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YES to photography on the day!

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Lotus has now agreed to non commercial photography (see post #36) (edited by Tentenths)


I've just spoken to Lotus Cars publicity department, enquiring about video filming and photography on the open day. I have been told that no filming of any kind, commercial or non commercial is going to be allowed, and cameras will not be allowed on the premises.

This can't be true? I attended the 2004 50th Team Lotus event and did loads of filming, no one stopped me then, why would no filming apply to this event, they know people will want to take photographs and film material.

I'd thought any area Lotus didn't want you to film in would be out of bounds. Has anyone heard the same story? I have the name of the person I spoke to in publicity. I asked that nothing has been said in any corespondents sent with the tickets saying no filming or photography, what about all the phones, how are they going to stop them?

Anyone else know about restrictions?

I just wanted material for my DVD, interview some visitors, nothing more, I'm not after secret plans or anything! :thumbsup:

I'm really P***** O** now, I love filming events like this!


Edited by Tentenths
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  • Gold FFM

There was indeed a complete camera/video ban when LEF visited the factory last October, so wasn't really expecting anything differant this time Owen.

Edited by mayesprit

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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im sorry but thats bloody ridiculous!!!!

as we are not going into the factory depts themselves and only in the display areas i cant see it being a problem, im sorry but its my first factory event, and i want to record it for posterity, so my cameras are coming with me.

unless the tickets come with a non disclosure agreement to sign i cant see how its a problem..

besides, im big enough and scary enough to be left alone.. and i know the bosses son :thumbsup:

Edited by bigsi
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  • Gold FFM

I agree with Owen's and Simon comments, it really is a shame but bottom line is we are the guests and the factory set the rules. We might not be happy (me included) and nobody I know attending the factory day works for M16 so wheres the problem? but it is not in our hands I'm affraid.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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im sorry but thats bloody ridiculous!!!!

as we are not going into the factory depts themselves and only in the display areas i cant see it being a problem, im sorry but its my first factory event, and i want to record it for posterity, so my cameras are coming with me.

unless the tickets come with a non disclosure agreement to sign i cant see how its a problem..

besides, im big enough and scary enough to be left alone.. and i know the bosses son :thumbsup:

This is my view, it's ridiculous, this is a public event, they know people will want to film or take photographs, it's not as if we will be allowed in the R&D department, anywhere they don't want the public will be out of bounds. People want to record stuff for their memories of the event, I can't see what's different from the 2004 event. I video in all the sheds, the F1 cars, the cars on the circuit, everything. Go to YouTube you will find clips from this event, there was no restriction, I assumed this event was going to be something similar to the 50th celebrations, I must be wrong.

Even if I filmed stuff for my DVD, it would only be what everyone else can see on the day, interview some visitor, stuff like that, nothing that would harm Lotus. I'm really miffed about this!!! :respect:

I want to know how they will control the phone cameras, this is what makes this all so stupid!


Edited by OwenGT3
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Calm down guys and let us hear what Bibs or Tony have to say...

on the 50th anniversary, there was no restriction at all.



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I've just spoken to Donna Clayton, the name on all the Lotus Open day material and she has told me, yes it's a big no, no filming material. She has said cameras will be taken away by security if spotted.

She said the person I spoke to in publicity is the one in charge and she said if she said no then it's no. I've just found out that even my DVD will have to run by them or they will sue! :thumbsup:

I have PM Bibs regarding the matter. I just can't see what is different to this event and the 2004 one?

Owen. :respect:

Edited by OwenGT3
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I agree that it would be almost impossible to stop phone cameras and with no "No cameras allowed" message printed on the tickets it would become a logistical nightmare checking in cameras from several thousand people at the gate ... talk about delays???....

I can imagine the conversation

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mm not happy really not happy about this.

he he can you imagine it...

security person to big si "erm.. um excuse me sir but no cameras are allowed i have to take it off you until the end of the day"

bigsi looks down at security person "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

security person "you have a nice day sir!!!"

main thing is , i have gone to a lot of effort for the day, i have built a custom tubular wrap around display stand, made loads of detail panels with photos, and infomation that clip to the stand, i have made some booklets for the forum and will also have the one rear wheel off displaying the new suspension systems with details, the boot panels will be out and the whole bay on display with some floor mirrors also.

i did all this to promote that forum and the mark, all that hard work and no-one can take a picture of it???

its a shame really, be nice to have some support back and a little faith and trust.

Edited by bigsi
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As said before, lets wait to see what Bibs & Kimbers say, but....

It does seem to be their site policy, they allowed the officaial photographer on last year's LEF event, and the photos had to be screened first (AFAIK). A couple of others were allowed cameras for certain events, Kato for the track laps and possibly others I think. Maybe there will be an official photographer again.

All in all, I would prefer to be able to take pictures myself, but, if it's their rule, i have to accept it , after all, it is their site.


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I would still like to know what's different to this event and the 50th, the reason for the restriction and the lack of publicity regarding no photography. I just checked my 2004 event ticket and nowhere on there does it say anything about photography/video restriction. which is why there wasn't any and I didn't get stopped.

This is a major condition of the ticket purchase that should have been mentioned on the ticket or in any correspondants, it's not a little matter, it affects everyone who's visiting the open day.

I'm not going to buy any offical photographs when I know I can take some just as good, also the video, what you record is your personal choice, it's not going to be the same as some offical photograher.

This has really made the day seem less attractive, I'll still go, but it won't be as fun for me as I thought it was going to be! :thumbsup:


Edited by OwenGT3
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Guys, if this is the case and by the sounds of it it is, I can't see how this thread is going to help.

Lotus are a company who conduct business and if this business could be affected by people taking pictures which may or may not contain material they wish to not have released then so be it. It's their day, their rules. I wouldn't be surprised if you sneaked cameras in that they were confiscated and you were asked to leave. Lotus take their security seriously and wouldn't be having this rule if there wasn't a reason and BigSi, their security men are bigger than you and there's more of them. Your efforts will be evident on the day and will do us proud no doubt and I can't see how pictures after the event will be any more effective than the good work we can do while we are there. Owen, many things may be different, you can't second guess what is going on at the factory, one of their multi-million pound engineering clients may have insisted on a complete camera blackout too while a project is being completed or similar, you never know. If Lotus can have Potash Lane, a public road closed off permanently to protect their privacy they can ask you to respect that too.

Chill out, live with it and your disappointment. I am sorry that you aren't completely satisfied but if there's nothing that can be done then venting does nothing more than show a side of your personality which perhaps isn't the most attractive.

Also, please remember we have over 50 members of Lotus staff as members of this forum including the CEO himself so let's show ourselves in a good light.

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To answer some of these points.

Bibs and I have discussed this matter and the simple fact is like it or lump it. If you want to attend then it's by their rules.

Everyone who attended last year knows the rules, no camera's, no camera phones. If you are seen with one at the factory you will be escorted from the grounds and banned.

The difference is that in 2004 there were no new models in development. Now they have 2 new models (at least) and many more top secret projexts in Engineering.

I have put a call into NGS for him to clarify the situation with me and if they change their minds then all well and good. Until then please be careful with comments and remember that the factory read the forums.

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thats fine guys.

all i am trying to put aacross is the fact that, i have never been to the factory before, most of you have several times, i have never met most of the lotus people you lot have, what if i meet mr kimberly there, im not going to get a picture am i, that is the one thing i was most looking forward to, getting a picture with mike and i next to the car.

you guys know how much i love you all and my car since i got it back, you know how tirelessly i try to promote the lotus mark and the forum as well.

its not easy as you all know and i do my best, all i wanted were some phtot memories to frame of my first factory visit, thats all i wanted. However if thats the way things are i will hubly accept the way things are.

i guess i will have to get all you drunkards on photo on the sat night then! :thumbsup:

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I'm sure that there will be official photographers and perhaps we might even be allowed our own escorted photographer but this rule is to make sure that all and sundry aren't running around the site with cameras snapping everything that they see. I've personally never been allowed a camera or camera phone on the premises and would love to but I live with their rules.

If the factory does insist on no cameras and LEF members flout that rule and I find out about it, I will also take action on here so please let's work with Lotus to make this a great day for us all. :thumbsup:

For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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I would suspect that for those of us who went last year, our signed non disclosure documents are still valid, and I remember that we were told we may have to hand in camers and phone at the gate.

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I'm sure that there will be official photographers and perhaps we might even be allowed our own escorted photographer but this rule is to make sure that all and sundry aren't running around the site with cameras snapping everything that they see. I've personally never been allowed a camera or camera phone on the premises and would love to but I live with their rules.

If the factory does insist on no cameras and LEF members flout that rule and I find out about it, I will also take action on here so please let's work with Lotus to make this a great day for us all. :thumbsup:

Thats real dissapointing Bibs since it doesnt say anything on the tickets and i just think it will be real hard to police for so many people.

If thats the rules then thats the rules and of course as a member of LEF i would stick to them BUT if everyone else is there without the same level of discipline ... (and i would be amazed if joe public realise they are not allowed to take cameras) then i would be pretty hacked off watching people snapping away when LEF just have to go with official pics. :respect:

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Now the reasons for the decision has been told, then yeah, OK not a problem. I just wanted to find out the reason for it all. I do feel they perhaps should have mentioned it on the tickets, I know I for one was going to turn up with a camera, tripod and presenter, so it wouldn't have been fun at the gates, and I wouldn't have handed over my equipment (would that included handing over my young female presenter?). :evil:

I'm the same as Bigsi, I only want to promote Lotus, it's owners and fans, and any material I produce on film is to show how great Lotus cars are and the following it has.

If thats the rules then thats the rules. I am disappointed because it would have been great material to capture on film, and I know I won't be buying any official material. I will have to fill that gap with something else on my DVD. <_<

I hope they have a big enough room to keep all these confiscated cameras, without people knowing there will be loads turning up with equipment! If I hadn't phoned today I would have been one of them! ;)


Edited by OwenGT3
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Believe me, they will police it if they make the rule. Last year 1 member was picked up by a non security member of staff and politely escorted to security where his camera was stowed. He was let off as he was a non UK resident and merely didn't hear/understand the instruction.

EVERY member of factory staff is tasked with Camera and Camera phone security on site, from Security to Paint Sprayer so there will effectively be 100's additional security staff on the day.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I had no idea of this rule and planned on turning up with my video and SLR, but as I now understand and respect the policy I'll leave them behind. Overall I think the issue is one of notification, not everyone has been to the factory before (myself included), and thus not everyone will know a "no camera" rule is in force. Based on attendance estimates, there are potentially thousands of people turning up with expensive cameras and videos only to be either taken off them or refused entry; either way it's going to cause a headache (and liability if one of these cameras goes missing) for both Lotus and the effected individuals.

I think if Lotus and the car clubs reach out to everyone (including a note with the refund checks?), sending an email or contacting the car club coordinators, it may save a lot of time on the day, make the Lotus security staff's job a lot easier and the attendees experience a lot better. I'm certain everyone here at LEF will respect the rule now it's known, and I think we all want to make this a great day out by helping MJK, Bibs, Kimbers and the factory as much as we can ...

See you all in Hethel


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My view is that it's their 'do' and their rules. I'd rather not have a scene where my camera was confiscated, so I simply won't take it. Yes it's disappointing, but I am confident there will be so much about the day that will be fantastic.

Just because you can, does'nt mean you should.

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Any modern company doesnt permit photographic equipment on site these days. When we have public days there is no big publicity about the no photograph rule, just easy to see notices on the day.

About the planning, its clear that some aspect could have been done better, but think about it, has everyone on here never had a bad week at work. Those organising it might be under pressure, didnt quite see some obvious things, feeling stressed. We all go through it. Most of us call it human behaviour. Lets give people a break until we have had the day. If you then feel its not what you expected then politely write to Lotus and explain your views, they would probably welcome the feedback if appropriately communicated.

Probably, a simple notice at the gate will inform poeple to leave their photgraphic stuff in their cars or follow the directions for temporary storage.

On the phone issue, if its being pointed like a camera then expect it to be checked, held, cleaned of piccies and then returned, if its next to your ear like a phone, then a polite reminder will probably ensue to ask you not to use it, barring emergencies.

None of it is a big deal. Relax and enjoy the day and remember, they cant confiscate great memories.

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Also guys and gals don't forget there'll be loads of photo opportunities on the Saturday at the Wensum. Video and photograph all those lovely Esprits in the car park, interview their owners, interview and photograph the devout followers who have travelled from across the globe..........

and who knows perhaps a certain MJK might just show his face again

Graham. <_<

Wing Commander Dibble DFC<br /><br />
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"probably the most active Esprit group in the world" Andy Betts, Castle Combe May 2007

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Dissapointed, a little, yes, since I've just bought a wonderful EOS5D, but totally expected this to be the case.

I got chucked out of Tesco once at the age of 18 for taking photos of the veg to help out with a girl-friends A-level art project. All very inocent (no funny business with the fruit!), but even a supermarket was sensitive about security and that was 21 years ago!

I work in an major automotive development centre and I know of 3 incidents in the last few years, here in the UK and Japan, involving cameras where there have been major security issues that have led to people being sacked, cautioned, or rules being policed even more strictly.

Someone sent an image of a prototpe to a Japanese car mag and then within weeks it became sackable offense to bring a camera phones into the office and all the USB ports on our PCs where blocked off with security lables so data couldn't go walkabout on a memory stick. It sounds crazy, but the security of new products is priceless, so no risks are taken.

Anyone good with a pencil and paper? How about recording the scene in the same way that the BBC do with cases in the High Court?

Malc Holmes

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