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George Floyd

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A terrible thing happened to this man a week ago, but is all this global outcry and protest warranted? Why is the UK getting involved? Did US cities stage protests the last time a black man died in UK police custody? Doubt it. What have Premier League footballers got to do with it? Why are TV and Radio channels here having special “Blackout Tuesday” events? Haven’t we got enough problems of our own at the moment? Having mass rallies about this in the current climate just seems ridiculous to me. It will cause a lot more harm, than good.

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Utterly stupid and ridiculous.

all I see is “people of colour” looting shops and causing thousands of pounds and dollars worth of damage - well done for proving many people’s views to be correct. Folks in the uk getting involved is stupid. Typical left wing liberal brigade sadly. Some of the YouTube footage of folks saying cities should burn in the London demo frankly is evidence that should be used to jail these imbeciles for a very long time under terrorism laws.

for the record - what occurred to George Flyod was disgraceful. Sadly however the police are trained in this sort of restraint. Maybe that’s the issue and it should be banned.

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It's just complete and utter bullshit @Bibs to be honest. It is the fcuking mindless younger generation who get sucked up by the "tribe" thing. I'm sure many of them have no idea whatsoever about why they are doing it, just herd mentality at it's finest.

Oh, and how ironic that at a "demonstration" today it was an emergency worker who was set upon and beaten up by the protesters - so what's it now, it's ok to be reckless and endanger someone else's life whilst protesting about a life lost through recklessness. Don't get me started on the irony in that.

It's a bloody job I'm not in a position of power as I'd have sent in the police on horses with huge batons and fcuk the lot of them!

I guess I'm just too bloody tolerant!

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33 minutes ago, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

Are we going to have mass demonstrations every time someone around the world is killed?

Probably, as long as they are not white. As white lives don't matter as much to some as they think all white people are privileged it seems!

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Interesting point about demonstrating about Wuhan and they way the Chinese state have handled it. Australia has been vocal with criticism  and China responded with veiled threats. I believe well over 100 countries have expressed in interest to join with Australia  in pursuing China, let’s see if anything comes of it. Interestingly the only other country's leader to openly criticise China is Trump..... and interestingly enough every time he raises valid points (which his opponents/critics are too scared to talk about) he is declared racist. 
Seems familiar

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I disagree re "has now grown into a wider realisation of the issues causing it". Racism has been around, I would strongly suspect, since the earliest incarnations of humans living in tribes. If you ain't from my tribe, or don't look like me then you are not worthy etc... 

To me this is just a current trendy populist view that suggests that the current protesters are highlighting something we didn't already know, fully understand or appreciate or had been educated about. Was the work of Martin Luther King,  Malcolm X and Juliette Hampton-Morgan all for nothing when it came to highlighting the injustice and institutional racism, in this instance, of some parts of the US.

I get where you are coming from Alastair. But this is 2020. We lost 20m human lives in World War II. That was basically a world war about race. We had the huge movements in the US in the 50's, 60's and into the 70's and protests that highlighted on a world stage the injustice that some parts of society had to deal with (let's not even start to talk about the racism and injustice to the indigenous Indian population of the US who have been literally stripped of everything). If after all of this, these people protesting in the UK, who I suspect to be a mixture of the always angry and white, entitled middle class anti-ists, didn't also realise the truth of the situation then there really is no hope for this generation. 

I think we are coming from the same place Alastair. I strongly oppose the actions of those people in the UK and cannot see a true justification for it.

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@C8RKH we are on the same page and I don’t disagree with you. Race or religion has caused pretty much all the major issues in the world!

just because it’s always been around doesn’t mean at some point we shouldn't confront it and begin to remove it from society. Today’s generation are different, gay marriage is the perfect example. To think gay people couldn’t be married or have kids is just mind boggling and I hope at some point we all look at racism the same way.

i understand your perspective, however I haven’t been a black person living in the U.K. so don’t know enough about what it’s really like to be able to comment on whether it’s justified or not. 

I just hope tolerance and acceptance shine through along with balance. The worst thing that can happen is some over compensation as that will just lead to its own issues.

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I don't think anyone would disagree with you there Tim.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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