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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I made a list of the fixings when I removed my engine and did a running list for ordering new ones. I've attached it if it's of any use. Here's a screen shot of it: Esprit fixing schedule 2.xlsx
  2. Productive weekend: Turned the garage in to a spray booth and got some colour on the u/s of the tub Then started on the chassis finish with the textured chassis paint Paint looked so good that I decided to undo some previously poor work where the black arch finish had been crudely taken to the edge of the arch Should be folded in, I'll mask the yellow to follow the line and paint the arches later.
  3. Thanks Dan You may just be able to make out the captive threads welded to the inside. There is a cover plate which bolts from the outside....... it's pretty nasty. I'd not considered fitting one to the inside. I can see the reason why it's been done, I'm just annoyed that it was done so poorly. Thanks for the advice.
  4. So it's been 2 years since I took my S2 off the road for a quick engine out job to replace the manifold, timing belt and clutch.......... I've since discovered the phenomenon of 'scope creep'...... So this is where I'm up to: Chassis completely stripped...... Meanwhile, engine has been to Pete at PNM for a complete rebuild: full top end, bearings, liners etc Bought myself a blast cabinet and I've been amazed with the results So I've kept myself busy cleaning up the tub and the chassis; which was in excellent shape for a pre-galvanised unit. I opted for a product called Rust Encapsulator from a company called Buzzwelding, which will be finished with a product called Chassis in One which can be applied as a textured finish. It's a bit shiny so that will be gone over with a matt finish. Still need to come up with an idea to tidy up that hatchet job done by someone by cutting a hole in the bottom plate....... ideas welcomed. Refurbished radiator is ready for collection and I've treated it to a new grille, so having cleaned the tub, I've given it a quick blast to get rid of the stone chips and I'll re-do this area in body colour. Due to aforementioned scope creep, I missed having it ready for its 40th Birthday, having rolled off the production line on the 4th May 1979....... Wife kindly obliged with cake and party food So...... slow progress indeed and I really can't wait to have it back on the road but I'm enjoying doing it.
  5. Nothing missed.......... it just needed a bally good talking to!!!! As an aside, I urge you to invest in a blast cabinet........ soooooooo therapeutic...... 4 years of road crud and rust blasted away in seconds!!!
  6. Not having much joy removing stuff of late!! Pivot bolt will not budge, I've exposed the head behind the carpet and tried to turn it with little luck. As the wishbone moves up and down with no rotation in the bolt, I assume it's seized within the chassis sleeve so my next move would be to apply heat. Unless I'm missing something?
  7. Not a great pic, but you can just make out the pin facing towards the steering column.
  8. ah..... yes, my pin is in the other way.......... there may be trouble ahead!!
  9. Good ventilation and air circulation is better than heat. Warming the space can increase the surface condensation. Dehumidifying is a good option for sure.
  10. I'm replacing the brakes all round so the master cylinder is removed. I'll find a spanner to fit that bottom nut, they're not that tight. Shouldn't the threaded rod detach from the bar though? That's what's confusing me..........
  11. Replacing the servo and really struggling to remove the old unit. I've been turning the threaded connector to the brake pedal bar for ages and it's not detaching. Without that out of the way I can't access the nut below it. Plus I can't get a spanner around the bottom nut holding the servo to the bracket. Oh..... and to really cap it off, the pin connecting the bar to the brake pedal is fouled by the steering column........... and there was me thinking this would be easy.
  12. I've got the Wilwood setup ready to fit to mine. Glad to hear they're good.
  13. I decided to sink a few shillings in to bikes I like and that I consider to be near or at the bottom of their value....... so I've just added this to the Buell and the MV Agusta: Love this pic...... it looks filthy
  14. Can't complain about any of mine really. My 02 Elise was new as was my 05 Exige. Had 3 Esprit' the first being a 94 S4 commemorative which gave me no problems other than a cracked manifold which PNM sorted with little effort. I think the deal on my Sport 350 was decent, although it had an intermittent albeit persistent misfire which I left unchecked and I think that ultimately resulted in the weakening of a piston/pin and catastrophic engine failure, so I wish I'd had that sorted toot sweet....... I still dream about that car........ Current S2 has been as good as gold. Spending a small fortune on it now, but that's out of choice...... it needed a cam belt and a manifold but I decided to go the full hog once the engine was out. Once finished it'll still be worth more than I paid for it and it'll be lovely.
  15. A bit filthy if you ask me.......
  16. I've mentioned this to a few friends and thus far I've been met with bewilderment......... so I thought I'd seek counsel with more like minded.....errr...... mentalists...... Aaaaaanyway, my beautiful lemon yellow Lotus Esprit S2 rolled off the production line on the 4th May 1979, which makes it 40 on that date next year. I'm keen to celebrate the occasion and think a good road trip to somewhere iconic would be fitting and wondered if you knuckleheads would be so kind as to contribute ideas....... or incur my wrath. Ideas thus far: Nurburgring (done loads of times and a bit obvious...... but I do love the place) Le Mans 24hr (I'd have preferred the classic but it's biennial, so not next year) Trip to Hethel, maybe see if they'll let me photo my car outside the factory....... I could do this on the day in addition to a road trip Mugello MotoGP..... want to see Rossi there before he retires so maybe roll the two together? What say you?
  17. I've a friend who's practice is in Colchester
  18. OK, so having thought about it really hard, until my brain hurt, here's what I'm going to do. Chassis: chemical metal over the imperfections on the tubing and bottom flat plates. Could be time consuming but I'm in no rush. Finish will eventually be silver. Tub: give the tub in the engine bay a dusting of body colour. Obviously any oil and debris will stick out like a saw thumb so I'll give it a bit of clear coat to allow it to be wiped clean. wadayareckon homies?
  19. ah, good call on the chemical metal. The more I think about it, the more I think it's right to go down this route. After all I'm documenting the work so there's no intent to deceive, I just want as nice a finish as I can get. Thanks for your input chaps.
  20. Your chassis looks very nice and in fairness mine is in very good order for it's age. There are areas of rippling/pitting on the tubes which I think would look more obvious in silver, does yours have anything like that? There's not much so if I did go with silver the temptation would be to smooth these areas out with filler...... but I can't decide whether that's slightly deceitful or at least not honestly acknowledging the pitting whilst demonstrating the extent of it and just showing it for what it is. Thoughts?
  21. Chassis now cleaned and primed my attention turned to cleaning the wheel arches, which lead to cleaning the entire underside of the tub exposing what looks like the original pinky finish. The arches have been painted black and as you can see, there is no defined line, so I'll mask up and make a neater job. Question is, what to do with the rest of the tub in the engine bay? I don't want to paint it black as with the chassis it would all be black. Tempted to clean and leave it, but it's marked by stone chips etc. Any ideas?
  22. Given the quality of the cut and the panel, I would suggest it's post manufacture. Very useful but not very well done. Very early F4 750. Almost as pretty as the Esprit...... almost
  23. Looks like a pretty goosed water pump impeller
  24. Well...... progress is slow, thankfully my house refurb project is finished and an old XJ6 I've been working on has been dispatched to a specialist restorer as I've decided to concentrate on the Esprit. Head has been rebuilt by PNM. I was going to rebuild the engine myself but figured my time would be better spent tidying up the chassis, so I'm dropping it back off at PNM next week. Chassis has been fully de-greased, treated and primed. Check out Buzzweld products..... very good. Loose bits are being sent off for powdercoating. Chassis was/is in fantastic shape so I'm really pleased. Working my way to the front of the car and hoping to have everything cleaned, re-finished and together for when the engine returns. Very much enjoying the whole process, so I'll keep you posted.
  25. Daniel

    S2 For Sale

    Opted for a complete rebuild to standard spec with brake and suspension upgrades.
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