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1 hour ago, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

The decision to refer to YouTube for the speech may have more to do with Boris & Dominic than the BBC. With a break from tradition Downing Street decided to film it themselves for some reason, rather than invite one of the usual broadcasters to come in and then distribute the footage to the others.

I agree , and the break from tradition was a decision of number 10.  What i was referring to is, the national broadcaster of news for this nation decided not to feature the PM's speech in their main news slot..   It is irrelevant who recorded his speech they should have featured it.. It is a major national event and coverage should have had his speech included ...    They feature other news stories recorded by other sources , to miss this one out is just sour grapes ....  shows the bias is still there regardless..   

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4 minutes ago, 100th_Idiot said:

While the hostility remains on both sides we will never come together. Those that feel they won should be a little more tolerant and magnanimous. Those that feel they lost need to be a little more accepting.

This is so true ,  but is it not very apparent the losing side are making the biggest noise with none acceptance of democracy .   They even said celebrating the event last night was wrong ...  Is it wrong to celebrate democracy  , If so lets just rejoin the EU and become a puppet state  without a flag !!!!!...    The Brexit camp i feel have been quite candid in their approach to this in comparison the the  re-moan side.      But it all must end and start a new ...  time to move forward..   

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1 hour ago, 100th_Idiot said:

While the hostility remains on both sides we will never come together. Those that feel they won should be a little more tolerant and magnanimous. Those that feel they lost need to be a little more accepting.

Yeah right. After all the name calling and bullshit we've had to put up with coming from some amazingly arrogant, intolerent, and down right nasty remainers?  Brilliant. Just think where the majority of the hostility has come from and where it is still coming from now? Protests continue. Even childish stunts like defacing 50p coins etc. The hostility will remain until those that lost finally accept the decision and just move on.


38 minutes ago, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

One point to remember about losing a General Election, there’s always another one coming along maximum 5 years later, so you always get another bite of the cherry. Not so with a referendum.


What utter nonsense.  We can have a referendum any time we want. Just look at what is happening in Scotland. Indyref supporters did not win so they moan like fook ever since and eventually we'll get another referendum. Guess what. When they lose that one, we'll get another one whilst our schools, police, fire service, NHS etc all decline through lack of attention.


My point is. Stop griping, bitching and moaning about the fact you lost. What we now need to do is to focus on how we make a success of it. Exactly the opposite of what is happening in Scotland right now so let's learn from that fook up? Or, let's all just continue to bitch, moan and whinge about something that is done. That's all I'm saying.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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1 hour ago, CHANGES said:

This is so true ,  but is it not very apparent the losing side are making the biggest noise with none acceptance of democracy .   They even said celebrating the event last night was wrong ...  Is it wrong to celebrate democracy  , If so lets just rejoin the EU and become a puppet state  without a flag !!!!!...    The Brexit camp i feel have been quite candid in their approach to this in comparison the the  re-moan side.      But it all must end and start a new ...  time to move forward..   

So just let them shout and stamp their feet. Does it really bother you that much what a small minority say (I don't mean all those intelligent well intentioned people that voted remain). There is a small group that will hold banners and never accept. Ignore them. Get on with life. Welcome the remain voters that accept the decision including those that will have a different view to yours on what the end deal should look like. Have a civilised debate on the future. Move on.


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4 hours ago, Chillidoggy said:

The situation here:-

  1. The sun’s shining in Margate.
  2. The birds are singing.
  3. One of my jalapeños has sprouted.
  4. I have a teensy-weensy hangover from last nights Brexit party.

no mention of a lotus

is one of the above a euphenism

Edited by pete

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM
15 minutes ago, gregs24 said:

We are where we are as a result of a democratic event. It would have been nicer if the result had been more clear cut rather than pretty much 50:50 which is why we have had so much antagonistic bullshit posted here and many other places. Half those who voted are upset and half are happy pretty much

By the simple terms of democracy - it was clear cut. A win for leave.

its like a football result really - the score at the end is what it is

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19 minutes ago, gregs24 said:

We are where we are as a result of a democratic event. It would have been nicer if the result had been more clear cut rather than pretty much 50:50 which is why we have had so much antagonistic bullshit posted here and many other places. Half those who voted are upset and half are happy pretty much.

52% against 48% is not 50/50  .....   their is a clear victory of 4%

8 minutes ago, Barrykearley said:

its like a football result really - the score at the end is what it is

In Barry's world of football results ,  the brexit leave team scored 1,268,831  goals more ....  i think that is quite definitive in anybody book...      In F1 you can win by fractions of a second , but its still a win..   People may not like losing , but need to suck it up and get on with life ...   That's how you become a winner .... not a winger....   

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48 minutes ago, gregs24 said:

Referring to people as 'remoaners' is deeply insensitive and a pointless cheap shot

Really, well how about Remainers referring to Leavers as:







In the face of all of that shit you think "remoaner" is deeply insensitive. Wow. Really?  I do think that people really do need to think back about the bile that has been thrown at leavers by those who wanted to remain.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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35 minutes ago, Barrykearley said:

By the simple terms of democracy - it was clear cut. A win for leave.

its like a football result really - the score at the end is what it is


9 minutes ago, CHANGES said:

52% against 48% is not 50/50  .....   their is a clear victory of 4%

In Barry's world of football results ,  the brexit leave team scored 1,268,831  goals more ....  i think that is quite definitive in anybody book...      In F1 you can win by fractions of a second , but its still a win..   People may not like losing , but need to suck it up and get on with life ...   That's how you become a winner .... not a winger....   

I understand the maths but a 2% swing is all that is required and that means a lot of people will be unhappy. In a general election if there was only a 2% swing required it would be a marginal seat.

Unfortunately the perception of 'winning' and 'losing' in the referendum will mean little to the realities of the impacts the changes will have on people. If you voted leave and 'won' the reality is that the impact on your life will be partly positive and partly negative in a proportion that is impossible to determine at present. 

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  • Gold FFM
1 hour ago, C8RKH said:

Really, well how about Remainers referring to Leavers as:







In the face of all of that shit you think "remoaner" is deeply insensitive. Wow. Really?  I do think that people really do need to think back about the bile that has been thrown at leavers by those who wanted to remain.

Oh stop - you’ll make some of us blush ☺️

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3 hours ago, gregs24 said:


Unfortunately the perception of 'winning' and 'losing' in the referendum will mean little to the realities of the impacts the changes will have on people. If you voted leave and 'won' the reality is that the impact on your life will be partly positive and partly negative in a proportion that is impossible to determine at present. 

Once again you are correct...... But ...  The brexit people will be going forward with optimism and positive focus,  when they hit a bump in the road they will say ,  that is something to deal with then move on...   The re-moaners   (that is those who still don't except the result)  will be going forward with negativity , blaming everything on brexit regardless...   They can not change the result but they can ruin their lives by letting it eat them up with despondency ..   You are what you focus on ..  

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3 hours ago, gregs24 said:

If you had read my post, I specifically said that there were similarly unhelpful terms used to describe brexiteers. Competing as to who used the worst terms is ludicrous. 

I had read your post and I actually agreed with a lot of it. The bit I took exception too was your point about the particular term you referenced being deeply insensitive given the terms used against leavers. I struggled to see that point and still do.

The main issue for me is that certain people in the Remain camp are just refusing to accept the result and they continue to moan about it. Incessantly. 

@CHANGES is spot on. It is time for us ALL to respect the decision and move on together in a positive manner to make the best of it. If we do, then we have a good chance of succeeding. The reason we are where we are now is that people have bitterly fought against the result for 3 years. We have had a myriad of underhand tactics to try to reverse it. We have had three years of our negotiating position being undermined and during that time of discourse internally the EU has responded by mocking us, bullying us and trying to subvert our democratic right.

They succeeded in overturning key referendums in Ireland and the Netherlands but somehow, we battled through and we achieved our goal. With absolutely no thanks to Remain.

So please do forgive me when I say enough is enough. Stop undermining the country's position. Stop talking us down. And get behind making a success of it 

But if you really do feel that the term Remoaner in the face of all of this is deeply insensitive then thank your lucky stars you weren't on the Leave side. Your sensitivities would have been shredded.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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6 hours ago, oilmagnet477 said:

£6.99 for a 50p piece!

Who makes them? Porsche perhaps....

More like the Labour mint :D 

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Caught between a rock and a hard place in a catch 22 situation, So its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Your damned if you do, but your damned if you don't so shut your cock!!!!!!!!!!!

Lotus Espirt Turbo S3    

Lotus Esprit S4 

Lotus Elise S2 Sport 130


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12 hours ago, C8RKH said:

I had read your post and I actually agreed with a lot of it. The bit I took exception too was your point about the particular term you referenced being deeply insensitive given the terms used against leavers. I struggled to see that point and still do.

The main issue for me is that certain people in the Remain camp are just refusing to accept the result and they continue to moan about it. Incessantly. 

@CHANGES is spot on. It is time for us ALL to respect the decision and move on together in a positive manner to make the best of it. If we do, then we have a good chance of succeeding. The reason we are where we are now is that people have bitterly fought against the result for 3 years. We have had a myriad of underhand tactics to try to reverse it. We have had three years of our negotiating position being undermined and during that time of discourse internally the EU has responded by mocking us, bullying us and trying to subvert our democratic right.

They succeeded in overturning key referendums in Ireland and the Netherlands but somehow, we battled through and we achieved our goal. With absolutely no thanks to Remain.

So please do forgive me when I say enough is enough. Stop undermining the country's position. Stop talking us down. And get behind making a success of it 

But if you really do feel that the term Remoaner in the face of all of this is deeply insensitive then thank your lucky stars you weren't on the Leave side. Your sensitivities would have been shredded.

It would be nice to move on but I don't think that is reality. There will be a small group forever vocal. We did after all have many many years of complaining about being in the EU until we got the referendum. That's just the way it is here.

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  • Gold FFM
21 minutes ago, 100th_Idiot said:

We did after all have many many years of complaining about being in the EU until we got the referendum. That's just the way it is here.

There’s been a creep right from day 1 towards a full United States of Europe. There was a treaty signed at the end of WW2 which agreed the border of Europe would extend no further east. It seems ever since the EEA this has been utterly ignored and the Russians, whom without their assistance in WW2 Hitler would probably have been victorious, set up as the panto villains.

We the British people have never had a say over the continued signing away of our sovereignty and rights to self rule. This has been done by political parties of all colours upto now.

We are probably sat in the most interesting  part of history since the late 1920s right now. The rise of the nazis, the Cold War and the lessons which clearly should have been learned from these dire moments in history appear to be forgotten.

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I do believe @Barrykearley that the unchecked march of the EU across Europe will in the future be a major talking point in history.  

What started out as a collaboration over trade has morphed into a Federalist Movement that is consuming 27 countries. It is eroding national identities and it is enforcing rules that people have not voted for.

I wonder. If this was the premise of a Lucas film whom would the audiences be rooting for? The Empire of the EU or the small band of resistance fighters? Granted our leader, BoJo is more Jaja Binks than Han Solo but hey, that side won eventually.

I'd be happy to shut the fook up and just get on with the job in hand. Unfortunately, I fear the incessant whining is some way away from dying down.

In the mean time I'm focusing on doing my job well. Helping my employer to succeed. And enjoying life in the UK whilst it still remains united, even if that is a tenuous united.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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43 minutes ago, Barrykearley said:

There’s been a creep right from day 1 towards a full United States of Europe. There was a treaty signed at the end of WW2 which agreed the border of Europe would extend no further east. It seems ever since the EEA this has been utterly ignored and the Russians, whom without their assistance in WW2 Hitler would probably have been victorious, set up as the panto villains.

We the British people have never had a say over the continued signing away of our sovereignty and rights to self rule. This has been done by political parties of all colours upto now.

We are probably sat in the most interesting  part of history since the late 1920s right now. The rise of the nazis, the Cold War and the lessons which clearly should have been learned from these dire moments in history appear to be forgotten.

Slightly orthogonal to the point I was making about being divided and having a core of remain supporters that will always be complaining just as we had a core of anti EU supporters that didn't stop complaining. There will be those that support further integration and will sincerely believe in that goal. We have to accept they will never stop.

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