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Dan E

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Dan E last won the day on December 6 2020

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About Dan E

  • Birthday 11/01/1970

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    Evora GT410 Sport
  • Location
    Bickley Kent

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  1. Yes that is the button sir, try it, it definitely works on mine
  2. @Simon Bateman I got a new 330e Touring last week and I found if you push the set button on the steering wheel for about 3 or 4 secs it turn the speed limiter warning off, you do have to do it every time though which is bloody annoying. On the plus side it did do the 34 mile journey to the office today at an average of 86.7 mpg
  3. contact @Bibs he got my dampers in record time I think 3 days max but I think he gets them from the factory
  4. Dan E

    Art on TLF

    I need to get wife approval as i am under the thumb but I will let you know
  5. Dan E

    Art on TLF

    Bloody hell Kimbers, some of that stuff is amazing I particularly like the Banksy one. 😍
  6. Pending on MIL funeral arrangements myself and the Commander will be up for this
  7. Bestest colour 😍
  8. @pete had mine fitted about 8 months ago they worked for exactly 24 hours haven't worked since, still waiting for an Octopus engineer to come and have a look.
  9. that looks fantastic 😍
  10. Right then I am going to try it when the new car turns up then! I am on a mission to become like you Uncle Ian
  11. @C8RKH I use the limiter in the BMW pretty much daily but never cruise, no idea why! My new BMW which comes in about 6 weeks has radar cruise that all sounds terrifying to me, so no doubt I won't use that either 😃
  12. absolutely agree we have had 2 cars and 1 van that had self parking never used them, mainly because we couldn't work out how they worked. But then I have never used cruise control either! (or Race mode as no doubt @Bibs is about to point out)
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