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Who know "ESPRITPHIL" on ebay? bad person!


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Last week I have bought 2 MICHELIN Tyes for my Esprit from ESPRITPHIL ON EBAY, this is the link:


I have paid them next day and he have confirmed that they are on the way, before to buy we have discussed via email if the total best price to Italy (request to consider that the tyres are old) and also I have requested if he can sell them without ebay so you save the ebay tax and I save money on the total, he have answer NO and also threatened me because I can't do these request..I don't know why however.......

Today I have seen my ebay feedback schedule (I USE EBAY ALSO FOR JOB) and I have seen a NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, the negative feedback is:

"Excesive bartering and attitude." that I have not very weell understand,

this was leave from this espritphil that certainly is a bad person because without reasons is very bad leave negative feedback expecially if one have good and many feedbacks....I have sent to this person a email and now I'm waiting the reply...

I hope that this guy is a Espritforum member so I want know if is happy to have a bad publicity!!!!!!

Thanks all for the support

Alessandro Sit

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To ask an e-bay seller to do the deal on the side and exclude e-bay is - IMHO - borderline unethical.

It's like using a realitor to find the house you are looking for and then contacting the owner and trying to do the deal directly - cutting the realitors out of the deal and saving commission.

I understand people do it all the time - but it just doesn't seem right to me. People used the e-bay service to advertise their wares and find the buyers, buyers use it to find the sellers, e-bay deserve something for that.

Nothing personal - just my opinion.

Edited by Quikr

Lou Senko

Austin, TX

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yes your opinion....but consider that ebay not have leave for he the negative feedback...espriphil have leave for me this, and why??? the problem is the negative feedback, I have bought,paid but the negative feedback is not ok!!!!!!!!!!!!! if I requested to conclude the transaction out of ebay, he can answer yes or no.....I also sell on ebay products for navigation sat, I usually conclude the transaction on ebay but if someone want out of ebay for save 3/4Eur I can accept or no.....but never leave a negative feedback without reason and after a payment!!!! I hope that the tyres are ok and good, after I will leave a feedback ( it will be good ::D)!!)

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Unfortunately a lot of scams are done by trying to get final payment transactions outside of the eBay environment.

This means most sellers (and buyers) won't do this as it looks deceptive (and it is to eBay), but more importantly it also is against eBay rules.

As a buyer it will not cost you anything to use eBay or Paypal hence the seller was defensive.

His rapid posting of negative feedback is a bit harsh though seeing as you have paid him for the goods (I assume you have paid him) and any negotiations were made before the listing ended.

I have noticed a trend with sellers giving feedback on eBay lately, in that they don't give you feedback until the buyer has.

If I bid on something, win it and then pay them, as the buyer that is my part of the deal done and feedback should be left straight away.

The seller then has to ship the goods and depending on how this is done and the condition of the goods reflects the feedback left by the buyer.

What is happening is that the seller waits until he gets feedback so that if they get a negative (even if there is a problem with the item or how the item was shiped) they can then give you a negative which is unfair.

Rant over.......


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yes but is very unfair post negative feedback without reason or only because I have requested he to conclude out of ebay!!!!!!...I HAVE BOUGHT AND PAID ON EBAY and he have give me a best price also on ebay to Italy incl. shipment....BUT the negative feedback is very un wait!!!!!!!!! I'm very very despleausure, because I have received this negative feedback without reason!!!! is very unfair

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Have you already contacted the seller and explained that you do not agree with his feedback and that you'd like him to change it? If so, what was his response?

If he hasn't yet replied are you sure that bad mouthing him on LEF is going to help your case?

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If you're not happy with the feedback he left you (and I assume you haven't left him feedback yet?) then ask him to withdraw his feedback comments (http://pages.ebay.co.uk/services/forum/mfwfaq.html). Bottom line you shouldn't ask to buy outside of eBay for your own protection, and I'm certain you've learned this!

Hope it all works out ....

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I think that the problems is not my request but the feedback....however I want only know if someone have already discussed with this espritphil

this is only the reason that I have opened this thread..



the feed back was left as we felt that you were unnessicarily agressive and slightly rude as you are being now. Also it is agains ebay policy to argue over price and suggest selling off ebay. If you send us another threatening message we will report you to ebay.""

THIS IS A DICK HEAD!!!!! ( or however as in Italian we say Testa di Cazzo")

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I hope that this guy is a Espritforum member so I want know if is happy to have a bad publicity!!!!!!

^ I think that is the reason you opened this thread.

Just so you know, bartering is where you try to get a discount on the price. He is saying that you did excessively, did you, honestly?

I would imagine that his reference to your attitude is that as your English isn't brilliant (although most certainly better than my Italian!) you can come across as abrupt in your postings here on LEF, perhaps he has the same impression.

You've just called him a dickhead too which is infact quiet rude, so they are right to leave you negative feedback if they feel that their experience with you has been a bad one.

I'll give this thread another 10 minutes to see what direction it takes and if I'm not happy it's gone.

For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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Or if that doesn't work, threaten to leave him negative feed back. He won't want that as he's got 100% positive feedback and looks like a Trader (18 more sets of tyres for sale), so may retract the negative feedback.

As mentioned, best policy with ebay is just play the game.

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Hi ,

I understand your frustration ,Ebay can be a right pain,but also very useful !

I have 1 negative in about 630 odd left for me now and it was a similar situation.

You learn by your mistakes!!!

You might not like the guy and he may have misinterpreted your translation for abruptness but I always back down in these situations now as on Ebay negative feedback really hurts.

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sounds like very good advice, try to resolve the situation

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I lived in Italy for a year and Italians are very emotional and Cazzo is heavily used as an expression of displeasure (though not to someones face!).

Yes, Alessandro seems abrupt but only as much as my poor Italian may seem abrupt to him. AND if you go anywhere in Italy you'll see people argueing.....at least thats what it looks like, but believe me they are just talking normally. Italians are extremely emotional and expressive people. Ask yourself this. Could any of you make yourself understood on an Italian forum and would you maybe come across badly? At least he's having a try here and his English is better than 99% of the UK's Italian!

What Alessandro is saying is quite correct, as a frequent "Bayer" it is unusual to give a negative, without some sort of discussion. Also he did the deal through E-Bay, paying through ebay so broke no rules. What he wanted to do, so it seems to me, is save both of them a little money by agreeing an outside deal. A simple no would have done.

One other thing to consider.

All us staid Englishmen freely accept the prices we pay for everything, from anywhere. Be it a shop or a market stall. Much of the sales in Italy are negotiated. Even down to buying car parts etc..." What? Thats far too expensive I'll give you X for it?" it's negotiation and Bartering, which Alessandro wouldn't have seen anything wrong with.

Be understanding before criticising.

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Seems as the quickest way to resolve this is by leaving espritphil negative feedback (this usually gets their attention) - he will then be more inclinded to mutually withdraw the negative he left you. I'm certain he also doesn't want his 100% feedback dinged. Sad part is, it's all probably a "lost in translation" issue.

Paddle Faster, I hear Banjos!
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Dear ALL

I want answer to all, and sorry me if I answer now but I was with my GT3 to my tyre assistants for do the allignment of the wheels (new AWI)......

However, I was no rude or have used bad word, I have requested only:

1) conclude out of ebay (for a less total price)

2) less the total price (that however was already good) from 155,25 to 150GBP..he have answered no

3) we have discussed also about the payment: I have requested the bank info because I prefer not use paypal or all credit card on internet (is not many secure), he said me that for secure he not send out the bank info, the payment can was only or paypal or credit card directly via email(most secure way)........after I have paid by paypal


I'm sure that I have used normal word and have used a good communication with this seller, however I repet: if someone want know our communication, tell me I will post all!!!




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good result for all I think, enjoy the car

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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I run all my auctions for ten days and welcome questions. If someone bids and

wins my item AND then asks questions about payment i would be furious and very

untrusting of the individual. The time to ask questions is while the listing is active

where the seller has a chance to say yes/no and then you can both move on, not when

you have won.

If someone chose to let my auction run it's (TEN DAY!!!) duration and ask no (0) questions,

but then when they win, to not pay and start asking if i'll sell outside of the ebay system,

in a non Ebay recommended way that offers me no comeback?

I relist the item, leave them negative feedback and report them to ebay for breaking

Ebay rules and raise the transaction as a despute. Have actually done this. its easy,

and Ebay removed the bad feedback from my account. I won't tolerate late payers

and post auction payment/postage/customs questions, it smacks of bad business and

is really infuriating..

The 'ask a question about payment method' option is there for just that.

You were lucky to have the feedback removed there my friend, as without

knowing you i'd have let it stay. Sorry!


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I've got to say there is no value in the buyer trying to circumvent eBay unless you're asking the seller to reduce the price by the amount saved. As Paul has said why would a seller do that? They have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

I feel you were wrong to post your disatisfaction here. You can hardly object to your feedback being affected when you were trying to play the system. If I was "Espritphil" and saw this thread I'd be very unhappy with you airing your views so publicly in this community when I feel the situation was of your own making. I, also, feel you have been lucky to have the feedback withdrawn.




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I run all my auctions for ten days and welcome questions. If someone bids and

wins my item AND then asks questions about payment i would be furious and very

untrusting of the individual. The time to ask questions is while the listing is active

where the seller has a chance to say yes/no and then you can both move on, not when

you have won.

If someone chose to let my auction run it's (TEN DAY!!!) duration and ask no (0) questions,

but then when they win, to not pay and start asking if i'll sell outside of the ebay system,

in a non Ebay recommended way that offers me no comeback?

I relist the item, leave them negative feedback and report them to ebay for breaking

Ebay rules and raise the transaction as a despute. Have actually done this. its easy,

and Ebay removed the bad feedback from my account. I won't tolerate late payers

and post auction payment/postage/customs questions, it smacks of bad business and

is really infuriating..

The 'ask a question about payment method' option is there for just that.

You were lucky to have the feedback removed there my friend, as without

knowing you i'd have let it stay. Sorry!


We have discussed about the transaction (price,payment way,terms...) only before win the auction!!!!!!

I have used ebay after the confirm of the final price and only for buy and immediatly for the payment (all for max 3min (conclude win the auction+payment)............the problem was after with the feedback....

However we have resolved the problems!!

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