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August Bank Holiday BBQ......... :o)


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another reason i would like a new model, bigger boot :)

am cutting the wood into smaller pieces so i can put in a bin bag in the boot :vava:

oh well, better keep sawing :(

update : now then, just managed it before it went dark, 1 very full boot and footwell full of timber :(

Edited by Dodgy

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well another Top weekend of hooning in wales north and south and a great BBQ from our fave postie engineer ;)

I have a load of pics to upload, a story to tell including the fence, near fistie cuffs, an esprit with no coolant and a brand new braided clutch hose, a brilliant mr fix it postie engineer and a suberb pointer. I am knackered now and have to be up early to go to cambridge for the day (yah boo!).

PS if you are off hooning , make sure you have along Dodgy Dave..... the offical LEF pit crew car, because he carries everything in case of emergencies ;)

Here is a little taster hehehe

where has the fence panel gone ?? :wacko: ?? ;)


here it is.........Oooooops, its on fire ;)


Edited by Alex --GT3--
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I'm with you on that one Alex............Dodgy Dave really is a knight in shining armour.

Looks like you may have had an "interesting" Sunday evening ;)

Look forward to reading the full story.


Wing Commander Dibble DFC<br /><br />
North Midlands Esprit Group<br /><br />
NMEG "the formidable squadron"<br /><br />
"probably the most active Esprit group in the world" Andy Betts, Castle Combe May 2007

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Bank Holiday Sunday - part 1 : Hooning in North Wales with the formidable squadron.

We were all prepped and cleared for takeoff early at 08:15 hours from the Gingerbread man to head off for our interception with NWLOG (?) for bacon butties. It was a great drive up there with lots of great bends to chuck the esprit around in. Those running behind Simons GT3 were admiring the way his car stayed level in what ever corner he chucked it into due to his new suspension setup. On the way the only 1 close shave in the over taking front due to my turbo lag (ooops hsould have gone into second!) causinng angst then bemusement behind me. This was a feet repeated by howard on the way back (he certainly gave his pedal some pain to get his car past what he was overtaking. But then again formidable we are and our brows were not even sweating. After some bacon butties and ten mins of tyre kicking in the spa hotel car park we moved onto ironbridge. Its a place I have never been too and thought it was lovely to view on a sunny day. We made quite a parade as we drove throught the centre with lots of day tourists admiring the cars. One urchin called to his mate, I think the orange on at the back is a ferrari! The Yoof of today, uneducated Tsk Tsk. well I nearly stopped , cuffed his ear an an gave him a lecture on a british sports car ;)

If you go to ironbridge for the day go early becasue it looks like parking becomes a premium by 11.30, also none of the cafes and bars open until 12.00. Not good when we all had a thirst on ! I went for a pint of IPA and Sunday Carvery at the Tontine Pub which was good until a wasp decided it was his lunch. I told him to politely go away and buy his own but he wouldnt listen! So with a quick bit of Ninja skill I sliced him in half.

The lunchtime chatter was relaxing and most enjoyable. A few of the guys went for Ice creams and we strolled back to the motors to head off in our various directions. It was good to Meet with Ian and Dave for the first time. Here are some photos........







Bank Holiday Sunday - part 2: Fabulas Drive and Engine Coolant

Me and Dave (Dodgy) left ironbridge to head for Bedsomwherorother in South Wales. I decide to lead, we set our Sat navs to avoid heading for the M6 and off we went,... well nearly! My Navman F20 didnt seem to recognise when I was out of the car park and when it did it wanted to go in the opposite direction to Daves TomTom! So we had 5 mines of circling until we followed Daves out of IronBridge.

We went from Ironbridge to Much Wenlock, to Ludlow to Leominster by A and B roads, driving in perfect blue skies on Sunday afternoon. It was the best bit of the driving over the weekend, the number of other cars on the roads were minimal and we could hoon at at leisurely pace and give it a blat every so often. Fantastic roads for the Esprit :);) .

After Leominster we stopped at a little chef for a brew. Dave was begining to get some clutch drag on his S3, there was no space for play on his adjuster nut and so wondered if it was set wrong. The car engines were hot because of the hooning and hot day an so expansion in the automatic adjust was considered. I should let dave explain this better as he is more knowledgeable on the mechanics than me!

With us recharged we headed for Simons, onthe way down I thought about giving BigSi a call to see when he was arriving. Only thing was that I only though if it after we had passed Abergavenny. Doh :( A quick pause and double back saw us arrive to meet BigSi in the Bus car park in Abergavenny and we were ready to leave. The waved me passed to leave and so I followed my Sat Nav, we or I should say I went round a crazy double roundabout (on a side not there are millions of round abouts in wales! They have a thing for them) and eventually got in the right lane and exited to head for teh A40 as directed. off the round about i gave it some welly and about half a mile down I checked to see the guys were following and guess what, they had taken a different exit!! Double Doh ;) I called them on the hands free and they said they took the third exit of the 1st round about (mental note in reverse this becomes the 1st exit of the second of the double round abouts, nope, no mental note stored). This meant I had to drive 5 miles down the dual carriage way to get off and do a U-turn and head back. When I got back I then took the wrong turn again :crybaby: into a shed load of road works. I had to drive anothe mile before I could head back again.

Eventually I we all met up again. Sounds a bit like the cannon ball run this but without any sexy girls :wacko: in fast cars! Off we went by a better driving rout to Simons house. On route a warning light came on, crap it looks like a battery warning light, Oh No..... engine management light has come on. I flashed BigSi and pulled along side to say the car was breaking down. We pulled over and we diagnosed it as engine coolant low light. Time to let teh car cool a bit and have a look at how much water we got in the car. Not much..... Bugger. Fortunately both Dave and Si were carrying about 4 litres of water, so that all went in.

Alex: How much does this water system hold Dave?

Dave: Dont know, check your manual.


pause whilst reading.........

Alex: Holy Crap its takes 12 litres!!!

Alex looks under the car, water is puddling underneath. Mmmm not looking good. We decided to drive at slow pace because we were in a little town to find garage, they a I get a call from Simon350s telling me to pull over. His voice was fraught with tension and angst (could be because the french had just firmly botty smacked the welsh at rugby) but more likely he thought I was shagging my esprit in. I pulled over and sent the other two in search of more water. 100 yards round the corner was more water at a garage. Another litre and half went in, and nothing was coming out! We only had about 4 miles to go so it was onwards, driving gingerly to Simons to park up, have a beer and consider optons.

Due to the time being about 6-6.30 ish there was no point starting on fixing the car, added to that Simon350s had already had half a barrel a beer at the rugby match and so the only good thing we could was join him and get drunk ;)

And so began the evening of the BBQ...........

Edited by Alex --GT3--
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Bank Holiday Sunday - part 3: The BBQ

The BBQ / party had already starter when me, Dave and BigSi arrived. Time to unload the wood that me and Dave were carrying in our esprits. Danny, Simons house mate had invited some friends over (about 6 or 7 or them) and they were already boozing away. By the fire pit was plenty of wood (including some more lovely laminate flooring, if you have this in your house and it sets on fire , worry because it burns at first with jet flames and then at temperatures that can melt your eyeballs at 15 feet so if your whole floor goes up there wont be much in yer house left!) and so it we looked set for a good night ahead.

There was lots of beer, cider, wine, vodka, baileys, and sex on the beach to start with! Simon came home from the rugby, Roger and Sam turned up :) then Bibs and Laura :(, then Simons Mum and Dad and family including his little God Daughter ;) and tehn his mate Calvin who likes to party with the best of them :wacko:. A full house you could say. The BBQ was fired up and we made the bonfire and merryment was had by all. (sorry about the picture quality, but I used my phone)




you to watch out for this strange creature in the dim light !!


Sam and Laura were drinking Baileys slush puppies (naughty but nice :lol: ). Its becoming an official LEF WAG drink you know!



The guy in the pink shirt with the goatie turned out to be a hormonally challenged adolecent who cause agro.. more of that later.


Simon was a big flirt with his motor bike. He offered Sam something throbbing between her legs when Roger wasnt looking. You Bad Boy Simon :(

Here they are enjoying it!


I found a good quality poking stick in Simons garden..... no not that sort you smutty minded readers ;) but a quality curtain rail for poking the fire with. This turned out to be a LEF fire staff and who ever wielded it held power over the underlings before them (anyone got a picture of this??). It was also using this in combination with engine oil to set fire to the fence panel in situ. Bad Boy Mr Bibs :(

Simon: Bibs.. WTF are you doing???? :)

Bibs: GRRRRRR...Fire......GRRRRR :)

Simon: Shit, I need to put that out! ;)

It was quite funny to watch it take hold as Simon legged it in a pissed state to get a bowl of water. He came back and flung it in the directon of Bibs and the fence, completely missing both. The fire in the panel was beginning to really take hold with flames on both sides, We or I should say Simon because we were just the crowd enjoying the spectacle, had about 15 secs before it looked like going out of control. Simon came legging it back with another bowl of water. Disaster averted........ Phew simon could relax about the fence..... or could he.

Hheehhhe. Remember this man..bigfoot.jpg.... (the welsh sasquatch)

well it was rumoured that he was seen stalking around the broken fence panel.. and the next thing anyone knew anything, it was O .M .G. its on the fire. We dont have the eveidence to link these two events togehter apart from some very large footprints in the vicinity.

more beers flowed, and the cocktails move on to very wierd creations curtesy of Danny . Everyone grouped around the fire and Simons family and parent retreated to the comforts of the sofas inside. Some lovely chocolate buns baked by Bibs according to him, but pointing in the kitchen at the ingrediants and oven doesnt really count were shared amongst friends. I loves my chocolate cake and so thankyou to Laura for bringing them.( we even had enough for the next day too).

At was around this point that the young whipper snappers began to act like idiots chucking unopen cans onto the fire and so Simon had to read them the riot act and then eventually ask them to leave. This is where the inaugural LEF gang fight nearly took place. Bigfoot, I mean BigSi, Simon, Bibs, Roger, Simons Dad and Calvin headed out front to persuade them to get a taxi and leave for the benfit of their health. I stayed back in reserve in case bigger ammunition was needed, but also to protect the ladies and the remaining chocolate buns (I have my priorities you know). In the end these numpties saw sense and left. which menat we could drink into the small hours burning the last of the wood in peace. Only Dave and Simon saw the fire through to daybreak (Simon has the piccies for this), the rest of us flaked out by about 3 am.

Overall a great night and party with great friends.

The next morning arrives approx 8 am, my car needed fixing and my insides felt like I had a salmonella sandwich ;) . Not good. Several visits to the bog and I was passing broken cut glass crystal and there wasnt a chilled roll of Charmin Bog paper in the house. Not good :crybaby:

Roger and Sam left earlyish back to london, poor Sam had to drive because Roger was..... well.... probably still pissed! Great catching up with you guys and Sam thanks for listening to all my woes with a kind ear. The rest of the house surface about 11ish to to figure how do you fix an esprit with a coolant leak on a bank holiday monday!

Edited by Alex --GT3--
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First Class Alex.

It was brilliant to see you and everyone else.

Big shout to Simon as ALWAYS :respect: for the hospitality

Hopefully we can have a big do at ours when we finally move...

Remind me not to invite anyone with pink goatee, white linen ladyboy trousers and flip flops.

Take care all,

Rog and Sam

2009 World Singstar Champion

No I don't like the Europa, Evora or Exos.

"Like a cockmonkey with 3 cocks."


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Bank Holiday Sunday...now Monday part 4: Fixing the esprit.

Well once everyone had surface and used their regular hangover antedote to come round we started pondering the esprit and its problem.

The boot lid was popped and the guys started to rummage arouund the various cooling hoses to find the leak, but it wasnt immediately obvious, we were going to need to car up, the belly pan off and have a look.


But simons axel stands were currently holding his car up. Off to halfords to get to axel stands. First we had to decide who could drive their and we came down to me as I backed off the drinking earlier the night before than the other guys. Calvin offered to drive but his defence of " well I am sober for me" didnt look sound enough to hold up if he got stopped.

We purchased two 3 tonne axel stands, simon explained to the lady onthe till that they were needed for a charity event and had to be able to take mine and his weight on them as it was a sponsored stand on an axel stand event. She thought we were crazy. We did think of popping into bedland next door to find a suitable bed to jack up for a local group S & M session just for a laugh. You had to be there really to picture it.

Now before you start to do anything mechanical on an esprit you will need the following

1 stack of breeze blocks

1 worn wooden broom (complete)

1 piece of kitchen work top (adds extra height for the Jack)

1 suitable pointer (fully trained of course)

We had to find a way to get the boot lid higher, so the gas struts were disconnected and the boot lid was held high with a suitable restaining device. See below.


With the car jacked up, the panel off and more rummaging the problem was located to the top hose going into the water pump. As shown by bibs below.


The hose was on the metal pipe at an angle and looked like it had been that way for a while. The jubilee clip wasnt on properly either. It was difficult to get to an so simon needed more support to get into the engine bay to work and fiddle with more parts. Hence you need the blocks.

Simon worked his magic and got the hose reconnected but with a few huffs and puffs. I wish we had a sound recording because it went something like this.

Simon: I need a bigger tool.

Simon: the end wont go on, its a tight space......grunt

Dave: this shuld fit

Simon: get on you f***ing bitch

Alex: Dont disrespect my car, she aint no whore


Bibs: Stop shagging alex's esprit

Simon: Ahhh you f****** @!!![][@@@.....thats better its gripping now

Alex: There's only me who can talk to her like that

Dave: Is it tight yet?

Calvin: This converstion is going down hill

Alex: MMMmmmm Bacon butties are ready.

Simon: She's done and I have messed in my pants


Notice Dave, he thought he was going mining!! LOL

Simon, blasted the coolant level sensor clean as it was sticking from lots of crap in the system. Its going to need a full flush and refill with antifreeze. We ran the car for 30 min on tick over to get the engine hot and the water flowing round the system. No leaks :) so looked ok for going home.

Thanks to everyone who made this weekend so much fun :):respect:


Edited by Alex --GT3--
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I told you on Sunday that you really should let me show how these old fashioned map thingies work. Much better than this Sat Nav stuff sending you off in the wrong direction.

Perhaps we'd better make sure you don't lead one of the NMEG convoys...........could be tricky.

Glad to read the diatribe and pleased that the GT3 is on the mend..............just needs that wing putting back on now.


Wing Commander Dibble DFC<br /><br />
North Midlands Esprit Group<br /><br />
NMEG "the formidable squadron"<br /><br />
"probably the most active Esprit group in the world" Andy Betts, Castle Combe May 2007

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Cracking work Alex, very funny write up dude :respect:

Laura and I had a lovely time to thank you to Simon for your hospitality, you know how to throw a barbie! I didn't feel too bad Monday morning and was glad to add my expert advanced pointing skills to the fray and also test driving skillz! The clutch feels ace, good work Si :)

Let's do it again, soon :)

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Hows about twice in September?. Seemed a great Barby, once again the 7 hour drive sort of puts me off a little, still next time I shall join the fun and set fire to some of Simons garden as well! :respect:

And BIBS! What the smeg happened to your hair? Jeez! I leave you for a month or so and you turn into Geek City!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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A brilliant rendition of the weekend Alex :) It has given me a much needed smile on my face today :respect:

Thanks Simon for a great weekend :)

i have fabricated a new headlamp motor arm, just need to fit it now, and the clutch seems to be behaving its self now , after the newest adjustment :D

It was great to see everybody again and i hope to see you all soon


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Well not really a whole lot to add after that Alex...... you pretty much covered EVERY little detail....!!!! :blush:

Guess all thats left to do is add a load of photos...... :)


Me and me Ladies......!!!! (yum yum to all xx)



The Lovely Sam ralising that a motorbike is good for something..... :D:whistle: Roger your luck may be in on the bike front now mate......



Maybe the Green and Blue TOXIC flames and fumes were actually not coming from the laminate floor but were eminating from within the bowls of Bibs.....!!!!


The hoodlems..... shame the spoilt part of the night, but they were soon dispursed after ignoring a polite warning from myself, Dodgy was feeling...... umm.... well Dodgy about them so I politely informed them that the party was over for them and then suggested they leave with minimal fuss......

All but 2 did with one of them offering we 'Down da lane' several times for a 'wikid innit, whats your problem bro' fight......

Bless him, 19 and still a Tw*t....!!!!! Not entirely sure what he expected to achieve as I was probebly twice his size, BigSi was like even bigger, Bibbs GGGRRRRRRRDDDDD at them, Danny my housemate asked them to stop making him look like a knob ifont of his mates (felt really sorry for him as he didn't actually invite the ones causing the trouble)

Anyways, without blood shed (darn) he was despatched from the village.....

On with the Party :)


Alex & the LEF fire staff......!!! and ermmm...... not sure what you guys were up to Rog n Sam.....????



The happy couples....... :wub:


Cooky, Dad & Kelvin...... In that order.....


Bibs trying to light my fence...... :respect:


Bibs succeding in lighting my fence..... :):)

Chunky Lover

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  • Gold FFM

My tailgate never stays up by itself so would like to know what 'Part number' this wooden thingy is please?


Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Curtain rings on fire, quicky followed by Bibs tipping the curtain rail upwards so the burning rings would... well.... bur Alex I guess..... You Evil man Bibs.....


Bibs burning yet more of my fence....... :respect:


Gratuitous stunning fire pic..... :blush:


Bonding round the fire....


All got a bit too much for some....... :)


And then there were two.... Dodgy after a power knap... (got woken by snoring, who'd that be???) returned to the garden to await day break.......


Celebrating our success after an eventful and enjoyable evening..... :)



6:30AM The embers were raked out and were scorchio hot.....!!!!! Dodgy and me had to move back a couple of metres to stop from getting burned.... :)




Time to put it out and off to bed finally..... alost 7AM.......!!!! :)

Surfaced again at 11AM to start on the cars..... feeling suprisingly sober.....??? :wub:


Only photo of the days activities...... Dodgy's bum....... :D

Had a fab weekend, thanks again to all who came over..... those of you who have not yet made it, YOUR MISSING OUT LOL.... Kimbers.... no excuses next time....... :whistle: I'm coming over to yours TWICE next month.....!!!

Can't wait for the next one....

Thinking its gonna be a Bonfire Night BBQ. fire and fireworks...... :)

See you all then..

Simon xxxxx

Chunky Lover

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Great work Si,

I am surprised your camera managed to get that pic of me having a power nap??

I was in camo so your camera must have stealth capability?

I have added the following Alloy/Chrome Esprit Tailgate Extension Tool to my website now free to LEF members.


Great Night!!


2009 World Singstar Champion

No I don't like the Europa, Evora or Exos.

"Like a cockmonkey with 3 cocks."


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on a final note, the headlight pod motor arm snapped on me when i was at Simon's,


who as usual said ' take it off my car dude ' :thumbsup:

this time however, i declined his offer ( not a lot of his car left after BigSi's build :thumbsup:) and drove home with one pod working.

on Tuesday at work, i quickly made up a new one :whistle:

which i have just got around to fitting, and it works a treat :P


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Hmmm I'll have to remember your machining skills.

Presume its reinforced armour plating :thumbup:

Well done that man.


Wing Commander Dibble DFC<br /><br />
North Midlands Esprit Group<br /><br />
NMEG "the formidable squadron"<br /><br />
"probably the most active Esprit group in the world" Andy Betts, Castle Combe May 2007

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yeah, some poor bloke out in eye rack missing a vital bit of his tank and its holding up Dodgy's headlight

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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