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Dan E

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Everything posted by Dan E

  1. Have you checked the glovebox??
  2. If you got a 7kw car charger that isn't going to help but should cut out when charged up so shouldnt be an issue, we charge ours about once a fortnight but then it doesn't go very far. The simple rule mate is if it has got a heating element its £££££ if its got a Motor ££ if it has got both then.................you end up killing all the Polar Bears, no pressure 😃 Totally agree with what @Bibs said, last time i looked they we not taking on anymore customers but I am definitely going to have another look at that. Top tip turn the hot tub off for a Month or get a smart meter and see what that says, for the record I don't have a smart meter because they can't get a signal on any network where my meter is which is all of 15miles from central london!! go figure.
  3. Computers cost absolutely nothing to run all that lot flat out wont be more than £15 a month, the aircon and hot tub however. Your bill is ridiculous, do you have electric heating or something, mind you you wont be using that at the moment . 3kw of A/c is going to cost you say 15p an hour so 24hrs solid is just over a oner a month. Something is wrong there my friend obvs all IMHO
  4. Dan E


    Oh man, I feel for you mate, met that little Mog on a fair few occasions!! She was super cute
  5. its like handing one of your children over, but decision has been made as you are being paid in sustenance I hope you fall over at some point
  6. I have got Sparkles coming down tomorrow for A service and carb rebuild, that's the happy bit, in a moment of madness I booked him a room in the local pub! This is going to get messy 😂
  7. @Greg | ValetPro this man I am sure will be able to help you out.
  8. @Bibs my son asked me when it was in the 40 degree range the other week, "does bibs fly his drone over his bed at night!" I suggested no, but thinking about it.................?.
  9. Wow this could be fun, It's hideous!! 😃
  10. perfect I already have a couple of cars with admiral. I will give them a call 🤩
  11. Dan E


    Brilliant, made me chuckle 😂 The thing is I can hear them bloody fox things, my neighbour has one and it is hideous as I walk past, so at least its not a waste of money because if I am ever in Hampshire with a shovel & have a weird, must dig a hole moment, I will pick someone else's garden!! I can deal with the holes its the fact they shit everywhere that does my head in! To be fair our Maine Coon chases them off if you let him out
  12. that is exactly what i heard, also I sometimes take his car if it is the easiest to get out in the morning (also because it is actually a right laugh to drive) so what happens then? What happened to the days of Swinton Insurance ring them up for your MK2 escort £300 smash it up next £350!! I think he is going to have to take this one on the chin to be honest.
  13. All, my son has his test in a month or so i thought I would have a look around last night about getting him some insurance should he pass. The car is a low insurance group Fiesta ST Line, the quotes are big money but obvs i understand the risk. I am really against him getting a black box as i know a few people who have had them and broken a few silly rules and their insurance went through the roof, one even had his insurance revoked!! Being realistic being 17 you're never going to stick to the speed limit 100% of the time but I have also warned him that he really needs to not get caught speeding (like his Dad does not @Bibs) and definitely doesn't want to hit anything, btw he is paying for the insurance not me, mainly because i bought the car and he needs to feel the joys of motoring. I am also not putting him mine or the missus insurance as he needs to build some NCD and I have 32 years no claims 😁 I have however put us both as named drivers So anyone had any luck with this, any suggestions or is a case he is going to have to suck this up and not hit anything thanks in advance Dan E
  14. There is a blue elise with @ silver stripes parked down there, you would think I would know the name of the road having lived around there 31 years but have no idea. 😃 Come to the next one, probably going to be after the holiday, or the stand around in the airport for 6hours then get a cab home, season
  15. Tony I was saying to @Bibs I am always seeing your car around but didn’t know who owned it. We will organise another one towards the end of summer
  16. That Alfa 😍. Thank you all for coming great morning good to catch up with you all again. Happy to arrange another one maybe end of summer. @chillidoggy I am having that S4S off of you at some point.
  17. I am with Uncle Ian in Salon Prive, you will be down the end away from the food due to flys that follow your car. See some thought has gone into this! Obvs this is hoping there is some food and parking spaces you're invited to the Wilderness Road Jubilee Street party. @Bibsthey might even let you in
  18. Late notice all i know, There is a classic car breakfast meeting at The Cockpit pub Royal Parade (link below)in Chislehurst this friday 8am until around 11am. I believe we have organised some free coffee and bacon sandwiches but who knows. The Cockpit is owned by a forum member Rick or as you will all know him that man with THE GREEN ELITE!! https://www.thecockpitchislehurst.co.uk Most of the Watford Exotics Franchise will be in attendance and a certain drone flying CEO (I have been told that is all i can say, because he is having trouble with some members of the press at the moment). Someone is going early friday to cone off the parking spaces. Before you ask the pub opens at 12 😃, this does come with a warning that Sparkles is staying locally So if anyone fancies coming to say hello please pop in! Dan E/Watford Exotics-Ignition Specialist
  19. Sparkles give me a shout if you struggle with the leads and plugs I can offer much advice!!
  20. If you think about it @pete its a stroke of genius fix the light fitting to the inside of door then it has a double use as both internal and external lighting depending on if it is shut or open, adding lightness and efficiency all in one go.
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