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Everything posted by madmezza

  1. Thanks everyone for the info, that's really useful. I'm off to see it on Saturday. I moved it into it's current place about 2 months ago, so I'll get it running again and see how it sounds. Then give Geoff at EE a call and see where we can go from there. At the very least, I'd love a last drive or two in it before it goes... And Filip, you had to go and say it didn't you 😀 I've got a Tesla and a Twizy now, and my son's just got himself a 1990 Golf Mk2, so the driveway is full to bursting. But I'm wondering if I can make a bit of space for a beautiful blue Esprit while I get it up and running...
  2. Hi All I haven't been on here for years, having parted with my last Lotus (Elise) in 2016, but I did have a beautiful '87 Esprit HC before that. My Dad bought himself an S4s coming on for 10 years ago now, but he developed rapidly progressing dimentia last year, and now we need to part with the car. It hasn't been moved for a month or two, doesn't have an MOT, and to be honest I'm not entirely sure what state it's in - will be getting a good look in the next week or two. So, I'm wondering is anyone has any advice on the best way to sell? Do I get it towed to a Lotus specialist (Geoff at Esprit Engineering, the one I used years ago, is fairly local) and fixed, MOTd and sold as a fully working car as I don't think it's a million miles away. Or, do I sell it as is for a price hit? Also, is there anywhere I can find a rough price that S4s's are selling for nowadays? This one's just about to tick over 100K miles iirc, and the laquer onthe paint is peeling in quite a few places, so it'll need a new paint job to look 100%, but other than that it *should* be in fairly good nick. Sorry if this is a bunch of daft questions that there's no real answers to, I'm just looking for any ideas on the best way to go with this. Thanks in advance!
  3. Here are a couple of Keith (yes, the name started as a joke but seems to have stuck!): Power by Madmezza (also @reikanphoto), on Flickr Keith II by Madmezza (also @reikanphoto), on Flickr
  4. Picked up yesterday. 140 miles done so far. Think I might have underestimated how much I'm going to drive this thing... it's mahoooosive fun! Keith II by Madmezza (also @reikanphoto), on Flickr
  5. Has anyone had any experience with trying to get the PIN from Lotus? After getting the Elise home yesterday I was sitting down with the manual and notice that you can't program extra fobs without the PIN, and that should be on a card with the car manual. However... the dealer has no idea where it is but reckons the number will be with Lotus, but I'm not so sure. I'm waiting for a response back, but I wondered if anyone has had to get the PIN again? Rich
  6. 85mm and my back was against the garage door I did manage to get a few out today - I'll post in a more appropriate section later.
  7. Here's a quick shot (didn't have much room - I was on the drive). Hope to get some better ones today. Keith the Rollerskate by Madmezza (also @reikanphoto), on Flickr
  8. Early indications are positive Picked "Keith the Rollerskate" up today (2006 Elise S). Very different driving experience to Yeti (87 Turbo Esprit that I used to own). The turbo used to kick in around 2000rpm, and you'd get a push all the way through to 6000ish but feel power drop towards the higher revs a little, whereas the Elise is definitely happier revving high and I have to get used to that change before a proper opinion. However, the "on rails" feel is still there. You can throw it around beautifully. It's bare inside and rattles in all the same ways as the 25 year old Esprit - its wonderful! Had to have the top of the drive dug up and replaced before I could get the damn thing down, but it's happily tucked away now. Oh, and being able to take the roof of is brilliant (can you tell it's my first convertible? )
  9. I need a photo first! It's coming though - picked it up today )))))))
  10. I know what you mean about loving black - I tend to spread out across the whole tonal range with more of an emphasis on the blacks for anything other than portraits. That 200/2 looks lovely! I've never used one, but I've got the 85/1.2 (I shoot Canon, mainly with 5D3 and 1D4 now) so I'll have to see what it can do. Thanks again for the inspiration, and definitely keep sharing. It's great to see such talent in the wash of mediocrity that photos on the internet have become. Rich
  11. Afraid not Phil - it went in December last year. To be honest, to someone who has a lot more time and money for it than I had. It looks beautiful now (I'm keeping in touch with the new owner who is an Esprit officianado and hads a JPS, had an Essex and has had various other bits and pieces too).
  12. Bibs.. Pics will be forthcoming. Theres just one thing I need... ... The bloody car! Tomorrow (or more precisely 11 hours 32 minutes. But who's counting? )
  13. I'm not sure if we're allowed to swear (I mean properly) in here, but that's is properly "not good" about the insurance. I'm gonna leave it there before I get arrested. Grrrrrr! Best wishes mate.
  14. Wow Andrew. Excellent images. As a "photographer" myself, I was planning on tinkering once I get my Elise (tomorrow... Can't wait!), and thought I might produce some moderately pleasing results, but you've just given me massive inspiration. Despite knowing my way around a camera (or 8 ), I'm not going to end up with shots anything like yours. Please keep sharing, I could look at these all night. I'm just about to go back through the thread again... Andrew - quick question... How many of the shallow DoF shots are purely the lens? Do you shoot with a 200/2 and 300/2.8 etc, or is most of the effect in Ps?
  15. Looks pretty sweet. Good to see that with new cars Lotus are still keeping the reputation.
  16. Evening all. I just wanted to say hello as a new Elise owner (just bought a 2006 Elise S, I pick it up on Wednesday hopefully, paid the deposit today). I'm stupidly excited! All I need to do is sort the drive out so I can get the car down it before Wednesday I have a quick question for you all - does anyone know if the 2006 Elise S has a cigarette lighter? I didn't look for it, but I'd like something to charge phone etc while in the car. Cheers, and I'll be around a bit now to bother you all. Rich
  17. Well, I went and did it. I'm now the proud owner of an Elise S Thanks for all your suggestions everyone - I spent hours researching around and would have been happy with either the S or a 111R but the more I think about it the more I think I'll be happier, safer and keep my license longer in the S. I'll be sticking around on the forum as I'm sure there's lots to learn. My Esprit knowledge built up quite a bit over my 6 years of ownership and I've got to start from the beginning again (ish) with the Elise. First question... Does the S have a cigarette lighter? Stupid really, I forgot to check, but it would be nice to charge my phone or use Sat Nav in there while plugged into the car for charging.
  18. Oh yeah. Quite different to the Esprit which I was expecting, but in a nice way. It feels very nimble, responsive - the steering is very sensitive too. Ridiculously low too! Both inside and outside. In quite a few ways I preferred it to the Esprit. I've always been more of a fan of smaller cars, and the Elise just feels lovely. I had Mr Salesman sat next to me so I'm excited to find out what they can really do once I actually own one, but it was brilliant fun today and wonderful to be back behind the wheel of a Lotus.
  19. Hey May! Been a few years hasn't it! You've still got yours then? Does anyone have an opinion on whether 15k is a sensible price for a 2006 Elise S with Air Con and 36k on the clock. It's from a main dealer, serviced in April, year MOT and warranty... I'm thinking 14 is better but I don't think I'll get them there. I love the car, but I don't want to pay over the odds and in reality I'm being a bit lazy and hoping that someone can say yay or nay as to whether I'm just being a twit paying that Thanks for any advice Rich
  20. Wow... I come back to the forum after 5 years and see this thread! It's been a while since we spoke Kimbers. Really sorry to hear about what you've been going through. Thoughts are with you mate, and all the very best for the treatment. Rich
  21. Cheers Darryl Useful info. I looked at the Exige S today (link above) and it certainly looks like a nice type of car - I'm really excited about the ideas of an Elise. The particular car I don't think is worth anything like the £16k they were asking, but I'm test driving it tomorrow (just so I can get a feel for one as I've never driven one before). I'll have a look at 111Rs now - I'll be honest, ive got some catching up to do on model types! I've been planning this for 6 months but the actual opportunity to actually get one has presented itself quite suddenly
  22. gt111 - my thoughts too - guide price (Parkers) is around £10-£11k but that's without aircon and with 60k miles instead of 36k. I guess those two would add maybe 3k to the price, so I'd be looking at paying maybe £14-£15k (the lower the better obviously!). But I haven't got down there yet...
  23. Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm more taken by the S2 shape, and my gut feeling is the Toyota engine will be less hassle. I'm off to have a look at this one today: http://www.westovergroup.co.uk/lotus/used-cars/view/533580/lotus-elise-s-acu as a first shot. I do have a question about stock ground clearance though... my drive is quite steep and it goes up from the kerb then down the drive so there's a hump in the middle. I have a Citroen C1 and a Zafira, both of which scrape their middle if there's any significant weight in the car. Interestingly, the Esprit never did (although it was bloody close) and I put that down to much harder suspension. It looks like the ground clearance for the Elise is about the same as the Esprit (around 6.5") and measuring the lowest point between the wheels on the Zafira I get a measurement of around 6.5". I don't suppose anyone's got an Elise and Esprit and can say whether the Elise is waaay lower in the middle than the Esprit? I'm having the drive redone, but it might be a few months for that, and I really don't want to dump £15k on a car then find it won't get down the drive!!! Cheers Rich
  24. Been a while, but I'm looking at an Elise to play with I love the idea of the car - I might love it or might hate it compared to the Esprit, but at least then I can get an Esprit again and truly appreciate it.
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