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Boy racer challenges


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I've had my Esprit for a while now, and was wondering how often others get the 'Boy Racer Challenge?' Basically idiots wanting to prove there car is quicker than yours. I've had a couple from traffic lights so far, first one I was on the front of the queue at the lights and a Subaru Impreza was next to me. Now this was in the city, in a 40mph limit, but what did he do when the lights change, go off like a mad twat! :lol: I didn't rise to the occassion how ever tempting it might be, I find I don't need to prove how quick my Esprit will go, most people know it's quick, you only have to look at it to see that, and the badge has pedigree to the people who know there cars. I usually just pull away as normal, so I don't know who these people are really racing, or impressing, some chav girlfriend possibly?

I had it happen this evening, again at some lights in the city, this time an Evo 8. The guy just could help himself, he had to drop a cog and go past me as quick as he could, it's not like I even provoke these people. What is it about certain peoples reactions to the car that assumes I should be driving everywhere at 150mph because I have an Esprit? This isn't just limited to the dual carriageway or main roads, it's in inner city roads as well!

I didn't buy the car just to go fast in it, especially in the city, I bought it because it's a love affair that started some 30 years ago and hasn't gone away. I'm 41, I have a bit more common sense to know when I do and don't need to drive fast, especially proving to some 20 year old who doesn't know what a total idiot they are.

The general public, what a pain! :lol:


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We were all young once Owen :o

Have to say I love the odd traffic light grand prix (where it's safe and only up to the legal limit). Must admit that Mrs TT doesn't always appreciate it though...

One day I just might grow up :lol: :lol:

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Guest Troy Halliday

Erm ...... I get challenged almost everytime I go out in mine. Best thing to do is just maintain a constant speed, especialy when it comes to roundabouts and corners. Just watch their confusion as they leave the roundabout and find you disapeering into the distance. Then when you reach the next set of lights just poodle of the lights. They seem to get the message.

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Long ago I realized this is a no-win situation and it's best not to play the game. See, if they've got something seriously quick, either stock or with mods, you'll lose the "race" and give them plenty to brag about (and, today, maybe they'll have a video). However, if you win the "race", well, then they lost to an exotic car and that's nothing to be embarrassed about.

More importantly, street racing is often dangerous, proves nothing about driving ability, and risks getting the attention of the police.

More than my Esprit, however, my Audi S4 always gets the attention of boy racers. This was even more prevalent in 2001, when the blue high-intensity headlights were uncommon and attracted attention.

So, what I do is just drive normally in those situations. Besides, in the state of Washington, being convicted of street racing is a felony. Having a felony (or even certain misdemeanors) on one's record means that you are not allowed to own (and must surrender) certain types of toys.



All Cows Eat Grass

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Happens at least twice a month and I drive my car weekly. I actually tinted my windows so people could not see me ....that actually seems to have helped the situation a little...no eye contact seems to be a deterrent all by itself. There is nothing to prove...it's an Esprit and yes it is very fast!! LOL


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I get it every now and then. And it's always -- I mean always -- either a Honda Civic or a Ford Mustang. Every single time, without exception.

The first time it happened, the kid in the Civic revved his engine. I thought that was the equivalent of a wave. I didn't know it meant "wanna race?". So I revved back. Kind of a "hey, cool car" kind of rev. Next thing I knew I was getting my ass handed to me by a souped up Honda Civic. Okay. Fine with me. Not that I would have stood a chance had I actually tried! :lol:

Tony K. :)


Esprit S1s #355H & 454H

Esprit S2.2  #324J

1991 Esprit SE

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Never been challenged to a race but would be no point in responding as I would be bound to lose. The other night, kid in a car leant out of the passenger window and waved the rock star wave (first and little fingers) and made a "Yahoo" type of sound so I succumbed by showing off and taking it up to 7000 in 1st.

I must grow up. :cheers:

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Yeah I also get this. Had some lads in a pumped up Nova GTE overtake me on the A17 round a blind corner like they were proving a point or something?.

Don't get me wrong, I do occasionally play around but I agree with you all that it is usually through jealousy that they feel the need to do this. Lets face it, a standard Esprit GT3 is not going to beat a modified Subaru or an Evo 8 off the lines but they fact that they do this shows that they do appreciate the car on some level.

When I am around town, I just enjoy cruising and enjoying all the attention the car gets :cheers: . An Evo or a Subaru is just never gonna get this attention regardless of how fast it can go.

If James Bond wanted a car purely for speed and nothing else he would have chose something different to a Lotus. Lets face he, he wanted to look cool too!


1999 Lotus Esprit GT3

1985 Reliant Scimitar SS1 1600 though will be an 1800Ti upon completion (Currently in bits all over the garage and has been since 2004)

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used to get that with the fairlady, had all sorts, best kill ever was a new porsche turbo the guys face was priceless, had evo's etc with it also, after a while they stopped trying and left me be, they dont even try with the esprit, i usually hear comments like" nope i'd have no chance against that" just from its looks.

i had my dose of speed with the fairlady, dont want it again steady as she goes captain!!

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I encounter this quite a lot out here in Germany. Not so much in town, but usually on the Autobahn or in open country. Usually

1996 Esprit V8, 1998 Esprit V8 GT, 1999 Esprit S350 #002 (Esprit GT1 replica project), 1996 Esprit V8 GT1 (chassis 114-001), 1992 Lotus Omega (927E), 1999 Esprit V8SE, 1999 Esprit S350 #032, 1995 Esprit S4s, 1999 Esprit V8 GT (ex-5th Gear project), 1999 Esprit V8SE ('02 rear)

1999 S350 #002 Esprit GT1 replica

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Seldom get challenged in the esprit but frequently get muppet hassel in the Impreza!!!

The once in the esprit I was travelling along three lane carriageway in Warwickshire and an XKR came whipping up behind me so I moved over, so did he still beehind me about 6 foot off the bumper at 70ish. Decided I'd had enough and accelerated hard, he kept pace up to numerous bananas and then I decided to let off as I'd had enough he braked suddenly and violently falling rapidly away from the rear of my car. He pulled out and next to me, to my surprise it was a friend who'd recently become a test driver for Jag so pulled in at the next services to speak. When we looked at the front of his car I realised why he'd braked, mine was a carb turbo with stainless exhaust and when I let off at speed it had shot two 6 foot flames out and scorched the front bumper on his car. He did comment on how impressive it looked accerating away though!!!!

As I said above though the impreza is just a pain in the arse for this which is why I'm getting shot of it!!!

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Most of them are just petrol heads in the making who just wanna see a fast car go fast - as James says.

It's just like you coming across an Aston or a Lambo on the motorway - it's a bit of an event sometimes.

It's the dangerous people I don't like who will try anything to get past you - I let 99% poeple go now as it detracts from my enjoyment of driving.

I like to concentrate on my car and how it makes me feel as opposed to what some other chump is doing in my rearview.

I had a megane sport go past at what I assume was about 140mph (at a rough guess...it looked like it was going 2x my speed :cheers: )

I doubt many people (me included) are tallented enough to drive at that speed....at the end of the day a lot of it comes down to who has the most to lose and who has the bigger cohones.

If my style of driving which I enjoy is faster than the other person on the road so be it but it's my car and I drive it the way I want not how someone would pressure me into doing - could end up being a Lotus Lout :)

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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The question maybe should not be how often, as that is a given, rather by what? What is the most ridiculous challenging vehicle to come up to you to date?

For me it's a tos up between a 60's hippie painted Volkswagen bus or a Buick station wagon. There have been many others, but those two in particular stand foremost in memory.

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Just ignore them, Its not even worth the hassle.

Evo's and Scoobys (Subaru) are quick when modified but the Esprit is as quick and even quicker when modified.

You name a Subaru or Evo that will accelerate from 100 to top speed and bury you in the seat like its going from 0 - 60. They can't hence why we drive a class of car called Super Cars. Most these cars are for 0 -60 times duee to their gear ratios.

We do not need to drive like idiots in our Esprits nor do we need to stick stupid grills or bonnet scoops to make them faster. Never did like the drive through Halfords with a magnetic car look!!!!

Drive it as you enjoy it. If you do want to laugh and even see what this country has come to with hideous looking Boyracer cars go and visit www.barryboys.co.uk it'll entertain you for hours.


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I only drive mine on the weekends. I went five weeks in row with a kids in mustangs hopping me all the way to my driveway. One stopped me in my drive and asked me if I wanted to drag race. I said you bet, how does $5k sound. He said he didn't run for money just for bragging rights. I said why would I want to brag about out running a piece of shit Mustang.

I will play around on a vacant back road with my friends, but nothing serious.

The kids in the Civics kill me. They have the exhaust, the intake, the suspension and 400 lbs. of sub- woofers amps and boxes, neon lights ect.. They are so loaded the can barely get out of their own tracks.

There are a few kids with 11 sec. Mustangs with superchargers and spray. They are just timebombs. High performance cars and low performance drivers.



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I only drive mine on the weekends. I went five weeks in row with a kids in mustangs hopping me all the way to my driveway. One stopped me in my drive and asked me if I wanted to drag race. I said you bet, how does $5k sound. He said he didn't run for money just for bragging rights. I said why would I want to brag about out running a piece of shit Mustang.

I will play around on a vacant back road with my friends, but nothing serious.

The kids in the Civics kill me. They have the exhaust, the intake, the suspension and 400 lbs. of sub- woofers amps and boxes, neon lights ect.. They are so loaded the can barely get out of their own tracks.

There are a few kids with 11 sec. Mustangs with superchargers and spray. They are just timebombs. High performance cars and low performance drivers.




Are you in the Houston area or other?

Al "phonse" B.


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Owen, not all Evo drivers are idiots. Many of the members of MLR are dedicated petrol heads and thoroughly nice chaps - there are some of course!

Adam, actually an Evo VI gets an amazing amount of attention from onlookers, latter cars are not as good looking however imho

Waynef, you are right, I've got quite a nicely modified Evo, not one of the 600bhp monsters but a properly done fast road conversion. It's quicker off the line and faster on really tight country lanes. There is not much in it though and the Esprit is catching up by 80 and above it's off and gone. High speed corners are much more fun in the Esprit and easier to carry speed through. I do see lots of comments here about Esprit's not being able to match Evo's and some people are putting the Esprit down unnecessarily.

As others have said its not just the esprit though, this morning at about 5.45 I had an encounter with a young lad (looked about 15) in the Evo. First off he pulled out to overtake when I was already overtaking. Then when I went to overtake him he started swerving down the road to stop me - very strange behaviour. Still think I know where he lives so going to have a word with his parents at the weekend.

I think that unfortunately you have this all too often with any "nice" car these days.



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Couple of the funnier ones I've had in the Elise:

Traffic light grand prix - young Johnny in his civic with more power in the stereo than the engine. Lights are on red on a multi phase junction with about 2 more phases to go before our turn. I rev it & pop forward about 6 inches, he dumps the clutch & shoots forward whilst the lights are still red, realise whats happened & screeches to a halt after about 15 feet & starts to reverse back, lights then turn green & I poodle off whilst he's still going backwards :) After a few seconds he then goes past me at warp 12, straight through the speed camera trap 200 yds down the road.

Roundabout express - on a National Speed limit road Ayrton Chavboy in his grotbox attaches himself to my rear clam, downhill section approaching a roundabout, my chosen exit about 10:00, clear visability with nothing approaching so I enter the roundabout still at NSL speed & take my exit, look in my mirror to see Ayrton understeering across the roundabout in a cloud of foilage & dust.

Both rather childish, but a good laugh anyway :)

87 HC Turbo to Elise & now turned to the darkside with an AM Vantage
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I had one a while ago whilst in the Prelude, young lads in a Fiesta pulled up late at night up he bliped the engine and so did I, quick nod from us both, lights went and I left him standing at the lights. There was no one about and it was on a straight road. quite fun, but I'm not into street racing. Mind you, you do get some cocks in M3's round here

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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My favorite was an encounter with an 80's vintage Vette. He blew by me, then slowed back down to provoke me.. I just glanced and kept a steady pace. He took off. I pulled up the street into the parking lot of the store and low and behold Vette man is there. He was sweating like a whore in church, obviously his "vette" was devoid of A/C, and he says "Man, I thought those were faster than that". Of course I wanted to say I didn't even try, but I thought to myself, then said out loud. "Dude, you drive a Corvette, how many of those did I see today?" He just wiped the sweat from his face and gave me the finger. I got what I needed from the store and got in my Esprit, turned on the A/C and took the long way home! I saw 3 more corvettes on my drive home!

89 White Esprit SE

...a few little upgrades....

93 RX7.....Silverstone

....slightly modded...Muahaha...

New Addition:

1990 300ZX TT......Hmmm

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i say DONT rise to the occasion as its embarrasing to loose, to a 4 door family car LOL. especially a jap monster (evo/scoob), becuase on a normal road a 4wd clever electrics evo will eat a esprit of the line, maybe not later on but thats what traffic light grand prix is about. have a friend in a rx7 that ran 1.7 0-60 on a timed day LOL. on slicks and prepared track, but its a road car.

some crazy crazy things out there, but i prefer my looks and badge LOL, and dont really care anymore about being wasted by a metro.

Edited by karluk29


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I don't take challanges as I baby my S1's tranny .... but on the way to Limerock this guy in a big black SUV attaches himself to my rear bumber and does not let go. I am doing a hair above the speed limit but its a local road and i am not interested in breaking the law or hurting some poor person who wanders into the road.

As I am driving, I see on the GPS display that I am approaching a very tight left hand 180 bend in the road. So with hands firmly on the wheel, I take the turn without scrubbing speed, taking care to be sure not to do something to have the rear step out. Well, needless to say, Mr. SUV has to get on his brakes big time to avoid plowing into the guardrail. When he finally caught up with me, no doubt after a change of pants, he kept a respectable distance.

As for the Civics, just do what I do. When they pull up next to me and rev, I roll down the electric window and say in a loud calm voice... "Does you Mom know what you have done to her car?".... then I roll up my window and put my turn signal on then turn and drive away normally. Gets them hopping mad...expecially if their main squeeze was sitting next to them.


Dom Giangrasso

1977 S1 Esprit - Lagoon Blue

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You mean...

...like THIS:




'88 Excel SE - monaco white

'99 Elise 111 - azure blue �

'87 TurboEsprit - calypso red

'02 BMW 325ci convertible - diamond black



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i say DONT rise to the occasion as its embarrasing to loose, to a 4 door family car LOL. especially a jap monster (evo/scoob), becuase on a normal road a 4wd clever electrics evo will eat a esprit of the line, maybe not later on but thats what traffic light grand prix is about. have a friend in a rx7 that ran 1.7 0-60 on a timed day LOL. on slicks and prepared track, but its a road car.

some crazy crazy things out there, but i prefer my looks and badge LOL, and dont really care anymore about being wasted by a metro.

Best thing about that Karluk is that I have one of those very RX7's, 1.65 60 foot and 11.62second quarter mile, and it is a street car. I don't even mess around in the Esprit knowing full well I have the 7 in the garage to smash on most any car I come across!!! :huh:


89 White Esprit SE

...a few little upgrades....

93 RX7.....Silverstone

....slightly modded...Muahaha...

New Addition:

1990 300ZX TT......Hmmm

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