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About tezzan

  • Birthday 22/02/1975

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    1984 Excel

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  1. Anyone else notice that lotusexcel.net seems to be down? I get a "509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" when I try to access it.
  2. Second Lotus spotted on my trip home today from up North, looked and sounded good as it buzzed past
  3. Spotted earlier today, looking very cool and restrained in the 50mph limit
  4. My Excel was the best drivers car for 2022 as usual, but I did get a chance to drive a few classics during the year and this one was really great fun:
  5. FYI: Hampshire County Council is seeking the views of residents about 20 mph limits within Hampshire Councillor Edward Heron, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Strategy, said: “We are keen to hear from as many residents, businesses and other stakeholders as possible, to find out their views on the implementation of 20mph limits in the context of other highways priorities and the County Council's statutory duties to maintain the highway in a safe condition within a limited budget. “The findings from the survey, together with data about use of the highway, speed enforcement, road safety and environmental impacts will be important in helping to shape future policy relating to 20mph speed limits in Hampshire and, in turn, future decision-making around 20mph speed limits.” The survey is available at: https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/transportschemes/20mph-speed-limits-consultation and should take just 15 minutes to complete. It is open until midnight on Monday 12 September 2022.
  6. I'm based on the South Coast near Romsey and the pics are from a number of shows - Port Solent, Departure Lounge, the Wallops and Hardley (we seem to have some eccentric names for villages around here btw).
  7. I've been to a few local car shows near me over the last few weeks and amidst the usual mire of MGBs, Minors and Escorts/Cortinas there has been a few heroes keeping the Lotus flag flying:
  8. We managed to snap this one at the time - note the admiring glances from the locals: You can tell them I was the one following in the noisy Corvette 🙂
  9. An M100 and a Sprint heading south on their way through Lyndhurst today. Both looking very cool in the sunny weather!
  10. It's things like this that give Lotus a bad name: Seen at Fleet services on M3. Serious footnote: My sympathies - I'd be gutted if it was mine, hope it's back on the road soon mate!
  11. SJ Sportscars? https://www.sjsportscars.com/parts-and-accessories/A132W2048F.htm
  12. I'd never even heard of a Sonicrafter until I read this post. Did some googling and just realised this is the power tool I've always promised myself. I immediately ordered one...
  13. Another IBM mainframe guy - brilliant! However - PL/1 is for wimps, cool guys use Assembler. But I think we can both look down on COBOL programmers....
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