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Posts posted by electro_boy

  1. Quote

    would that reddex stuff be worth trying ? 

    Depending on what the issue you have, yes they do work, when used in the correct situation.  First step is always figuring out what the issue really is.  As with anything there are some good fuel additives and there are some poor ones that don't do much.  The risk with additive bottles is people try and used them too concentrated.  Stick to the advice on the bottle; if it says mix with minimum 30litres of fuel then stick to that.  Don't think if I make it more concentrated by pouring it into an almost empty fuel tank it will get to work faster.

    Premium fuels from the likes of Shell, Esso and others are essentially the fuel additive bottles you can buy separately premixed into petrol in the correct strength.  So for general purpose keeping your engine clean and working well I just use premium fuel every now and then rather than an additive.

    If there is a specific problem and there is a specific product for that then yes I would use an additive.

  2. I had dirty MAF issue many many years ago, can't remember the error code number but threads on here suggested my symptoms pointed towards dirty MAF.

    Absolutely no expert on this but I read some stuff online that generic switch cleaner or Isopropyl alcohol is not suitable and can damage the sensor.  Don't know if that is true or not.

    I popped into my local car spares shops and asked for MADF cleaner they had this stuff: 


    Which seemed to do the trick for me.

    I think as long as its MAF cleaner and not some generic solvent you are good to go.  Good brands that I look out for are Liqui Moly or Wynn's 

    • Like 1
  3. The cycle industry went through a "carbon is fragile" phase about 15 years ago, now there are no concerns on its strength people just buy what ever fits their budget.  Carbon cycles are far more repairable than a aluminium alloy frame, sure many people can weld Alu but not many can heat treat it so usually Alu frames are scrapped.  The whole metal deforms while carbon shatters is also not an issue for cycles; carbon bikes will take much greater force before they eventually fail compared to a dent on an Alu frame and many times the bike should be not be ridden with the dent.  

    Not saying those concerns for road car wheels are not valid and I understand that a cycle frame and car wheel have totally different uses etc... Just that technology moves on and new stuff finds a way to make things better.


    @ramjet do you make them in correct size for an Evora?  If you need real world daily driver testing for them,  I'll happily test them out on my Evora! 😉 

  4. My understanding was that the paint needed to be fully cured before applying the PPF.  Time taken to fully cure depends on the type of paint and the environmental conditions.

    I think the "wait 1 week before apply PPF" is for when the paint system takes a while to fully cure and the car has been stored somewhere cold.

    On the flip side, if the paint curing has been accelerated by apply drying lamps and kept in dry warm storage etc ... I think you can apply it the next day.

    The bodyshop will be able to advice you better, they should know the paint products they are using and how they react etc... 


    • Like 1
  5. I used to use a sticky rubber pad on the dash. It’s made of some super sticky rubber compound that grips to the dash and the phone without using glue. 

    It gets a bit dusty after a while but you just run it under a tap and it’s clean. Let it air dry and it’s ready for use again. 

    I have use it for some very spirted driving and the phone has not gone sliding off yet…



    I now use a wireless car play adapter so the phone just stays in my pocket. 


    • Thanks 1
  6. yep agree with you there @eUKenGB.  Lotus could quite easily give a rough indication of what they are working on without having to commit themselves to hitting certain figures.

    eg "We are working on a mid sized saloon EV platform.  Aimed at the mid range price point to compete at BMW 4 series, Audi A4 etc level.  And we are looking to severely undercut what the current cars on the market weight.  We are aiming for sporty GT cruiser type of car, suitable for everyday use but still real essence of for the drivers when on a Sunday morning blast"

    That gives you an idea of what they are working on and if that appeals to you or not and you can decided if you want to hang on and wait for it.  It also doesn't commit them to producing a car that hits some specific figures eg if the car ends up costing £60K instead of £55K, its still in the ballpark and there wont be any black lash.

    • Like 2
  7. Well done to Max, apart from the slow start on the sprint race he drove a flawless race. Great to see him doing ballsy but fair overtakes, seems like he has learned and become better compared to last season. 

    Good to see Charles had the hunger for more than just 3rd and was pushing for that extra place even towards the end of the race.  Shame he made a mistake and dropped down so far.  But this what I want to see, drivers pushing as hard as they and taking a chance that something might happen and thinking with their hearts and not their heads! 

    Come on F1 2022 more of this please! 

    Also agree that Merc missed a trick with the strategy for Lewis.  Its happened a few times in the past when Merc find them selves mid table and taken the wrong decision or just played it safe and not ended up anything special.  Seems like they only know how to plan a race from the front.

  8. @mg4lotus, interesting question that I have no idea how to solve.  

    Generally speaking F1 rules do not allow surfaces to deform and change shape so I think option 1 might not be allowed.

    I wonder if the fix has to be mechanical rather than aerodynamic as per @EldonZ.  Possibly any aero solution just leads to porpoising again as it doesn't matter how the negative pressure underneath the car is relived wether its through your flap that opens or the under body air flow stalling.  Either option leads to the car producing  more and more downforce until a threshold point and then the downforce is reduced and then back to building downforce again and repeat.

    I am no aerodynamicist so that may all be totally incorrect, just thinking out around.

  9. 4 hours ago, TdM said:

    I'm also interested in knowing what the Contis and F1s are like on the Evora, I do hear that they are very good in general. One of those things where someone would have to bite the bullet and have a go.

    I guess most people either use their car as a daily so the Mich PS4S makes a lot more sense or a Sunday special car so use the Mich Cup2 as spec'd by Lotus.

    Contis and F1 are middle ground in between them.  Also I find Lotus customers tend to stick to OEM spec as Lotus are renowned for their chassis tuning more than others so don't want to ruin the world class handling.

    If the community want to club together and buy me set of tyres I'll happily test them out on my NA Evora 😉

    57 minutes ago, TdM said:

    PS5 doesn't replace the PS4S. I suspect there will be a PS5S at some point but might be a way away yet.

    Still need to read up fully on the PS5 but that was my understanding too.

  10. I don't know what it is about them but I am really liking Ferrari v2.0.  I have always respected them as they have such a deep history but when I got into F1 towards the end of the Schumacher days I was really not a fan due to some dirty tactics etc ... But I'm a big fan the current incarnation of Ferrari, very glad to see them back at top and doing so well.

    Fingers crossed Merc can figure their car out soon and have some upgrades.  It would be really good to turn that 2 way fight for the front into a 3 or 4 way fight.

    Similar for the McLaren too, looks like the track suited them today but I think the next few are slow speed corners and we may see them drop towards the back again.

    Overall I've been really enjoying F1 this season, seems like the new rules are working and the cars are able to follow better and there seems to be a lot more scrapping going on throughout the whole field! 

  11. Thanks guys for the feedback.   I'm going to recommend she does the service.  It will give peace of mind and keep the car in good condition.   She tends to keep cars for many years 10+ years so makes sense to look after it properly.

    The journeys she does are also lots of small journeys 5-10miles and from what I've been reading this is not good for the car and its oil and fluids so better to get some fresh stuff in there so its performing at its best.

  12. My Mum has asked if she should bother to get a service done on her 3 year old VW Polo with auto gearbox.  It was serviced this time last year and since then the car has done 1500 miles so she is thinking there is little point.

    I'm inclined to say for the sake of £200 and peace of mind get it done.  Will the oils and consumables happily last another year and perform well?

    Normally I prefer to go above and beyond what's recommended because I use my cars hard but this is a very lightly used car so I'm on the fence a little bit.  

    Wondering what you lot think .... 

  13. 7 hours ago, 92spicer said:

    (105db drive by, 92db static)

    I think you have that the wrong way round?  The static measurement is Sally taken at around 1m away from the car so is usually higher than the drive by limit where the microphones are on the side of the track so several metres away from the car.

    My NA car when with standard air box, sports box and 3rd car delete was ~98db static and on the edge for Bedford track.  I think you'll be fine with a 105db static limit.

  14. On 22/02/2022 at 21:39, pixelmix said:

    Does anyone run 265/35/R19 on the rear to fill the arches a bit better (both in diameter and width)?

    I have 10mm wider on the front from when Michelin PS4S were not available in correct width for the 18" wheels.

    I don't know if they are cosmetically any better but was told on here that a Lotus engineer said 10mm wider front or rear is not going to mess the handling up and is totally fine. 

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