 20 years to surface. And they did. The Tories have grappled with this legacy and been found wanting with their responses and policies. The shit we are in now has as much to do with the legacy from Brown and New Labour, as it does Tory incompetence. Conservatives talk about law and order, fiscal responsibility etc. Absolute total crap when it comes down to actually doing anything about it. They've spent 10 years fighting themselves. A divided, bitter party, that is all about self interest and self promotion. Shockingly poor standards of governance and accountability and transparency (though the SNP appear to make them look like right amateurs in those areas, so they can't even be the best at being the worst!) Career politicians is a major issue. Young, clueless individuals who are barely needing to shave, or can't even sow a button on, have been given positions way above their life experiences, intellect and capabilities. Standards have dropped to an appalling level, and grace and favour is the order of the day. Wipe them all out, and start again. Is the only sensible thing I can suggest, but that then presents its own problems too. Where are the statespeople? People with gravitas. Conviction. Personal integrity and values? People with humility, over hubris? That is what is lacking. A real desire and love of public service, of public good, over one's own bed feathering, enrichment and desire for "celebrity"? I wouldn't trust Starmer and Raynor to run a bath, without either trying to boil you alive, or drown you, in it. Rishi - a boy, over educated, privileged and totally out of touch and alien to the "common person" and their plight, dreams, and needs. This is the man who asked the Welsh if they were looking forward to the Euro's FFS and was then clearly bollocksed by the reaction they gave him. Totally and utterly clueless and out of touch. Ed Davey - a clown. End of. Horizon happened on his watch, shame he couldn't use it to tell the time, let alone navigate through a complex issue. Total oxygen thief. Who does that leave? Yup, no wonder we're in such a mess. The lunatics have been given the keys, and the doctors and wardens have all pissed off on a bender for the weekend.
  21. @Kimbers, prices hardly ever come back down, however, there are alternatives out there at a lower cost. For instance, I quite like Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. Not every day, occasionally. They are around £3.50 to £4.00 a box. However, Aldi's equivalent is £1.35. I buy them. They're fine. Also, a lot of focus on prices going up, but then we have just also had twelve months of, in some cases, stratospheric pay rises too. So just as prices will not come down, neither will those pay rises be reduced or be taken away. In addition, the last twelve months have been excellent for savers and investors. I have made a 6 figure gain in GBP in the last 12 months on my investments. A result. Others will be similar in terms of their gains. Pensioners will see a marked difference in their state pension too, which for if me and my wife were getting it now, would be almost £25k a year between us. Not bad. Taken in the round, there will be winners and losers at each extreme, but in general, there will be a majority caught in the middle. Neither winning lots, but also not losing lots either. I see a 25 metre queue, in Dundee, outside of a bubble tea" shop, where the average price of a bubble tea is a scratch under £6. Starbucks and Costalot are a scratch under £5 for coffee now and yet seem as busy as ever. I see places doing a roaring trade at lunchtime - I called into a Garden Centre that has an excellent cafe near Glasgow yesterday for lunch. They have 120 tables and I struggled to get in. People were spending a lot of money on lunches, this is not unusual. I'm seeing a lot of new plated cars out there, even though 0% deals have been replaced with 7, 8 9, 10 and even 11% deals. Holiday companies are selling lots of holidays right now. There's a lot of people complaining, but life still seems to be going on, people are still spending. Maybe on different things, but the cash is flowing.
  22. Westminster is a tribal shouting place. I assume he is referring to Raynor? What an absolute Clown. Davos is full of entitled arse lickers, who crave attention and power. Hmmm, not sure he is going to make a good PM for the PEOPLE.
  23. We even had a toilet inside the house.
  24. Nope. You maybe need to explore darker parts of the web, lol...
  25. Very little copper in the cabinet. Very little copper in the cables (given the size of the cables. But scumbags will be scumbags. I do believe we should bring back tougher punishment. You steal, you lose your non dominant hand. You steal again, you lose the other one. Simples. Straight forward and much cheaper than pampering them in prison for months. We need real deterrents.
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