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What made you happy today?


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So jealous @pete. It was only a couple of weeks ago I was swimming in Fenella Bay just beside Peel Castle. Stunning.


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM
18 minutes ago, Painterdave said:

Are cooking apples any good 

Any apple can make a cider (just needs sugar), but eaters and cookers don't have much tannin so can end up tasting a bit insipid.

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Congrats on your Essex S3 win!  Nice to see the Esprit doing well on the home ground.

"I thought it was Lambo" -  Thank you very much and now it's time to educate the Exotic Less.

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  • Gold FFM

I suppose on balance, this should go here as although I'm not happy about all that's gone on to reach this point I am happy now with the outcome.


The original plan by the Stroke Unit staff to isolate Jennifer within the department and put full barrier nursing in place so that she didn't become distressed by a move to strange surroundings didn't come to fruition.

The one-size-fits-all protocol implemented by the Infection Control Committee insisted that she be moved to the Covid Isolation Unit and even although she only demonstrated the mildest of symptoms for only 2 days and then was asymptomatic and testing negative every day from then on, they further insisted that she had to remain there for the full 10 days. Apparently, there are no exceptions to this, despite there being a clear case to be made here on the basis that there was greater risk to Jennifer's general stroke recovery by being isolated in such a way than anything that Covid could threaten.

During those 10 days, I was prohibited from visiting despite having been up close and personal with her for every one of the preceding 203 days. I found it extremely difficult even to make contact with anyone in the Isolation Unit to have them pass on a message, succeeding in doing so on only 4 occasions over the 10 days.

Fortunately, today, Jennifer has finally returned to the Stroke Unit. She's understandably a bit confused and anxious but the sight of me certainly brought a huge smile to her face. She grabbed hold of me and didn't want to let go. Conversationally, she has regressed a bit with the aphasia being more apparent than it's been for a while but she is still aware of what's going on around her - for instance she was aware of the Queen's death so she's definitely retaining what's she's seeing/hearing.

Physically, she has also suffered a setback after being stuck in a chair/bed since the start of the month but I managed to get her a physio session this afternoon, with another booked for tomorrow just to get her back into the swing of things before she returns to the full therapy programme starting Monday.

Hopefully, we'll get her back on track without too much of a delay as the Guardianship paperwork is being presented to the courts next week so we don't have a whole lot of time left now to take advantage of all the rehab therapies the hospital has to offer before the pressure starts being piled on me to move her into a nursing home for her ongoing convalescence.

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  • Gold FFM

Between that and some twat pranging your Evora in the car park  today, you must be about bloody going mad. Hang in there David. We are all routing for both Jennifer and yourself. Hopefully Jennifer will start to pick up again soon now she back getting her physio.


John and Wendy. 

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David you got hit on multiple fronts.   Life's not fair as I reference your current situation.  You'll been so patient with Jennifer's progress only to get hit with hospital protocols pulling a lot her progress backwards.  Aside from the bad stuff,(and yes, it's quite a bit of it) it's good to hear from you.  There's something about writing things down that helps with unpredictable circumstances.  I'm sure I speak for ALL Lotus Forum members that we are always thinking about Jennifer and you.  Aphasia is tough for both Jennifer and anyone communicating with her.  They know what they want say, but sometimes can't say the word.  Occasionally, you can finish their sentence and other times it's a sort of gibberish and you learn to move ahead.  Hope you can get her back on track with recovery soon.  Angie and I are thinking and hoping for Jennifer and you.

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"I thought it was Lambo" -  Thank you very much and now it's time to educate the Exotic Less.

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4 minutes ago, Alfa2Evora said:

Gotcha! Well, I'm pretty sure I have anyway.

Sitting today, literally in the space next to where it was last Thursday, a white BMW X5 with black alloys. What are the chances of there being several of those so I had a closer look.

Scraped along the rear passenger's door and wheel, but no immediately obvious paint transfer from mine although it does look like somebody may have had a session with some T-Cut lately. Then, I saw it. All those hours watching forensic examinations on TV paid off. On the rear wheel, a small amount of bright blue paint on the edge of the rim. I rest my case m'lud.

Local force informed and they're going to follow it up ASAP, and view the CCTV images for final proof. Sad thing is, for it to be parked where it is at this time of day, it must belong to a member of the hospital staff, :(.



You need a shot with the damage and vehicle Reg in as well or else the defence is "Thats not my car, that could be any one like it".

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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