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  1. Run2 2017 will shortly be underway. A month left till the flag drops. Entry is open until Saturday. Looking forward to seeing if any lotus club members will join us. Please refer to Facebook, instagram, the web page or our drive tribe group for details of entry. Contact and questions to the team.
  2. Entry is almost filled. Should anyone wish to join may 1st is cut off. Looking to be the largest run2, to date. Entrants from a wide variety of vehicles already. There will be a representative at Leeds castle if anyone is venturing down for the car show there. Follow drivetribe to see when run2 was invited to an evening with clarkson may and Hammond last month.
  3. Posting on behalf of run2 OK here we go... Run2Europe2017 has been launched... This is a mystery tour around Europe starting this year near the Hook of Holland (start point tbc) at 9am on the 24th August and the finishing hotel on the 28th August (29th you go home or continue your holiday). The options for crossings are via Harwich to Hook of Holland on an 11pm night time crossing (arrive 8am next morning) with cabin for approx. £237 http://www.aferry.co...84fee3ba870c108 using Stena ferry home 2.15pm on the 29th Aug. Or make your own way there and back if you for example live in Kent. The main goal of the event is to complete a series of challenges whilst travelling on some of Europe's best or interesting roads with your mates...think Top Gear/Grand Tour specials. It is NOT A RACE and dangerous driving is not permitted (legal bit over). It is a route you take at your own pace and what you drive is up to you....as long as its road legal! The price for this year is £600 per team all dependant on Sterling to Euro exchange rate....! This covers all hotels with parking (mostly 4star but, some 5star) and breakfast, you need to make sure you are insured for Europe and a decent breakdown cover is recommended! Most of all this is a fun event where there is a prize but it's not an expensive prize! Any questions please ask via the Facebook group or drive tribe. Here are links to the various social media pages: Drive tribe: https://drivetribe.com/p/HX7OOWvPQPCbxMlSgfzDJQ/SaG5qFU9Szu9COypzEA7Qw Website: www.run2wherever.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/run2rally-155905734465769/ Instagram: Run2_driving_events Look forward to meeting any new entrant next year Happy new year folk
  4. So another year of run2 has been and gone. This year took in the autobahns of Germany, the countryside of Bavaria, the mountains of Austria, Italy, Switzerland, the picturesque Lichtenstein, the Black Forest and the Mosul wine region. Wonder where next year will go? Here are a few pics to wet the appetite. Videos to follow on run2's webpage and Facebook.
  5. Still a few places left, it's shaping up to be another epic adventure. Bring anything from an eclat to an evora!! Entry for the remaining few spots will be left open until July. Depending how quick they go.
  6. Here is a video from the 1st 2 days of last years run2
  7. To many lazy fat folk using mobility that shouldn't be. Although it's not totally free choice. Mobility works like a lease, you pay an initial rental of say 7k for a vw transporter, then if you want options like dsg or 4motion, they pay up front with the initial rental. Also things like conversion for wheelchairs are also out of the users pocket on top of initial rental if I remember. Then instead of their mobility money being paid into the bank, it's used to pay the monthly rental for 3 years. Mileage is limited, insurance group is limited by age. Some cars, like a Chevy spark are potentially zero initial payment, yet all the mobility money is still paid monthly for the car. Choice is only dependent on how much the user is willing to pay up front. Any excess mileage is charged and, should the user wish to buy the car at the end of the agreement, they're given the value of the vehicle to pay Blue badges have pictures but, are to easily abused.
  8. I'm sure you're allowed to cross chevrons, the same as unbroken white lines, if a stationary vehicle or, something travels less than 20 mph. Speeding, that's sketchy but, if for instance the car was a cupra and, he'd put his foot down to pass the bus before the bus pulled off, could've easily got above 30... I'm pretty sure somewhere in learning to cross a road as a child, I remember being told by the green cross code, never to cross in front of a parked bus, in case someone is passing it... Always let the bus leave before attempting to cross. The parent should have been wise to that also, just as aware as the driver should've been expecting people to cross. I know I always am waiting for someone to walk out in front. As that's how little common sense most folk have. He could've probably done longer but, a judge wouldve factored it all in and, came up with that sentence. Im sure once the interests of governments are excluded from laws, then new laws will be written. Once (if) we leave the EU, we have nothing stopping us from being totally stripped of human rights, so new laws could be written where it's ok to kill a criminal, should they pose a threat. Who knows what the future of law will hold. I agree to a certain degree, that some sentences which have been handed out are to easy. I don't know if you read of the young eatonian student, who had thousands of baby rape images etc, earlier this year, who got a suspended sentence and, it's unclear if he signed a sex offenders register. I think he should've spent some time in her majestys pleasure.
  9. So, you have negligence of the police officer, commuting an action he should've not done, ommising his duty of care, not following the appropriate health and safety laws... Plus, his act was wreck less and, intentional, he could have killed a rider without a helmet, thus making him as bad as the second guy for planning and, worse than the third guy, if he'd have killed a rider. Admittedly seems stupid because, anywhere else in the world, it would have been job well done. Even though, he used his car as a weapon to disable the riders... Hell if I stook my car across a cyclist for running a red light, I'd be dangerously driving and, using my car as a weapon with intent even though they ran the red. Although if they went under my wheels because they skipped the lights while I was at right of way. Different story. Secondly we have a premeditated assault and, effectively murder. So, that sentence seems correct. Thirdly, manslaughter because the guy didn't plan on hitting anyone, he didn't plan on killing them children. His actions lead to their deaths but, his intentions wasn't to kill. So, his sentence is according to the law. Anyone driving can kill at anytime, any speed and, with no motive to kill. Tell me that 4 years isn't harsh enough, the next time you speed along a motorway and, could potentially kill anyone should a slight mistake be made by you or another road user. As when you're sat in the dock, for accidentally being a main contributor to the death of someone else, you're going to lose time of your life, family, relationships, jobs and, you'll never forget that accidentally someone died, so you're going to hope, you won't spend the next 30 years behind bars for an unintentional mistake. That guy is serving what's the beginning of likely to be a life sentence, even though he's only behind bars for how ever many months.. Where as however, if it was your intention to kill, you're going to be sat happy you've succeeded and, slightly pissed off you're caught, so 4 years is to little. The justice system is appropriate. It's also very little changed since the introduction of the cps. Which if I remember rightly came about in the 80's to give the country a more even fair judiciary system. Which government did we have then?
  10. Seeing many views but, no one yet willing to take the plunge? Honestly, you can't go wrong!! With this years quest theme being spy related, the lotus esprit or evora would be a valued addition, along side Jaguars Ftype R as "the good guys". Plenty of German & Japanese motors primed ready for Augusts adventure. For the price you can't go wrong. Stickers are also being developed at the minute for this year. Plenty of merchandise and trophies to be had too!!
  11. I don't know if this goes for non lotus owners too? the alpine circuit is one I've always wanted a go on. I have a national b racing licence anyway but, I do recommend tuition to anyone looking to do a track day at an unfamiliar circuit, to not only improve on safety but, also to improve your knowledge and, lap times.
  12. Gray-Run2


    Anyone have any experience with the automatic in the evora?
  13. Gray-Run2


    I know the modern cars are great, although, a relative owned or, possibly still owns, an s1 Elise, I remember them taking me out in that many year ago, when I last saw them & thinking how awesome of a car it was. Also, Splodge took me out in the S4 years ago, which pretty much sold me the lotus car. Hopefully, I'll fall of better fortune and, find a nice v8 esprit or, an evora s
  14. Haha!! I've got the theme from that film on cd in my car... Thanks, I would've been sat at home tonight trying to remember too. Part of me thought it was 'never say never again' yet, that was a Renault 5 turbo, which the bad lady drove.
  15. That looks fantastic!! I have a corgi 'matchbox' sized versions of the esprit (car not sub), the mustang from goldfinger & the Toyota from that one in Japan, which name has escaped my mind ? No boxes though.
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