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Pssssst' wanna buy a tunnel


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So Gordy wants to sell the tunnel, has this ever made a profit, has it yet repaid the investment? If he can pull that off, second car salemen and life insurance salemen better start looking out, or we will mistake them for chior boys.

It may be time to buy shares in ferries!

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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Someone, probably a drone newly appointed to the position of 'Non-original Thought Quango Outreach Officer' probably told him that the escape tunnel was ready. But, our Gordy, never being a man who knows when 'enough is enough' has decided to do his version of the 'honourable thing' and refused to bail out of his sinking ship. Ergo, if he doesn't need a tunnel, then it'll be no good for anyone else and I believe he's going to put it on eBay with a

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.<br />

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In practice, there is!

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Isn't it a touch short sighted to sell off these publicly funded assets to raise some quick cash for the govt to waste on their exorbitant public spending levels?

I thought the Dartford Crossing* was French already, surely we didn't call it 'Le Crossing'!?

As a side note, in case everyone didn't already know, the idea behind the new Queen Elizabeth Bridge over the Thames to compliment the Dartford Tunnel was that the tolls (originally

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Ah but Bibs you miss the point I belive the Dartford Crossing fee is now for Congestion/enviroment charge, of course those tailbacks caused by paying it don't cause congestion and pollution. :(

What was that Jilted John song? Gordon is a Moron. The man is a complete Prat.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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Really? I can't believe they would get away with that! Oh, and have you seen The Times are running a campaign dispelling global warming presently. Do you think once it's proved that we're not warming the planet up that we'll get a refund for all of these environmental taxes?

Can't we sell the Queen, she's got to be worth a few bob on ebay?

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Yes I have heard that the media are biased in the climate debate, the otherside of the argument is very quickly brushed under the carpet.

I belive the Queen is actually made of Gold

Edited by red vtec

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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Ah yes the market trader selling new

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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Prehaps we could all club together, buy it, then compare notes on our exhaust tones :(


Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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God save the queen! Thing is at least her majesty bring an income into the counrty as with all the tourists and so on, also we can all be proud that we are still looked at with envy by other countrys for still having a royal family with tradtions!

Its that fat blind b"""""rd Brown we need to get rid of along witht he rest of his fellow mps! He is just a drain on the country and is in denial what makes me laugh we didnt even vote the git in and yet he still refuses to step down without a fight wan""er

Rant over regards danny


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Short Sighted is what Gordon does these days.............its nothing to do with his eyes though we're reassured!!

minor rant, will someone get rid of this fozzy bear looking idiot before he sells us all into slavery to fail to get us out of a mess of his creation, rant over.

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On the radio this evening they were saying that in 1988 the government owned assets amounted to around 70% of GDP. Today they amount to 0 and in 2013 will be negative.

Dave - 2000 Sport 350
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You're probably right.

We wont even own our own country soon :(

Sell it all !

Le crossing is still part of the highways agency - sell that, tolls rise....300%

If they charged a fiver you'd have to use it.

Funny thing is they'll sell everything off and buy it back at 4x the cost LOL.

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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The irony is, it's full circle, I left the UK as Callaghan was negotiating to sell the farm to the US back in the 70's. There have been times I have missed "home", always thought I would retire back there, my last couple of trips over have persuaded me to stay put. In the sun, without all the surveillance cameras, and an exchange rate that makes Lotus parts look cheap!

Roger :gathering:

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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My wife, who has voted labour several elections ago and is what I would describe as a "Floating Voter" said something that made me think.

Maybe he's selling all the assets that earn millions in Government income per annum, to stop the tories using them and looking good by getting us out of the hole we're in quickly!

I hadn't thought about it like that but wouldn't put it past the moronic idiot that got us into this state whilst chancellor of the exchequer!

Oh and BTW......How come When we go into a recession it's a "Global phenomenon" but when the IMF said last week that we were starting to come out of it (months behind other europeans), it's "Our policies are working". Surely it's a "Global recovery?"

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Really? I can't believe they would get away with that! Oh, and have you seen The Times are running a campaign dispelling global warming presently. Do you think once it's proved that we're not warming the planet up that we'll get a refund for all of these environmental taxes?

Can't we sell the Queen, she's got to be worth a few bob on ebay?

i believe she's practicly new like our queen

never done hard labour ehj

i'll give 10 quit

rens :gathering:

researche is something i do when i don't know what the hell i'm doing

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