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  • Gold FFM

The eu is falling apart. It’s a broken model completely.

the mass immigration both legal and illegal is causing chaos in major towns and cities on mainland Europe. All of that not reported on the BBC.

@CHANGES you must know the BBC are just lying massively. It’s propaganda on a widespread scale. 

In some ways - I’d like to see another bloody referendum to put this whole sorry episode to bed once and for all. Out means out and let’s get cracking.

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"Always proud to be British. We will find a way. we will overcome. We always do."

Totally agree - v well written piece. Trade and pragmatism will always overcome. Lets talk UK up not down. BBC reporting is sloppy and no longer to be trusted.


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The BBC drags everything down with their unreliable, lazy and biased reporting.

Brexit and the NHS are just 2 of the prime ongoing examples and they got their just deserts with the Cliff Richard incident.

What really bugs me is that they used license & tax payers money to defend the indefensible, time to stop their unwarranted cash support and make them totally independent :angry:


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:scared::scared::scared:Just watched the BBC News at one - it started with an interview with one of our local MP's, Ben Bradshaw, stating that we are likely to run out of food, drugs, etc.. if we do not have another vote! :scared::scared::scared:

Perhaps he failed Geography at school or missed the day the pupils were taught about the rest of the world. I think he should take a look at the UK Pharmaceutical industry - it's quite big! 

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@C8RKH I hate it when you talk sense :P

Now, "the fishwife/old trout/ugly crankie/vicious witch" and Scotland having their own deal.................. go!

Blessed with the competence to be a slave to the incapable.

Currently without a Lotus, Evora 400 Hethel Edition in Racing Green with Red leather and 2010 Evora N/A in Laser Blue and 1983 Lotus Excel LC Narrow body in Ice Blue all sadly gone.

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3 hours ago, march said:

:scared::scared::scared:Just watched the BBC News at one - it started with an interview with one of our local MP's, Ben Bradshaw, stating that we are likely to run out of food, drugs, etc.. if we do not have another vote! :scared::scared::scared:

Perhaps he failed Geography at school or missed the day the pupils were taught about the rest of the world. I think he should take a look at the UK Pharmaceutical industry - it's quite big! 

Bigger question though is why the interviewer didn’t challenge him and ask him to explain how and why. :2guns:

Just don’t have any proper journalists these days and the BBC probably prompted the remarks in their so called “impartial” way :angry:

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  • Gold FFM

The major concern must be the power stations - these are owned by the French and Germans. No deal will probably mean all our power will go off.

at least we won’t have to listen to the shite the bbc spew out

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52 minutes ago, Barrykearley said:

The major concern must be the power stations - these are owned by the French and Germans. No deal will probably mean all our power will go off.

at least we won’t have to listen to the shite the bbc spew out

Nope. What it means Barry if the pound tanks is that Iberdrola, EDF and others see a massive cut in the dividend (rape of the UK energy consumer) that they are take out of the UK back to France, Spain and Germany.  You see, the pound tanking is good for our exports and the FTSE 100 where most of their earnings are in foreign currency.The opposite is therefore true for the European companies that export our cash!   Hahahahaha - oh how I feel so not sorry for them...

5 hours ago, Colin P said:

@C8RKH I hate it when you talk sense :P

Now, "the fishwife/old trout/ugly crankie/vicious witch" and Scotland having their own deal.................. go!

Now that is a whole new thread on its own Colin you naughty chap!  I've had a great lunch out and a couple of bottles of wine with ex colleagues tonight so not sure how coherent I will be.

The main difference with Scotland is that with Independence we have no currency of our own.  The rest of the UK (rUK) can allow us to keep on using the GBP, however, we will have no control over rUK fiscal policy so in essence we will still be, financially at the beck and call of the rUK or as Sturgeon knows it, Westminster and the BoE.  Doesn't matter that Salmond campaigned last time about it being "our pound", the fact is, it isn't and we can either have a formal currency union (agreed terms with the BoE and rUK) or an informal one where we choose to use the pound and have no say in the policy etc.  End of. Anything else spouted is, as we say in Scotland, pure pish (that by the way, is the best word in common use in the uk!).

Also, 75%+ of our exports are to England. So straight away we alienate our biggest market by far, far and far!  How clever is that and so much more dumb than anything Brexit.

Next, the argument will be, well, fook the rUK, an independent Scotland will just join the EU easy peasy.  Hah. What utter bollocks again.  The way Spain dealt with the Catalans with NO INTERVENTION or safeguarding of human rights shows just how likely it is that the EU will allow Scotland in. And all 27 EU states will need to say yes.  So, far, based on the last vote period, Belgium; Germany; Spain, Italy all gave a defacto "no chance" response.  Salmond said he had a letter from the EU saying "welcome" but that has been subsequently been found out, I believe in my humblest of knowledge, to be a fabricated lie. So Scotland will be outside of the EU and alienated from its neighbour who takes 75%+ of its exports.  Yes. that is really going to work.

So, I'll stop there as my wine is getting warm.  I'm all for Scotland having a clear and proud identity. But really, standing alone in a big world as a nation of 5m with a high proportion of work shy bastards who love free money and benefits?  Yeah, pure dead brilliant strategy that.  Don't get me wrong. The vast majority of people in Scotland are decent, hard working, entrepreneurial people. But they are paddling a canoe that is being slowed by a lot of dead weight.

Sorry. This is not a PC posting due to the time of day and a few glasses of wine.  However, i welcome an open and honest debate with anyone on this, but maybe needs a separate thread.

Scotland, not Yorkshire, is god's own country (closely challenged by the IoM that only loses out by its size). i truly believe that. It is a beautiful place full of great people.  But time has moved on and history is behind us.  Remember, it was a Scottish king on the throne of England that unified Britain.  It was a failed and over ambitious Scottish financial growth scheme (no, the Darian project not the Royal Bank of Scotland) that led to the political union of the parliaments.  It has served all the nations of Britain well through its history and I do not remember any of the countries involved (England, Scotland, Wales) complaining at the profits that flowed into their capitals and cities as a result of the plunder from the British Empire.

Right. Back to the bar. Priorities and all that..... :wine:

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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  • Gold FFM
8 hours ago, pete said:

With comments like that you could get a job with the bbc

Fed up with it all now. BBC, Media and political fools utterly full of shite. Let’s get out and crack on. 

Hopefully it will be the start of the end of the EU

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The BBC and other commentators seem to be deliberately misunderstanding how tariffs work.

All of the products which are supposedly going to be more expensive/in short supply, the UK simply has to set the tariff to zero. WTO rules allow this as long as it applies to all countries. 

Any products which we need to protect our own industry, set the tariff higher up to the WTO max. Simple.

Another point they deliberately ignore is the money raised by tariffs doesnt simply disappear. Its essentially a tax. It could for example be used for the NHS.

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I don't wish for the end of the EU. I'd like it to focus on building wealth in the region through the promotion of fair and economic trade.  Oh, that would be the common market.

The rest of the stuff that it has decided to interfere in is what I'd like to see end.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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1 hour ago, Barrykearley said:

I’d very much like to see the end of the EU parliament and all the hopeless, fat, overpaid slathered Eurocrats  

I agree. The Commissioners are worse and not elected by the people. The whole behemoth that is Brussels is because of this bloated structure. Get back to trade and get rid of these leeches.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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1 hour ago, C8RKH said:

I don't wish for the end of the EU. I'd like it to focus on building wealth in the region through the promotion of fair and economic trade.  Oh, that would be the common market.

The rest of the stuff that it has decided to interfere in is what I'd like to see end.

Exactly and thats how other such organisations are structured, namely NAFTA and ASEAN. None of the countries which are members of these would ever entertain anything like the loss of sovreignty of the EU.

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1 hour ago, Andyww said:

Exactly and thats how other such organisations are structured, namely NAFTA and ASEAN. None of the countries which are members of these would ever entertain anything like the loss of sovreignty of the EU.

Classic example of "scope creep" from the Head Office that has not been "checked".  It's funny but the UK is not alone in not liking the direction of the EU Government State.  Hungary and Poland will kick back and say No.  Switzerland has already said "sod off" to any more integration and has reined back.  The Scandics are uncomfortable but don't want to put their trade at risk so are staying on the fence.  If Italy goes too far right then they will revolt too.

The uncomfortable thing is that the EU needs the UK. In many cases it was the veto of the UK that has provided a check and balance to Brussels and it was the UK that has rallied allies in Poland, Hungary, Sweden and Norway to keep some of the more excessive moves from Brussels at bay.

Without the UK, there is the possibility that the fanatics in Brussels will seize an opportunity to push through closer integration and more central control which eventually will cause discontent and fallout in the EU.

So, whilst I fear the UK will get a sub optimal Brexit deal, the longer term fear is for the ability of the EU Federal State to survive the next 10 years without significant change and upheavel.

The loss of UK funding will hurt the developing economies in the East of Europe as the EU will have less to dole out.  Germany, France and Italy will be expected to plug the gap. Hmmmm. Interesting the next 10 years be will - as Yoda would say.


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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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