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Everything posted by boothy

  1. A quick heads up that this is this coming Wednesday and the weather is looking good! Hopefully see a few of you there from around 7pm
  2. Yep, sadly... She really did not like the XXS and wanted the babyzen as at first I thought both would fit. Sadly the babyzen won't go in the boot or even on the back seat with the car seat due to the size of the fold. ( it folds in the same style as the XXS). Most of the high end buggy's suffer the same way leaving things like the quinny (which neither of us like the look of) or umbrella strollers. All of which take up the boot, so for us the practicality of the XXS fold won out over the styling. We are getting a bolt on sunshade for taking it on holiday. My wife still complains every time we are out with it, women like to be seen with a cool buggy. In my mind if someone is looking at me thinking I have a crap buggy well they don't have an evora As I said before my little lad loves it too
  3. Why pack light when you can fill 70-80% of the boot plus the back seat? We would never get our stuff just on the back seat for a weekend away.
  4. While some other buggy's 'fit' in the boot you are left with no room to store anything else. Fine for a day out, pointless if like us you plan weekends away. i narrowed it down to the babyzen and the XXS, sadly the babyzen is just too big to fit so the only option is the XXS. Whilst aesthetically it was not our preference and it lacks any real sun shade it is the only option, so it's that or no weekends away... as for not being sturdy it does not feel sturdy but is actually really well engineered and is not falling apart, my little boy prefers it to being in his icandy peach3... I am guessing it's pretty comfy For us it boiled down to the fact that most of the time we are out in the BM so he's in the icandy, for the odd time we use the evora the XXS allows us to do any shopping or take luggage. My wife is a total pram snob but even she agrees it does the job we need it to perfectly. Oh oh and it's very light
  5. I'd be more interested to hear the car being driven away under load, I have tried to find some good exhaust videos but you tube is full of pointless revving the nuts off it videos. Cars always sound far better under load yet very few people actually seem to video it for some reason.
  6. Thanks guys, I'm convinced now I asked the the guys at the garage and they did not touch it. It's certainly a freaky feeling, I can only put it down to everything being cold. I normally reverse the car in but normally it's been out for a run first, this time when I arrived home they had dropped it off nose up the drive so it was just reverse off spin round and back on the drive. Next time I'll make sure it's nice and warm before reversing it back on the drive
  7. Well I have owned a few lotus's and had this one since last year and it's never done anything like this before
  8. I put the car in for an MOT today locally as I have not had time to get it done and would of liked it sorting for weekend. It failed as unknown to me the offside repeater had stopped working...Anyhow as it had been noted previously that my drop links were getting worn I asked them to look at it while it was in there and if they could get hold of some to sort it there and then. They could not get any locally so they checked them and advised they were worn but they have not been replaced.I have only just got home and the car was dropped off earlier so I went to put it in the garage and when its on anywhere near full lock the front end is slipping or jumping... I had noticed it mildly do this previously when pulling out of our street but never like this. It is quite alarming.It did not do it last week when I pulled it out of the garage so something is different now. I am going to phone first thing and see if they had removed the drop links to check them.Does this sound like something an incorrectly fitted drop link would cause? The garage has a pretty good rep locally but obviously no Lotus experience.I cannot see what they could of done on the MOT to cause it I have drop links on order but I think I will get PMS to fit them now... I figured it would not be a difficult job will it be safe enough to drive? It seems ok at normal speed as I gave it a quick blast up the street.
  9. Hmmm, I am not sure I get that, what if you do not have a sports racer, seems like a funny idea. To my eye they should flare to the edge of the rear arch, why have them parallel on a car that does not have a straight edge on it. If you look at the GTE they go to the edge of the arch, that's how I would have mine... In carbon... Yummy.
  10. The only thing I have noticed with the alloy Seloc ones is that they do not appear to come to the edge of the rear wheel arch, unless its a photo graphic illusion?
  11. A few pics from our rain swept meet, not a bad turnout though
  12. Look forward to seeing you Andy Hopefully Daniel will make it and if we get PAT there too that will be a three Esprit first
  13. I can't see that tbh but I would imagine the softwear will be linked to the mapping and doubt they would do a separate version for older cars given they want to sell new ones
  14. Well it's that time again, the next meet is next Wednesday the 5th and we have the B&C GTE confirmed
  15. Lotus used to do a metallic/pearl red that was bright red with a gold fleck in it. It looked similar to Ardent but with bright gold bursts in sunlight. I saw it on an S2 Exige S but cannot find any reference to what it may of been called on line but I do remember it was definitely an option but not very popular at the time. Also is there a reason I cannot see replies on this thread? It just shows bib's 0 view's, I am guessing I have clicked something?
  16. My car is in Oakmere on Thursday for a general check over. Whilst she's in I am having all gloss black badges on the rear for a bit of a stealth look ( I think they look great on the dark blue SR evoras ). Quite tempted by the union jacks too so watch this space I am not a fan of the no 'Lotus' at all look but I am a big fan of the OP's black on red. I am with AL all the way though, If I had bought new it would be a red SR all the way.
  17. Would be good to see three GTE's So far we have managed the Oakmere and Gav's but never at the same time... This month we have another limited edition evora, mine It's limited to one Boothy owner
  18. boothy

    Lotus Evora 400

    I want a race button!!!!
  19. Being lucky enough to have a friend (honest) with a GTE and being at close quarters with Oakmere's when it came to our local meet I can honestly say it is one of the prettiest cars I have seen. Everything just works and it's presence with the wider track and dished wheels is incredible. I also think the one piece grill in front of the windscreen is better than the mesh and the various carbon bits really add to the perceived expense of it. Whilst the 400 does look good there are certain angles it does not photograph well from (just like the first evora) and it can look a little bit like two new bumpers grafted onto the old car with a slight mismatch between the curves of the old car and angles of the new. However I will reserve judgment until I see it in the flesh but I am confident it will not look better than the GTE which just works in photos and flesh (even better in flesh). The issue is the GTE would not get through the regulations as a production car, god help if Gav ever comes across some wildlife on the road as it will be like an episode of 'game of thrones' with that carbon splitter. To mainstream produce it they would need to tame its looks and then it may not work as well...
  20. I will try to take a couple of photos tomorrow to post up I'm always interested in mods
  21. Are you talking about air filters on my seat thread Gav
  22. Hmmmm that does not sound like a job for the faint hearted and I wonder if you would ever get the thing to sit back correctly again. In fairness I will probably never notice but I like my cars to be in top top condition and intended on having any little bits and bobs put right. I am starting to wonder about these plastic repair guys like chips away being an option.
  23. Thanks Bibs, I spotted those. Sadly I doubt I would get those past the other half Hopefully recaro will sell spares if not I might see if they can be covered.
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