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So, I have Cancer.


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For 3 weeks, coming up 4, I have been diagnosed with Cancer and am currently undergoing treatment while they liquify a part of me with a direct Chemotherapy treatment.

I haven't said anything, other than to my direct family (Bibbo included :) as he is, apparantly, my brother from a different mother), because I didn't want the fuss and don't want or need to dwell on it. It's one of those things!

However they tell me they may have to operate, in which case I will be missing for a while. Hence I thought I'd better explain just in case I go missing for a little while.

The most important reason I wanted to air this is because of where it is. I posted a thread recently about the 2000 guys a year who die because they are too embarrassed either to check themselves or have the sort of intrusive examinations it takes to diagnose.

If me relating my experience, no matter how graphic, can make one person, who reads this, find something and get it checked early, then I will have done my bit.

I must admit, I was embarrassed at first, however I find that after dropping my trousers for more women in 4 weeks than I have done in 44 years, I don't get embarrassed anymore.

Don't just look at the area's you hear about, check everywhere. If you find yourself urinating more or with poor flow then get your bladder and prostate checked.

Mine is extremely rare, but luckily the Norfolk and Norwich have one of the only specialists in the country on Penile Cancer. So I am lucky. The prognosis is good and, apart from the horrid treatment, I am still the normal me (whingeing moaning and being a pain in the ass!.....sort of like some of the checks I have been having...Arf!).

Please. Everyone. Check yourselves regularly and don't be scared to go see your doctor.

To those that have been encouraging me to talk about this, thanks for your support. It's appreciated.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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So sorry to hear of your diagnosis but glad to hear you are being treated by the best. I can certainly empathize as I was diagnosed with bladder cancer 6 years ago but fortunately so far, they caught it early and I've been cancer free since. Prayers for you and the family as you deal with this difficult situation but have faith and be positive! :thumbup:



1995 S4s

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:( routing for you mate, sounds like your in good hands.

Look after yourself.

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Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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Brave man to speak about this, sad to hear but glad its treatable. We all ignor this sort of thing, not a man thing to check, health is very important everyone should check not only this but for your testicles, lumps could be cancer also.

Well done mate, hope all goes well, best regards to your family.

Take care, Dave

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All the best mate, Its probably more awkward knowing what to write here and now than dropping your trousers to a doctor who has seen it all before.

My thoughts and best wishes are with you.

Twitter @radioRedwards

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thanks guys. Yes Rick. I've agonised over even mentioning it to anyone, but a certain member here knew and convinced me as he said, I have a lot of friends here who would like to know.

That said I think it even more important that people know more as it isn't talked about enough....I didn't even know you could get it there!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Well done for actually going to see a doctor, although I think had you resisted too much your wife may have provided you with encouragement. Secondly well done for posting, it's only by people realising there can be an issue and checking that people give themselves an option of treatment.

All the best for the treatment, beware the nurses, apparently some of them at the N&N may know about any bad habits you may have, almost as well as if they were married to you. :huh:

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So sorry to hear. Hope that everything goes well.

Best regards to You and your family.

Sissi & Jukka

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We've never met, but you do feel you know someone from what you read of them. As such can I say I admire your courage for sharing such a personal cancer.

Good luck and look forward to reading the post that says you're in remission..

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Sorry to hear, but well done for speaking up.


Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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  • Gold FFM

Kudos for speaking up Kimbers!

All the best to you and yours and wishing you all the best for your treatment.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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Hi Kimbers, just wanted to add my thanks for you bringing up what can be a subject that can be very personal & most of us would not like to talk about. If it helps only one person who reads this to seek medical advice & possibly early diagnosis it will have been worth it.

I hope the treatment goes well & send my best wishes to you & your family.

Regards, Phil.

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Stay strong T. Keep yer pecker up mate. Wishing you well and a full recovery :)

Caught between a rock and a hard place in a catch 22 situation, So its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Your damned if you do, but your damned if you don't so shut your cock!!!!!!!!!!!

Lotus Espirt Turbo S3    

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Welcome to the Cancer Club!! I was diagnosed with prostate cancer five years ago; the full diagnosis was T3a Gleason 9 no mo... briefly, it was caught just before it escaped from the confines of the prostate. I have had hormone therapy and radio therapy and a trans urethral resection of the prostate....Prof. Dearnaley at the Marsden threw everything and the kitchen sink at it. He tells me I am the World's Most Irradiated Man..... All of this seems to have done the trick so far; my six monthly reviews have been nothing but positive...but I am aware that my classification leaves me liable to the cursed thing cropping up again in the future. I hope your treatment goes as well as mine has...things are changing daily in cancer treatment and it's the sort of thing you can live with these days. Fingers crossed all round.....and I would reinforce your exhortation to get checked rather than ignore things.

Recent advertising, selling some magic potion to those who find they are urinating more often than they did, will cost many lives...as it will stop people from seeking professional medical help. Any chap over 55 ought to get a PSA check...the medicks don't like this as there are false positives from the blood test, and then there has to be further tests - which aren't much fun, but not too bad - after which you will KNOW ...at least you won't be happily en route to checking out through ignorance. Any changes anyone notices ought to be discussed with a GP....and you may have to be assertive to get something done.

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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Well done for speaking up on male health issues, its things like you and the Movember movement that are helping to save lives.

Good luck with the treatment.

PS aren't you supposed to go blind by fiddling with it to much??

All the best


Information about the disease LINK from Macmillan

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Ditto to all of the above Kimbers......................All the very best mate.

Edited by GordonMasson
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