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time to say the truth !


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  • Gold FFM


Don´t you think it about time you stopped making comments about Holgers car? I find it very child-like the way that you keep making silly little comments whenever you can.

I think you need to move on.... why not get a girl or something so you can put you mind to other things?

So you say I'm just the dumbish child -OK, I tell you what ...

Mike, you just have to clear up if the car is "sold as seen" or if you feel responsible on it -that's all !

You tell me that Holger is happy with it -but he does not have the courage to say what he really thinks about it -and he tells me different stories on that.

As I have some kind of 'arranged the deal' I have to feel responsible that Holger is happy for real. This does not mean that you can do what you have done, and I should sort out the faults -as you already had suggested it in one of the posts.

I'm not that naive anymore -as I've seen how your work really looks. That means that I will point on the faults until those get sorted. No time to praise you like others do it, as I think do it already in a way that just sounds like unreflected and based on the forum pictures you post up. So if you say that you're not responsible for the caliper coming of ,as you say it is an part brought from *R&B* -I just have to ask who fitted it on the car ...?!

The other thing I pointed on -the worn cam-carrier threads who should support the cam covers and caused the leaks there. Or the engine hitting the bulkhead and body. You've posted that you've done repairs on the bulkhead and I've seen on the car you greased up the roof sealing so you've already noticed the odd sounds in the cabin I can guess -but you have nothing done to cure this problem for real. And once and for all -the engine is still leaking somewhere -so this is not quality work !

@Bibs -I know that you have warned me before -and you can ban me if you like . I will be proud for it -but I don't think this forum needs to reflect only one position. I'm not an opportunist , so I just demonstrate my courage instead of hide my thoughts behind PM-notes.

This is what my signature stands for ! :getmecoat:


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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I don't think this forum needs to reflect only one position. I'm not an opportunist , so I just demonstrate my courage instead of hide my thoughts behind PM-notes.

So, what is more likely:

A, The other nine thousand members all have the same position, and it's just down to you to be an opportunist full of courage.


B, The other nine thousand people have views of their own, just like you, and you are in no way any different to anybody else.

You can be a small part of something big, or make a big noise and make yourself look small.


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Just reading this it reminds me a lot of the Bigsi car and how a lot of 3rd party opinions were cast out into the public domain without any facts to back them.

Gunter you may well have some valid points, you may well not. I do not know and have no way of knowing.

However its not your car. In my view you have, clearly embarrassed the current owner of the car by implying that he is too afraid to talk publicly. If that is the case why would he welcome you posting what you have above? It can only be because it serves your own interests to do so, and for that reason I can't fairly accept any of the speculations you post above.

If the information above was posted directly by the car owner, or alternatively you were to say that you explicitly had the owners permission to post, then I might be prepared to actually consider what you say.




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  • Gold FFM

@Mat & Paul -as you both say -you don't know the story behind !

So what would you do , especially if you freel that you have arranged the deal -and as soon as the car has arrived on your front door you get aware of all the faults on the previously in this forum so highly praised work. The actual owner asked me if I would sort it out for him, and Mike adviced the owner that I should sort it ...and that can't be the right way ! :thumbdown:

I've helped with temporarly fixes -but enough is enough .. this car should be redone on those mentioned points who are still not ready. That's what I say :angry:

Edited by Günter


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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I´ve only just seen this thread and have to say that I am absolutely amazed by it.

I´m in regular contact with Holger and routinely ask how the car is and what problems remain. As far as I know, there is a slight weeping from the rear crank seal. Holger has not yet done anything about this problem. I have offered to remove the gearbox and install a fresh seal - that offer still stands.

The cam cover bolts were not stripped when I sold the car ! It is very easy to overtighten these bolts due to the large head size vs. small thread diameter. I once again offered to have the stripped cam caps helicoiled.

To be 100% honest, I´m not really sure what else I can do? Just as I am not 100% sure why you continue to keep harping on about the situation?

Maybe Holger should post his opinion so that you can sleep better?


Mike S

1996 Esprit V8, 1998 Esprit V8 GT, 1999 Esprit S350 #002 (Esprit GT1 replica project), 1996 Esprit V8 GT1 (chassis 114-001), 1992 Lotus Omega (927E), 1999 Esprit V8SE, 1999 Esprit S350 #032, 1995 Esprit S4s, 1999 Esprit V8 GT (ex-5th Gear project), 1999 Esprit V8SE ('02 rear)

1999 S350 #002 Esprit GT1 replica

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Hello everyone,

I think, the owner of the car has to comment on this topic, for he has the best perception on what is going on. Which is ... ME :rolleyes:!

It is true, that when I arrived in Berlin, I had a problem with the caliper. I guess, I posted it in the Phoenix thread. Günter helped me with that and due to his expertise he percepted a strange knocking from the bulkhead. The problem was, that the water cooling was to close to the bulkhead and had contact, which gave this weired noise. I fixed it quite easily, with Günters instructions.

Then there was a much bigger problem: One of the screws of the cam cover just was gone... It disappeared like :sorcerer:. Günter was able to fix it with a sligthly bigger screw and a sealing. A real MacGyver-solution, that still works. On my last trip to Switzerland I had the same problem, but on the other side. Till now I only "locktided" it, which no really seals it.

The other thing, that gives me a headache is, that the engine is leaking somewhere, and I really can´t find out where from. I had the Esprit on a car jack and checked the sealing of the oil sump (Mike gave me the hint), and tried to look for the lock-ring/oil seal, but coudn´t see anything.

In any case I had contact to Mike, who offered to help, and I had contact to Günter, who always helped out.

The option to run the car to France is not applicable everytime I have a problem, but I guess at some point, I have to do so - especially for a cam belt check, and the leaking.

Mike asked Günter, if he can help out with things, that have to be done, and was also willing to pay him. Günter at some point refused to help me anymore, because the quarrel between the two, and the problems I have had and some of them still have where annoying him too much. To repeat, Mike gave me the possibility to get the car to him, to repair all the small things, but I haven´t taken this offer so far.

I really don´t understand, why both have this dispute on such a level... I contacted Mike every time I had a problem, and I went to Günter, because he lives much closer and knows as much about the Esprit as Mike (my opinion). Mike gave me hints about what migth be wrong, and Günter solved the problems. Until now I didn´t take the car to France, because I compared the expenses for the trip with the possible costs, if I let someone in Berlin solve the problem. The trip costs about 500 EUR + accommodation + maut. For 750 EUR I was hoping to solve the problem here.

It is true, that at some point I was a bit angry about all the problems that occured. If you buy a car, that is just reborn from ash, you don´t expect to have problems with the caliper or the engine. But I learned, that with an Esprit, everything is possible! If I find the time, I´ll let Mike check it.

And I really hope, that you two, Mike and Günter, stop this dispute now. I thank Günter, for his help, expertise and repairs, and I thank Mike for the hints and the offer to get the car done in France.

Greetings to everyone,


Sport 350 - the Real Devil

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Thank you Holger for settling this and your adult and reasonable post. Both parties have their answer and as such this discussion should be finished with.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM

the simple thing is:

Mike knows that Holger would not come over to France to get it allsorted , and as such it is easy to announce 'kind offers':getmecoat:

And I for my own expect more work quality from someone who is praised in this board so much.

That's what needs to be said !



to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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I know nothing about this situation and to be honest am happier for that.

Your last post appears to be merely antagonistic and petty. The actual owner of the car has posted his opinion, Mike has offered you recompense for your time and expense, therefore other than your personal desire to vent your oversized spleen I can see know benefit to the continuation of this thread!!

I think that perhaps you should take a step back and examine the way your continual posting is making you look.

I'm sure that if we assembled a team to come and look over your fleet of vhicles we would find minor issues with them.

I also think that you need to bear in mind that most of the people on this forum are not hands on mechanics so any large projects that we see undertakne are a marvel and will be praised as such.

If you want to continue to take issue with mike I would reccommend that you do it somewhere other than on a public forum as I'm sure there are issues with making allogations in writing in a public place!?

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The best mechanics in the world will not have 100% of their rebuilds be 100% fault free as is evidenced by watching any F1 or NASCAR race.

To be able to take an Esprit apart and put it back together again and have it run well is a feat in itself that should be commended and of this Mike is deserving, IMHO. Mike has also offered to stand behind his work so what more can he be expected to do? It's not his fault that the buyer lives in another country and it's not convenient to bring it back. That's more warranty than most anyone would get buying a used vehicle.

Two thumbs up Mike. :thumbsup:

1995 S4s

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  • Gold FFM

"...I'm sure that if we assembled a team to come and look over your fleet of vhicles we would find minor issues with them. .."

the thing is that I don't sell them to someone else !

The car could be picked up and transported back to his workplace many times in the last season -so if he had used those chances to do that, it would be the attitude worth to praise at least !


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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No 11 year old car comes with warranty more complete than a 'workshop warranty'. These cars don't, nor are expected to last forever.

Mike sounds like he's gone above and beyond what's expected and your constant snipes are showing you in a bad light. Listen to popular opinion and advice in this thread and stop posting, you're really showing doing yourself no favours especially with Holgers post. I've stopped this thread being deleted or locked so far as I hoped you'd show a maturity hitherto unseen, here's your chance.

For forum issues, please contact the Moderators.

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Günter, I don't see what your problem is. Mike offered to pay you to help with Holger's car to save him having to take it back to France but you refused. Why?

If one were to buy a Rolls Royce new from a dealer and it had a problem under warranty after one had taken it to another country, I doubt that dealer would offer to travel to pick up the car or to fix it at no cost so it is unreasonable to expect Mike to do so.

Holger has asked for this dispute to end now. Please respect his wishes and stop embarrassing him.

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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  • Gold FFM

you all can call me the bad guy -this is my impression of the story and I stay for what I'm saing ! :getmecoat:

@Trevor : Central Europe is not as big as lets say -driving from one side of the USA to the other . Especially as Holger is in Switzerland regularly. So no excuse for not arranging an picup-service there.

Mike chode me in the board for asking if the deal was done like any ordinary private car sale between unknown persons on a 'bought as seen' base -he telled us that he stands for his work, and on an other situation he commented that he does those projects for a living, instead of just driving one car of his own. So I was expecting he just ordered it back to the project-shop for an sort out on all those things showed up now.

@Bibs: you can delete my account and everything else -bud I don't think it is fair if it is not allowed to post an opinion ...even if I will not be within the opportunist like 'political correctness' and on the same line as the forum opinion reflects.

Edited by Günter


to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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Günter, I for one am getting a bit tired of this. If you want to have your own private dispute with Mike, thats your problem but I suggest you do not drag other people into it. The last words in this thread should really go to Holger who has said very reasonably:

And I really hope, that you two, Mike and Günter, stop this dispute now. I thank Günter, for his help, expertise and repairs, and I thank Mike for the hints and the offer to get the car done in France.

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Gunter, Buddy, big Man, booby, darling....... Bibs won't delete your account and far from censoring you he has stopped all of us moderators closing this topic to end the discussion, because as he says, we are here to stop abuse not censor peoples opinions.

However, personally (and i like to think we know each other well enough for me to say this) I think you have said what you wanted and should just leave it now. Mike has put his side across and so has Holger.

Please just leave it at that and everyone as well.

My eggs are done and I'm off to make an Egg, Beetroot and mayo sarnie....yummy! Nuff said, lets move on.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Yeah, I think moderators should be setting higher dietary standards. :yes:

Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it, depends on what you put into it. (Tom Leahrer)

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OMG...it's delicious!!

My other fave is Walkers Salt and vinegar crisp sarnies with loads of Heinz salad cream....hmmmmmm

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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OMG...it's delicious!!

My other fave is Walkers Salt and vinegar crisp sarnies with loads of Heinz salad cream....hmmmmmm

I used to have those.........

When I was 11!

Dave - 2000 Sport 350
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The crisp thing is great, i like Frazzles bacon or Cheesy Wotsit corn puffs, i like to stuff a mouthful in and then drink some milk, let them dissolve into a corny bacon/cheese goo.



PS, To go off topic if i may, have any of our UK members noticed that film four are showing all the Star Trek films back to back today and tomorrow? The first 'Motion picture' is on right now.

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It makes dinner time interesting at Casa Kimbers :thumbup:

Not had the crips sarnie since I have been on my low Carb diet tho....booooo.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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