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esprit gt3 nickbassett

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Status Updates posted by esprit gt3 nickbassett

  1. Hi, your name "xroyalnavy", I like it; I wish I'd thought of that for myself.  And another late Esprit, too!

  2. Hi Cliff & Caroline,  Nice to see you at Caistor Hall last weekend, although I don't think we got the chance to speak?  Would I be right (by deduction of everyone else accounted for) that you're the younger couple who were with John & Wendy at breakfast on Sunday?


    Nick & Karen Bassett.

    1. gghc87


      Not us you’ve got us muddled with some else . 😋

      We were in the white S4s 😎

    2. esprit gt3 nickbassett

      esprit gt3 nickbassett

      Oh yes, we parked next to you when we arrived on Friday evening!


  3. Hi Christopher,  It was nice to meet you lat Caistor Hall last weekend.  Very interesting to hear about your Lotus memorabilia and your memories of the Hethel site.

    Kind regards,

    Nick & Karen Bassett.

    1. kunstenaar


      Yes was good meeting you  too. Hope you had a good drive back. Maybe see yall again at another event.   - Christopher 

  4. Hi Henry,  It was nice to see you at Caistor Hall last weekend.  Don't think we had the chance to talk much, but hopefully perhaps another time.  Would really like to hear about owning a very early Esprit.

    Kind regards,

    Nick & Karen Bassett.

    1. skiing


      Hi Nick, Karen, great to meet you too. Very happy to answer any questions on owning an early Esprit - Mine has probably had more trials then most due to previous neglect...

      Where are you based? Henry

  5. Hi Marc,  It was good to meet you and your friend at Caistor Hall last weekend.  Hope you got back to Devon okay.

    Kind regards,

    Nick & Karen Bassett.

    1. march



      Yes dropped Mike back off in Kent and got back safely with no issues ( I always consider it a good trip if nothing goes wrong), it was a bit of a slog towards the end but managed it without having to stop. Hope you had an uneventful trip as well. It was nice to meet you both to and hopefully we can meet up again at some future event.

      Kind regards,


    2. esprit gt3 nickbassett

      esprit gt3 nickbassett

      I'll load up those photos I promised now...


      Photos won't load on to this platform/site, despite them only being 5MB each, one at a time, what's your email and I'll send them that way.

      Regards, Nick.

    3. march



      Messaged you with my email address - Thanks

  6. Hi John and Wendy.  It was nice to meet you both at Caistor Hall last weekend.  Hope you got back up to Scotland okay.

    Nick & Karen Bassett.

    1. johnpwalsh


      Hi Nick, it was indeed a pleasure. We eventually got home just after midnight following more hickups with the M100, it eventually went home via the AA , we used our membership to get it home as the owners didn't have it covered, and we took the owners back to Edinburgh. So all in all, LotusRescue had a busy weekend. Repaired three broken cars, repatriated one couple. Not too bad for having a weekend off. :censored:

      Lets just hope it's not another 10 years for the next one.

      Regards to Karen.

  7. Hi Kimbers, I know this is a bit late, but Karen & I wanted to say "Thanks" to you for helping to make us feel so welcome on our second ILD at Brooklands in May. It was a pleasure to meet you and we hope to see you again.  Thanks for remembering our names as well throughout the weekend.  It's a mystery to me how anyone can do that.  Finally as you know, I was desperate to meet your father at some point during the weekend; it meant so much to me.  So a massive "Thankyou" for your very kind introduction to him first of all on the Saturday evening.  What an amazing time and I hope all can be repeated next year!  Best wishes, Nick & Karen Bassett.

    1. Kimbers



      You are most welcome. It can be very daunting when you don't recognise anyone and having been around these guys and friends with them since 2005, I know pretty much everyone :) Next time I'm sure there will be lots of people you recognise.

      Frankly, you are my kind of people and "Our" kind of people (as in TLF). Not afraid to have a laugh and a drink and happy in just chatting with friends about stuff we all love. 

      Next time you are in Norfolk let me know!



  8. Thanks Bibs for a truly fantastic evening and day. It was absolute magic. (Just don't mention the *&^%$ safety brief £""!$).  I'll message Bazza and suggest perhaps "Remember: Safety Brief" be written somewhere on a form, or alternatively, instruct the stewards, as we enter the enclosure in the morning, to remind each of us, for the benefit of first-timers.  Was so looking forwards to that.  Can't wait till next year now. I think the date is a perfect time of the year. With a turnout like that it obviously suits hundreds of people without getting in the way of summertime clashes. And two (or three?) years of brilliant weather!  Met a lot of great people too, which is one thing I really loved ie chatting to people.  I wanted to ask if there's a way to search for members on the forum.  There doesn't seem to be.  I've found a few people, but others (like your Navy guy in the Evora on the banking) are elusive.  Thanks so much for having Mike Kimberley there.  Dream come true.  Overall, a million Thanks! (from Karen as well).

    1. Bibs


      Glad you enjoyed the day mate, great to hear. 

      In the search box at the top left, click in it and it'll expand with 'all content', click that and the bottom option is 'members' :)

      It was @DaveC72 you were speaking to on the banking :thumbup:

    2. DaveC72


      Thanks for the intro @Bibs.

      Nick - you've got a PM.

  9. Hi Dan, really nice to see you today and chat. Hope you got home ok. See you next year (or at Brands Hatch?!). Nick.

    1. dan chambers

      dan chambers

      Hi Nick, thank you, nice chatting you both too.  It`s what keeps me in Lotus ownership having good conversations with like minded people.  I was pleased to talk briefly to Mike Kimberley and Kimbers before they left yesterday.  I had no problems getting back.  I then took out my S3 out for a 50 mile blast.  Shame we didn`t win anything, Barry was keen on mine and wanted Guy to look at it but I was over in Brooklands so I think I missed out on a possible trophy.  Nevermind there will always be next year and you can do your parade laps!  A bit disappointing for us both but apart from that I had a great time.  I chatted to a few other guys I hadn`t met before, one with the red Exige in the field (Tim) and a nice chat with Barry who I hadn`t really spoken to before.  It`s surprising how long you can talk to someone when you thought you were just passing.  I`m looking forward to the concorde pics anyway.  I am planning to go to Brands, so hope to see you there.  Slightly off topic, speaking to Brian Angus a couple of years ago on the best cars to drive, he said the S3 and GT3 were two of his favourites.  Cheerio, Dan  

  10. Well done today. See you next year perhaps.

    1. purso


      Thanks Nick, thats nice of you, hopefully catch you up before then brands hatch or another meet :)

  11. Hi Mark, We were next to you today (the blue one). Good to meet you. Hope you had a good day. Neither of us took home a trophy... have to be next year!

    1. markw996


      It was good to see you too. Both myself and my father are a little sunburnt but had a really great day.

      I clearly have a lot of polishing left to do before next year :blush:


    2. esprit gt3 nickbassett

      esprit gt3 nickbassett

      Don't say that. It was your polishing that made me feel defeated as it was anyway! Me very sunburnt too.

  12. Well done, Andy. Truly deserved. Good to meet you today.

    1. Andyww


      Thanks, you too. See you next year although I will be in the field next time, once is enough!

    2. esprit gt3 nickbassett

      esprit gt3 nickbassett

      Wish someone in my own category would say that. LOL. Seriously though, your example is an inspiration. Thanks.

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