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Another change?


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Last few days I've not been able to use the back (previous page) arrow to get back from a topic to the view new content page. Can hit view new content again and that works fine......just a change of habit as I've previously got the list and delved into the topics of interest and then "back" to the list. Back works within the topics selected if they run over a page, but only until it should re-display the new content list again - when absolutely nothing happens. Doesn't hang or lock, just doesn't do anything yet the button is still coloured active and not greyed out.

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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Firefox on a Mac and the back button works for me.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

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If you click the back button and hold it down a list of previous pages should appear.


What's in the list?


Works fine for me on my PC in IE


Edited by lrg_machine


Mean Green S4s

I think therefore I am - Descartes

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Well its working for me as well again now so I'm guessing Bibs has tweaked without tweeting...or maybe I just had a couple of blonde days.

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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If you click the back button and hold it down a list of previous pages should appear.


What's in the list?


Well it seems I'm in Ian's position...works sometimes, sometimes doesn't. Tried Jez's suggestion to see what was revealed by holding the back key. This was after I'd pressed back 3 or 4 times....but not all of the times suggeste by the list. Its also the first time I'd attempted to go back to the new content list on this visit having only read Matt's Christmas pressie post so far. Any ideas?


Interestingly I started a second instance of TLF to look something up before I made the last post....and that instance will go back on the new content page without issue. Shows this if the back key is held down:


Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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Same as this Mike - http://www.thelotusforums.com/forums/topic/54093-why-is-this/


The database doesn't know that you've pressed the back button, you just disappeared so it doesn't know what to deliver on your page. Back doesn't refresh, it just shows the previous page and what you want is an update 'view new content' page so the best way to navigate is to return to the top of the page each time and click 'view new content'.


Nothing's changed, as far as I'm aware it's always been this way. There is a setting on some browsers cache settings to either always used a cached page or to always look for a new page, perhaps a browser update has reset yours to the always use a cached page setting which is why you're seeing an out of date page with the back button.


Just thought, the alternative is to click 'refresh' once you've clicked back so that you pull a new version of the cached VNC page. That's a workaround which will work.

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You may be right...you always are obviously...but being a numpty I still need more convincing. If it was simply that it doesn't know where to go back to then how does it know when it does work? Why did it work when I read about Brian's retirement and pressed back but not when I read about Jake's Christmas pressie and pressed back? I dont see why any browser session parameters would change between times when I call up TLF since I dont make them, and as I say, it works using the back key more often than it doesn't. Also I dont really want to refresh after each message. If I use back (on the majority of times when its working) then I get back to the new content list but with the topics I've just viewed in grey, easy to see what's still there. If I refresh by pressing the new content button again, then quite often it just gives me the new content since the last time I pressed the new content button which means I miss all the posts I haven't yet read from the last time. I wonder if there's more of a clue in that list of repeated pages in the version that didn't work vs the simple short list in the version that did. Why/how would that list be populated with an address many many more times than the address was accessed or refreshed?

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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Mike, set it to 'content I've not read' and see how you get on with that.


And from the clever people at IPB...





Looking at that topic it only seems to be happening to a few members and I have not been able to reproduce this myself on your forum or ours unfortunately.

None of them seem to mention exactly what happens when they click the back button. Do they see any error, warning, blank page or is the back button just disabled so that they cannot click on it? When it happens could you ask one of them to copy and paste the full URL in the address bar please (after they have clicked the back button)

Many thanks,

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Thanks Bibs. Sorry its a pain, I'm sure I can work round it OK and I'll give the VNC change a go. But I still dont think its a setting issue - the nature of it working sometimes and not others is the major clue. In response to Alan's email, when it doesn't work, clicking the back button appears to make no difference at all, as if disabled. However, I return to my point about the difference in the lists displayed when holding down the back key as suggested by Jez - clearly seen in the pics I posted in post 8. The not working version appears to generate its own list of addresses that are all the same namely: http://ad-emea.doubleclick.net/adl/N484. You can observe that each click of back actually moves the highlight down one row in this list of repeated addresses. There is no other change. When the back click is working then that address is not in the list and it will have addresses like thelotusforums - mainindex. Again a back click moves the highlight down one row in the list, but this time to useful previously voewed pages so I get back to what I want. My conclusion, since the problem only happens to TLF and not LEC or SLOC or FFRR etc is that there is something in the TLF imoplementation that generates those spurious address under certain circs....but I dont know what those circs are.

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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From Tier II tech support...




I'm not sure I understand actually - it seems it's not that hitting Back is actually malfunctioning but rather that the page isn't changing when you do hit the Back button?

If that's the case, then it's likely a caching issue. When you click Back, browsers often times just re-load what they have in cache, which can result in Read topics showing as Unread.


Ryan Ashbrook
Tier II Technical Support

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That's a shame Bibs, I'm obviously p**s poor at explaining myself or they have me down for a complete numpty and cant be bothered to try!

I've just been on the site for about 20 mins or so. It is a "working" day. There was just over one page of results for VNC. I looked at 6 threads. Between each one I clicked the IE "back" arrow and was returned to the same VNC list, but with the subject I'd just read (and the previous ones I'd read) greyed out. Perfect! If I hold the IE "Back" arrow down I get a list of just three things despite all of the pages visited.As you can see, it knows that I am in this thread and that I have two pages of VNC to go back to.


Contrast this with a session where its not working. I cant make it happen at will so will have to revert to the old screen shot of the "Back" list the last time I captured a duff session. I have no idea what that repeated list of addresses refers to and it does not reflect my clicks for the session in either quantity or where I've been. Something (an error?) has generated/populated that list that has nothing to do with my session on TLF.


Understand what those addresses are and where they come from and I suspect a solution may be more forthcoming.

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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Doubleclick is the ad from googleads which runs on the news page, the square on on the top right of the page. I'm pretty sure I don't run googleads on the forums for members but will have a peek. 

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Yup....its just worked perfectly for me again tonight as well. I'm still not certain, cos it often worked before, but I think it would have gone wrong at some point today if it was going to. You done magic Bibbo? Many thanks.

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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Oh dear...untake that praise! Was on the forum this morning, no problems - all working as it should. Got called away and didn't get back to it until this evening. This morning's session was still active in my IE window in the last topic I'd read. I just scrolled to the top of the topic and clicked the VNC button. Then I looked at the first topic I was interested in and immediately couldn't get the back arrow click to work. Held the back arrow key click down and sure enough there was that fully populated list of ad addresses. Wasn't sure what to do, so killed IE and restarted it (subtle and sophisticated IT expert that I am!). Straight into TLF and clicked VNC. Back arrow working fine again. So there's still something screwy in there but a restart seems to cure it!

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this any better now? On another, non-related issue IPB told me that some files hadn't uploaded completely and some javascript was missing. They're now all uploaded correctly, perhaps that was the problem?

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