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Bigsi's new car


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This is the internet so people feel free to express their views with a degree of anonymity and thus can make themsleves feel big and clever by sending banal threatening emails which in real life they wouldnt say boo to a goose and would cack themsleves in an actual confrontation,so to sum up F@@k em and enjoy your life(and car) its only a blink of an eye after all

Good luck

Nick S4s

I think the point here, Nick, is to find out if the mails were sent by a member or members of the forum as such behaviour will not be tolerated and they should be banned. If Simon forwards them to Dave, I am sure he will be able to trace them and find out their origin. The senders should not be allowed to get away with this sort of hate mail towards Simon's wife and family.

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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Hi bigsi,

Wish I could see the pics. :lol: but it says they're deleted or moved.

I also can't understand why people would send emails like that. I don't even know you, but have seen your posts about trying to hang on to your esprit. I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion (even these turkeys). I always remember that 'Opinions are like armpits - everyone has 'em, some just stink more than others.'

I'm with everyone else on here as well, if they're members on here, ban 'em. That won't fix your email problem, but I presume you can fix that with your email program with setting up rules.

Hope the jag is nice.


Edited by ramjet

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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Bibs mentioned earlier that the emails were sent direct. I take it that in this forum our email addresses are protected and hidden? From what I see they are. Which leads me to think that the emails are from either one of the adverts or from someone who actually knows Bigsi.

All i'll say is ignore the emails and like everything on the internet take it with a pinch of salt. Whilst it is sad by reacting to it you'll only give the coward who sent this even more satisfaction, i'm in the internet business myself and I don't care what people say emails like this generated from either hotmail or yahoo accounts and others are nigh on impossible to trace as they will come from a multitude of mass gateways, unless the idiot who sent them is on a static IP.

If the chap was so bothered and wanted to keep the car in here so badly then we didn't see him reaching in his pockets now did we.

Ignore it Si opinions are just that.

Take care you old man (thats a joke bud) enjoy the Jag


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The following contains my personal opinions and not those of LEF nor the moderator team.

For the record, I'm still waiting for these emails to be forwarded to me and it's been quite some time now. I had the alleged content of one plus headers cut and paste into a PM but I specifically asked for them to be forwarded, none are forthcoming. An email response shown to me from Hotmail's abuse email address that Simon sent one to had typos in and is different to the response I've seen from the same address, Hotmail can spell and they only have one auto-response. This email was sent to me with from/to/subject so was cut and pasted and the only way I can justify the spelling mistakes is that Simon made them when fabricating the email.

If several emails were present, why has the 'forward' button not been clicked despite my asking many times. Also a university lecturer (Oneshot) who teaches forensic email detection asked, he of course has not received the emails. I believe that Simon made this episode up, it's entirely fictitious and the emails have not been forwarded as it would be very easy for us to discover they are not real. The reason to fabricate them was to generate sympathy when the tide was turning against him. It's been 4 days since I asked, a couple of days since Dave asked and Simon has been online in this time and would have read this thread. If he was so incensed, outraged and offended by these emails I would have thought he would be keen for us to help and track down their origins.

This leads me to believe that there were no genuine abusive emails I'm afraid. I'd like to assure everyone that no member of LEF was responsible nor carries such malice. I found it hugely unlikely that anyone on here who knows the situation well enough would type such a mail, I just cannot believe it hence the exhaustive investigations I've carried out to prove/disprove this.

Talking of the new car, BigSi is a now member of http://www.xkec.co.uk


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For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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Thanks for posting this Bibs...

Have to admit I felt very uneasy about what was happening.

I feel (like I'm sure many do) disappointed...

But long may the spirit of these forums continue - they are a special place.

Edited by Iain

1983 Turbo Esprit - Silver - 'Lottie' and 1999 Elise - Norfolk Mustard - 'Liz' Daily driver - 286,000 miles and counting!

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Choice words there Andy, and credit to your diplomacy.

I followed the resto thread with great enthusiasm, and greatly admired yours, Simon's, Punky's, Tony, Dave etc (to name a few) kinship and willingness to help that is somewhat lacking in the world today.

Have said it before on line and via PM, that this is a pretty special place and I hereby vow to get my user name highlighted in green as a sign of support.

- Mark

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Bibs, well done for posting such an informative statement.

Accepting (and to as big an extent as possible, ignoring) what's happened recently regarding the sale of the car, the whole restoration project was a great demonstration of community spirit, and assistance by firms, so there are some real positives to be drawn from it. It's not about the end result, it's about how you (I personally didn't take part in the restoration) did it.


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This day was bound to come surely? :blush:

I didn't contribute anything to the original fund, in fact I felt uncomfortable about the whole exercise and didn't read the restoration thread deliberately. Si had not been a member of the Esprit community for long (and that means compared to many still on here who go back as far as Yahoo) and has he had not demonstrated a long-term commitment to the brand or the community. I felt it hasty to dish out such charity to what appeared to be a sympathy-merchant. I was however humbled by the generosity of many on here who gave up their time, but did wonder as to what would happen and the recriminations when the inevitable early resale and profit would occur.

Admittedly I'm a cynic; it's not a nice character trait and often I hate myself for it, but like many it's as a result of having the proverbial shit kicked out of you over the years and the ability to "bounce back" slowly eroded. Episodes like this do nothing to change this unfortunately and I feel truly sorry for how the people caught up in this circus are feeling right now.

Edited by LooseCannon

In the garage no-one can hear you scream 

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I still look back on the restoration with great fondness.

At that time I had been turning into Caractacus Potts spending far too much time alone in my garage with the engine conversion, so to spent time working side by side with other likeminded people on a marque I love and learning a thing or two about how the G cars are put together, for me was fantastic.

On top of that there was meeting, working with and developing new and lasting friendships with Lotus owners both local and from all around the country, the banter, the barbeques, the beer drinking and all the larking about over the five weeks that still makes me smile when I look back over the pictures,and it was all taking place just down the road from me.

For me it shows what a great community we have. It lifted the profile of the marque and the forum and if I found myself in the same situation I

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I second Mark Brittens sentiments in this. I am also a cynic and trust only those who have proved themselves trustworthy.

I saying that all those who participated in the resto did so willingly and were not as far as i am aware cajoled or forced into it!!

it is a shame but things happen and situations change and each person lives their own life and the only one who can truely judge them is themself.

I speak from bitter experience and financial loss to a good friend in the past.

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Iam sad and dissapointed. I donated some cash and got Pete at PNM involved who donated hundreds of pounds worth of parts out of his own back pocket. He's a one man business and I know that this will upset him to when I tell him.

I haven't been following any of these threads lately but have been in discussions with Si when he had his seat problem.

When he bought his new seats and couldn't fit in them I managed to obtain a set of V8 seats for him which I did not want any money for. All he had to do was collect them from me. OK they were black not red or beige but they would have been ok for the short term. They are still sitting in the loft as we speak. It took me a lot of phone calls and calling in favours to get these seats which ended up a wasted exercise.

Simon is free to do whatever he wants and hope he enjoys his new car and new friends on the XK forum. Good luck Si !!

Lets hope we can all bounce back on this one as an LEF community.

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Bibs - very well put, and while this outcome was unexpected, at the end of the day I still look back on the restoration with a smile :blush:

Paddle Faster, I hear Banjos!
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Guys what this shows is what a great bunch of guys (and gals) we actually are. All of us are hard working true Fanatics with one thing in common...Our Esprits. It goes to show that we all take our cars with the highest of respect and the same for our fellow members.

I too am saddend by this and also was wary about the whole thing especially knowing a friend (member of this forum) contributed to the car and the part was not used but sold on???? you'll remember the Manifold left at the LEF tent at Brands Hatch last year?

Anyhow the one thing it does show is that if we can club together for this then perhaps we should all club together for an Annual LEF meet, perhaps a nice dinner and murder mystery night or even a UK Treasure hunt.

Chin up guys....lesson learnt


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The only reason i can see for Si to fabricate the "hate email" thing was he felt a pang of guilt and thought this email thing would offset some of the flak he thought he may receive.

Nick S4s (now with new manifold after selling daughter to a camel herder)

Simplest things first.

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I have to state very clearly my support for Bibs here. Having been involved in the initial idea with the bibs man and, though not being able (or capable ) of doing any of the mucky work I did put in what was a fair amount of money for me, at the time, a months spending money initially.

I was of course disheartened to see Simon selling the car, but at the end of the day it's his car to sell. He didn't ask us to do the work we did to it and it is obviously his right to place his own resources into wherever he wants however I must admit to being disappointed with certain aspects of his dealings with the car. I don't want or need to re-iterate the above post but agree with it's content and sentiment after having been privvy to the issues behind the scenes.

Sadly, for me, my biggest regret is what seems to be an inability for Simon to wish to contribute to the people who contributed so much to him. As stated even a

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How much you want for the seats Dave ? :devil:

Dunno what to say on the car really - the small effort I put in was fun and socialising was even better (even fun sleeping on simons kitchen floor whilst Alex and Punky were having a 'snore off' !)

So I take it the car's no longer in LEF circles ? which is sad, thing is we all went into this (and I did donate a few quid) in the minds that it was a gift, but anyways...............

.....see there is this white car I know and it goes a little bit like......... :blush:

Never a dull moment !

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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It seems a shame the way it's all ended and seems even more messy behind the scenes than I had previously gathered. But at the end of the day I think the whole project highlighted the generosity and carring nature of the Forum and Lotus themselves as well as the various independants that contributed parts. I think we should look back on it as a job well done and not worry about the way it's ended, which was entirely out of our control.


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ok, welli guess its my turn for a reply then.

its a shame that after trying to speak with bibs over the past few days that he hasnt decided to speak with me.

i am beyoind angry withthe suggestions raised by bibs to the point that if he wanted to accuse me of this then he should have had the decency to speak with me on the phone or even to my face.

i have not continued with the email thing basically because there was no point, no point in duscussing or going on with something , i left it be and got on with things.

now the crux, at no time did i accuse anyone here of sending the emails, at no time did i point fingers. yet you assume i did bibs.

as per the seats at the factory it was meant in humour as i explained to brian on the monday i did not expect seats for free, so once again you make an assumption against my name.

as for disposing of the car in secret i did no such thing, i spoke with several of the people involved in the project the first time artound asking permission to do that, and in the end i pulled the car off sale due to the pressure i was getting from members to keep it and try to make it so i could drive the car stiull which i did.

as per ,y complaining about the work carried out on the car before xmas, as you say you have all of this on file, so do i , i have copies of all the parts i had to replace and buy from all the suppliers i dealt with, or prehaps they are ficticious purchases?????? i spent hand over fist out of money we didnt have to correct many many issues caused to the car. and when i did ask about it and complain im brought into question and made to feel so bad about it and then i have to apologise, yet lately, there have been witch hunts on troy and his level of competency by other members allowed yet thats fine and dandy!!! smells of hypocrysy to me.

with regards to the seats, i did what i could but i was unable to spend more meny on the car, kelly for one would not allow it, and lets be blunt here, im not exactly a small guy and i think you can agree i dont fit in the car well period.

i have not accuses anyone here of anything, and your suggestion and assumption that i have is beyond a doubt bloody well uncalled for bibs. the fact you havent got the decency to speak with me on the phone prior to this outburst shows a little more than contempt fior me also.

as for joining the xk forum, you will have to speak with kelly about that as she paid for that out of her own pocket as a gift for me, as, if you read back i was due to pay to join the forum december as part of an xmas present that way i put a little in.

i have had a few days to take time out, do a fewe things that need be and above all you havent had the bollox to even return a call to me.

also when i was sorting out the items that xmas period, i was constantly phoning you, near enough every day , but always having an excuse not to talk to me at the time and never getting back to me when i needed to speeak with you.

instead i spent ages on the phone to suppliers getting parts and correcting the issues myself.

as for the work done on the car, once again I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT IT, NEVER ASKED FOR IT OR EVEN EXPECTED IT, AND IF I HAD KNOWN WOULDNT HAVE ALLOWED IT. yet it was done and i thanked everyone took it to shows did whatever was asked of me whenever i could.

when given the car back i was not made aware that there were conditions of ownership or conditions should i sell the car at some point in the future, if that was going to be the case you should have made me aware at the time.

as for me blaming other people thats really not on, i havent blamed anyone for having to move on with the car. the only person i blame is myself, i have tried and tried to accomodate myself in the car yet have failed in my attempts.

prehaps if you had taken the time to at least answer one of my bloody phone calls to you things may have been different, prehaps the phone bills will help in showing the amount of calls placed to you?

for christ sake, once again the witch hunt is on and the public stoning is on.

you havent spoken to me so as i can defend myself and basically i know why, you have been figuring out a way to make it so, im the bad guy in all of this.

i was recently told by someone to watch my back, something i idnt understand at the time.

i know why now... i know why.

so this i what im going to do, just to prove my position and exhonerate myself from the accusations, i will post copies of everything i have spent on the car since getting it back, post all the pics of the work i corrected that i never posted up, if you want bibs post up the emails between myself and wayneb which shows just how pissed off i was at the time to be back under the car fixing things again "that shouldnt have needed it" or the fact the head had to come off gain and be sorted out again, you know i can go on and on also.

problem is i see things are a little one sided and biased here lately and if you are not part of the little clique club that seems to have srpouted up your not welcome.

my decision not to pursue the email thing further was my choice i was not going to question the members of this forum or any other forum i decided to leave it be, it would serve any purpose.

it was my choice and also i did tell you bibs i had turned the mail security to full and set it to delete every mail that came in for a few days which i did so i could just switch off and get on with things.

it was my choice, plain and simple.

so here we are, your "version" of things, and me telling you how it actually is, but then you had your say before speaking with me and decided thats it thats how it is along with everyoine else here.

well what can i say apart from thanks .. it would have taken a few mins to talk to me and you couldnt even be bothered to do that.

so you go ahead and keep accusing me if you like, along with everyon e else here. it seems that these days as long as one side of the story is up, thats enough to condem anyone.

you have my number bibs, at least have the decency to ring me.

what, no response from anyone, one second ago you are all condeming me and now nothing???? theres always two sides to everything but once again its a public stoning.

as per mr mark brittens post about myslef being a sympathy merchant, i never asked for any such sympathy or expected it, god its amazing reading some of these posts in here to see the level of contempt some of you show people even though you preach generosity etc.

so as i feel nothing but proff will aid in my defence i will get as much as i can.

copies of my medical records detailing my ilnesses etc in full, phone records, photos, letters, invoices and anything else to backmyself up. you see its one thing to call someone out for a fight but another when the other person can back himself up.

i will do all this in full, and then prehaps, just maybe, however so slight i may get a diffenrent response.

i have also noticed that any post i make is now being vetted prior to it being on screen as it is not instantly appearing on screen as it shoud, along with my pm's etc.

Edited by bigsi
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