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Can't Sleep


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Welcome home big bloke! We were just talking about you on Sunday, I was showing compassion and concern, but Bibs was calling you rude names*

Take it easy for a while, do some fiddling with the shiny bits for your car rather than driving a gazzillion miles a week until you're tip-top again.


*This might not be true. :D

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Glad your feeling better mate. If your up at Mattys I only live 15 miles away so could meet up for a natter, a few pics, and mini hoon or you are always welcome at mine and Gina's for a brew.


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thanks guys.

i was surprised to be let home today to be honest but as it takes 4-6 weeks for the pneumonia to clear from the lungs after the infections have been treated i would be taking up un neccessary bed space as the medication can be taken at home, so no need to stay in any longer. i have got loads of nice shiny boxes of tablets to take but thats no bother, im just relieved i dont have to stick the nebuliser mask on my face again, two breaths of that and i was coughing for 15 mins a time it bloody hurt! and the gunk that came up.. yeuch!

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This probably won't make you feel any better but had to be ambulanced away from my office this afternoon with severe chest pains!!

According to the doctors I have pulled several muscles in my chest which seems odd due to the fact that

a/ I have no chest muscles

b/ The heaviest thing I move is my coffee cup.

Back home now but may have to go back tomorrow if my muscles have not relaxed to be stabbed with muscle relaxant which has made me instantly stressed.

Good news is all major bits are okay, heart lungs etc.

Pride is destroyed though due to the shame of departing work so publicly!!!!

Grrr and I was just starting to feel well for once.

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Hi Simon

Nice to hear you are back home from the hospital :D

We missed you this weekend :D

Take it easy Simon and see you another time !

(Ogenkide O karada kiotsuke te kudasai Simon san Ranbun nite ... )


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Hi Bigfella,

nice to hear you are back home and on the road to recovery. Doesnt sound at all pleasant what you have been experiencing (peeing blood and infected pee is suposed to burn like hell!). I hopefully get Ellie back from Chris Neils this week and have some free weekends coming up. I need an excuse to go and show the new exhaust off so I may swing down to Sheepland and pop in for a brew to catch up matey. I will drop you a PM once the Ellie is back home.

keep taking the tablets and say hello to Kelly and Cammy :D


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  • Gold FFM

Eh, Glad you're back with us again Si. Its not just you whos glad to see the back of the Hospital - I'd imagine the hospitals feeling the same - I've seen the portians you eat! I bet the hospital chief was cooking twice his usuial quota! - just kidding. Get well soon.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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thanks guys.

alex they stuck me on some wierd crap in hospital, now im back home im on amoxacillin and clarythromycin for a while just to shift the last rememnants of infection if its kicking around. the nebulasers were subasol or something like that in little bottles that you broke the top off then poured into the open neb then pumped oxygen into then breathed it all in.

anyway when the cars back by all means pop down.

ian thanks for giving me a call :D it was like a morgue in my ward.. no-one to talk to and the same view every day! so the phone calls, no matter how short were a welcome part of the day!.

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Gee Toby - bit of a scare there, anything to do with grabbing the chest would scare the willies out of me!

You need to take up more exercise :blink: like start smoking or something.

This medical advice is free...

Good to see you back online Si!


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Hi Si,

Good to hear you're on the mend. I've just got over a cold that lasted over two months which was bad enough and I hadn't got all your other problems to contend with. The biggest mistake I made was trying to soldier on, rather than give in to it. I should have taken a break and given my body chance to recover. Don't make the same mistake. Take it easy and don't try to be a hero. Remember - you're a man - you're not expected to tolerate illness!

Yes Alex, peeing blood burns like hell. I had the peeing blood thing when I was 18. I nearly passed out mid-flow with the pain and the shock. Imagine peeing razor blades and you're part way there. It made a great conversation piece at the rugby club that evening though, peeing from the high end of the urinal and watching all the heads turn one by one as a ribbon of red flowed past everyone! Everyone kept buying me drinks so I'd have go to the loo again :blink: (well what do you expect from rugby players!)

A shame you missed Stoneleigh Si. It was a good social event, but as a parts fair it was pretty disappointing. It's certainly not worth getting too upset about missing it.

Chin up old bean. See you soon (perhaps sooner),


More speed, less haste

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Cheers Iain,

Yeah not good, seem I've torn the muscles in my chest, no idea how but can't sit up for long or I feel like an elephant is stomping on me!!!

This is rubbish!!!

Reckon we should sponsor our own hospital ward, at least that way we could all sit round and chat together!!!

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You looked fine Sunday AM matey! (not as in mighty fine...you're tasty kinda thing.....I.....oh...I'll get me coat) :)


Glad to see you back about. My mom had pneumonia a while back and it's nasty.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Hi Si,

Good to hear you're on the mend. I've just got over a cold that lasted over two months which was bad enough and I hadn't got all your other problems to contend with. The biggest mistake I made was trying to soldier on, rather than give in to it. I should have taken a break and given my body chance to recover. Don't make the same mistake. Take it easy and don't try to be a hero. Remember - you're a man - you're not expected to tolerate illness!

Yes Alex, peeing blood burns like hell. I had the peeing blood thing when I was 18. I nearly passed out mid-flow with the pain and the shock. Imagine peeing razor blades and you're part way there. It made a great conversation piece at the rugby club that evening though, peeing from the high end of the urinal and watching all the heads turn one by one as a ribbon of red flowed past everyone! Everyone kept buying me drinks so I'd have go to the loo again :) (well what do you expect from rugby players!)

A shame you missed Stoneleigh Si. It was a good social event, but as a parts fair it was pretty disappointing. It's certainly not worth getting too upset about missing it.

Chin up old bean. See you soon (perhaps sooner),


That comment about rugby players had me pissing meself (pun not intended).

I too am glad to hear that you're on the mend though Si.

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thanks for the replys guys, im under orders so i cant do anything, the bathroom is almost finished so my brother is going to fit the sink and toilet etc. im not allowed to touch anything, bit fored really.

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You looked fine Sunday AM matey! (not as in mighty fine...you're tasty kinda thing.....I.....oh...I'll get me coat) :)


Glad to see you back about. My mom had pneumonia a while back and it's nasty.

Dude, your scaring me now!!! Yea felt fine on sunday, and ll day Monday and then all of a sudden bam, I'm clutchin my chest and almost face down on my desk with two Paramedics helpin to get o the ambulance!!!

Total rubbish, don't even know how I've done it!!!

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well this crappy chest still hasnt gone yet, had a bad coughing fit this morning felt like my lungs were pushing up my throat!! quite an interesting feeling really.

had a visit from punky and kev last night which was nice :lol: they got to see the state of the bathroom. well its almost finished just the celing to do and the coving, fit the mirror and the skirting and new door then its done.

so i have spent all yesterday and today finishing the special lighting for the bathroom and running the cables everywhere, lots of fun but not too tiring, so this afternoon i just have to run the pipes to the sink and toilet and wait for the plasterrer to call to fit the celing and skim it all.

anyway heres the current state of affairs.. oh and i mean state, it needs a tidy up




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Maybe a silly question, but why is there no ceiling when you have all the tiles on the wall?

I'm no expert, but I would have thought that it's easier to put the ceiling up, get it skimmed (if necessary) and painted before you get the tiles up. At least, that's what I had to do in my last house when my missus told a couple of mates (Mr Bodgit and Mr Scarper) to pull the ceiling down, when all she meant was to pull the 'orrible wooden slats that covered the ceiling down.

It was all my fault though, I was the one that broke the bath with a bottle of baby oil. It was my fault that the tiles all came off when the bath came out, and then the walls needed replastering.

And it was my fault when our friends misunderstood her meaning.

*grins* Ah well, we live and learn

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depends on the plasterers skills, the guy whos doing our ceiling is a master plasterer, and he will cover up everything and have it all taped up, the walls will be covered with a plastic sheeting and taped at the edges, hes a consumate professional we use him for all the plaster work we have had done in the house.

the reason the celing didnt go up first is due to having to build a stud wall at the back, i had to redo all the pipe work, heating, electrics etc so needed the ceiling open until the last minute.

also its better to fit the ceiling last due to not having the tiles but to the celing, as its a wet room the best thing is to put it on last , he will leave a 5mm gap all the way round the edge for movement from the joists, and then a coving will be placed around the edge, this allows for movement and flex in the celing, also from the room above, when its tight to the edge it causes small cracks in the plaster so the gap prevents this.

anyway i have finished the wiring finally, and i have done the pipe work to the sink and toilet, now a good tidy up ready for him to turn up!

Edited by bigsi
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  • Gold FFM

Don't know if you've spotted it Si, but just thought I'd mention it - same prob as me mate, Your never going to fit in that bath!

Edited by mayesprit

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Si the best thing for not sleeping is a chemical called Melatonin. Your brain produces this in order to help you sleep but its production can be interrupted by mood, diet, illness, stress etc. It is 100% natural, has no side effects and causes no drowsiness the following day. You can get from a GP but it would have to be a private script (cost me

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with the amount of mediaction i take every day i rattle as it is!! im on 28 tablets now and some are not very nice at all.

to be honest resting wasnt an option, it just wasnt going to happen as the work had to be done and finished so it was safe for us all, and im not paying someone to finish it when i can do the job right myself. not resting is unfortunately something i havent learned my lesson on, and i still dont accepot i cant do most things unless i try, then when i fail, i try harder, and then i usually hurt myself or manage to do it. thats the only way im going to see how far i can go and do things.

however the celing has now been done, once dry kellys going to paint it and i can then fit the lights into the celing. and then fit the new door. thats it all done and then i can rest, i wont have to do anything for quite some time... oh.,. forget that, there is something else i have to do.. bugger! then i can rest..

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