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  • Name
    Tim Donovan
  • Car
    S1 Elise

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  1. Funny how as I've got older the idea of eternal life has less appeal. Like most kids the idea of a never ending life seemed great but as I passed 50 the realisation of mortality didn't hold any fears (not that I'm ready to shuffle off yet!). I've still got loads I'd like to do, lots of cars I'd like to own, lots of miles I'd like to sail and most of all see my kids carry on growing and developing until they achieve some sort of comfort and stability in their lives. What I'd really like is another 20 years or to have back the 20 years of my life I lost/wasted in one way or another (another story) but no good crying over spoilt milk, eh? All in all, like I suspect most on here, despite ups and downs, life's been pretty good and I have my health and more than many (perhaps most) materially. That's good enough and I wouldn't want to be greedy, outstay my welcome and lose what I have.
  2. Unfortunately tha reminds me that I have to do my 2008/09 returns
  3. Buffets/sandwiches Bibs. I've managed to get a round going (bloody difficult against well establshed alternatives). I want to get into supplying shops/kiosks etc from next spring (I live in South Devon so big need in the summer). After 30 years in sales I'd had enough so got out a couple of years ago. I found a nice cushy number sorting claims for an motor insurance company but they ran into problems last November and I was made redundant in March. Fortunately the roof over our heads is paid for and we have enough to cover basics. The business is basically just to give me pocket money. Harder than I thought it would be but finally cracking it.
  4. You're wonderfully, gloriously mad Frank!
  5. Sorry to hear about the car/armco interface Phil. I've run my car through the winter since buying it in 2005. I actually took delivery of the car in December so my early days with it were a wet Devon winter on old hard Pzeros. I soon learnt to be be very careful with the throttle. The car did have last winter off though, as I stripped and refurbed the suspension and I've been running on Toyo 888s since. I'm very wary of them in the cold and wet and I'll use either my van or the family hack in bad weather. No need to put the Elise away, just respect it and be sensible.
  6. I'm one very hapy bunny today Almost three months after starting a little business I finally got to see some money in my bank account. Not much money but its a start. I've also decided that there's no point in working over Christmas so I'm going to take about ten days hols. I'm also only just oiver three weeks away from my first track day since the beginning of September so another reason to smile.
  7. Tipper


    Yeo, just seen Olly on the telly. Doesn't look any the worst for wear (seen him look much worse!!).
  8. Tipper


    So Iran feels the need to get the eyes of the world on it over this sanctions business and pick up the crew of a yatch on a delivery trip. The skipper of the boat (Olly Smith) crewed for me when he was at Plymouth Uni. Hope the lads are all OK and will be home soon.
  9. Purple! Where have I seen that before The tub looks a bit squished around the steering rack front offside suspension mount? Edit: Just re-read your first post - Doh!
  10. Auberge, that's the one: cba to dig out my vinyl!
  11. Didn't Chris Rea have an album cover with his Lotus 7 on it? Anyway, the only album of those on the Telegraph list I'll own up to owning is Teenage Fanclub - Grandprix. I'll have to dig the turntable out, put a new arm and cartridge on it to listen to it again though. (Toddler/turntable interface incident).
  12. We've had rain of biblical proportions down in my part of the world today. I had been intending to just go for a drive but cba in monsoons. As you say Paul, 888s aren't fun on wet, muddy, leaf strewn roads. I keep saying I'll get something more suitablke for wet weather on the car but its easier to just grab the keys to anothe car and leave the Elise for more pleasant conditions. I might go out and start the old girl a little later just to get some warmth through it - it lives outside as do all our car (except the horse box!!). Has it been wetter than usual - don't know. Summer in Devon was a wash out as it has been for the past three years. The early Autumn was warm and dry but the past week has made up for it. The missus informs me that the menage has become a lake as she and the kids came in from playing with the horses this afternoon.
  13. A couple I'd add to the list are the Alfasud (if there are any good ones left - actually I know of one!), collectable and a classic? How about the Ferrari 308 GT4 - mid engine 2+2 (seen that somewhere else recently????!!) and the wedgy 70s style is starting to look cool (love the dash too). The Alfa 156 may become a classic for the sheer beauty of its design - every detail on it delights. S1 Eise and Exige are, of course, already modern classics. Maser 3200? The car that revived Maserati and a thing of beauty. BMW E30 M3. Porsche 964. Honda Integra.
  14. Llandow is a nice little circuit (just about 1 mile length). I should imagine it feels pretty tight in an Esprit: great fun in an Elise though with quicker cars getting round in about 47 seconds. There's another Lotus day in December (29th, cost
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