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Planning consultant


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  • Gold FFM

That's water pipes for the rad !!! Not another socket @Dan E - I've actually tested it all - as if anyone would ever energise without ?

3 hours ago, C8RKH said:

When do the chickens move in? They'll have the place looking classy in no time.

Next shed starts next week - by god it's huge this one - I'll pop up some pics 

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  • Gold FFM

It's two 10mm micro bore pipes taped together through a 1g dry liner. I now have the proper faceplates to go on this pipes now.

that spare wire - well that's a smoke detector - ain't fitting any of them until the dust has finished :lol:

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  • Gold FFM

I really have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do yet.......only time will tell.

theres other plans afoot - so there's too many variables presently 

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  • Gold FFM

Yup no problems in doing that. Application going in, if it already hasn't, for a decent sized garden plot to go with it and a double garage.

next plan for the barns up by the main house now in action and should be ready in a couple of weeks

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  • Gold FFM

We've already got consent for converting 2 of them. This is now a fall back position and we are going to put an application in for Demolishion of those and building two nice new units........

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  • Gold FFM

That mate looks like a dream job. 200m on your own is good going it even looks plumb ?. Assuming you got a bundle of traywork and SWA's to pull in. Make sure the tie wraps are evenly spaced or I am going to be on your case ! 

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  • Gold FFM

Tray and SY control cabling - and yes - the cableties will all be even, round the same way  - all of the cables will also be straight and dressed properly.

of course it's plumb - well as plumb as the roof is.......

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  • Gold FFM

Love a bit of SY nice and easy to dress,  honestly mate I would love doing a week on that job nice and clear site tube, tray and trunking , lovely. I am unfortunately doing a job for one of the banks ( NDA signed so can't name them) on the tightest programme ever, priced it to lose it then it came in. Haven't had a day off for 4 weeks got another 6 weeks to go and I am off on holiday first couple of weeks Aug so hoping the lads keep on top of it. 

There is chap there who always says about the programme, " well let's work backwards" I am like it really doesn't matter what way you work it will end up at the same point! We are just about on it but it's going to be close, very close. I am going to start doing chicken sheds looks like more fun ?

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  • Gold FFM

Even before the groundworks start - the hens are ordered. Then end date does not change!!! No matter what.

I enjoy them though but they are very hard work.

dunno how much longer I want to stay on the tools though - getting to the point I need a change again

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  • Gold FFM

I am very lucky, I rarely get on the tools these days but love it when I do, I don't know about you but I suffer with my hands cramping up these days. The problem is getting some decent young blood who can be arsed to get up and get stuck in. 

After half my head fell off I got rid of all the shit and have a few decent teams to do it, they stay because no matter what they get paid on time very month before anyone else including me. 

We should maybe change this to the Dan and Barry thread on the world of sparks in 2017 

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  • Gold FFM

i just suffer with constant aches - ffs - most of my work is cyclic and different from day to day - three days working with hands in the air getting 450m of conduit up and cable pulled. - then it'll be 5/6 days traying down both sides of the middle wall that isn't there yet and dragging best part of 6km of cable and cable tying......

must be easier ways to make money. I've considered paying other folks to do it - but finding anyone that wants to work is nearly impossible. The companies that do these chuck 5 or 6 blokes at a site like this - it's just me and my buddy and we do it just as fast ?

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  • Gold FFM

It took me years to get the team together I have been through so many especially apprentices. I now do open book with the subbies, we agree my margin any profit over and above that gets split 50/50. 


I work on you you make me money, you make money. I have tried every other way and it doesn't work. Only my opinion mate 

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  • Gold FFM

Pete, I wish that was true, we are a finishing trade which means you are at the end of the line getting paid. I kind of wish I was a hoarding contractor because you get paid at the start of the job when there is money in the job. 

It works like this and Mr K will back me up on this (again) first 10 application for payments get paid but any extras don't, you take the money because you have to due to cash flow, then you get to application 11 and they don't pay that because they have run out of money. So they say we will put it on the temp supplies on the next job, and it goes on. Be mindful that they keep 5% retention on each project when you work for the big boys 2.5% is paid on practical completion  then the other 2.5% in 36 months after that. Then they argue over the extras. 

Been there seen that and done that. I promise you it isn't an easy ride 

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  • Gold FFM
8 hours ago, Dan E said:

Pete, I wish that was true, we are a finishing trade which means you are at the end of the line getting paid. I kind of wish I was a hoarding contractor because you get paid at the start of the job when there is money in the job. 

It works like this and Mr K will back me up on this (again) first 10 application for payments get paid but any extras don't, you take the money because you have to due to cash flow, then you get to application 11 and they don't pay that because they have run out of money. So they say we will put it on the temp supplies on the next job, and it goes on. Be mindful that they keep 5% retention on each project when you work for the big boys 2.5% is paid on practical completion  then the other 2.5% in 36 months after that. Then they argue over the extras. 

Been there seen that and done that. I promise you it isn't an easy ride 

Yup - I don't work like that though - I'll leave those jobs to someone else. Most I ever wait is maybe 60 days for car dealership work. Being self employed I like the way I can pick and choose what to do. Most clients pay within days of invoice.

I have done a pub/Indian restaurant - never ever do one of those again - that place still isn't completed as he ran out of money - luckily I can smell desperation, lies and cash flow. So ditched out of that one at the right moment.

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get 30% with order, have 90% by the time i arrive on site and balance is paid on completion

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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