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Aftter her speech at the Police Federation conference was she right?

Amateurs built the Ark

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"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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I agree with Sterling (Pick yourself up mate). After her speech there was total silence for 2 minutes. The Police Federation members were totally stunned.


However, when you consider that the Federation look after rank and file officers (like a Union) I suppose their contempt is at least more understandable looking at their records with Unions.


However, they had pissed off every Policeman in the country before that speech so I guess they didn't have much to lose.


Bit like Nurses really.

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I really do not know what they expected. For years the police have shown institutional contempt for the public. Yes you get the odd good copper, but most I see are bloody lazy and arrogant.

I think pleb gate was the tipping point it showed that the very people charged with upholding the law had contempt for it and a mentality of covering up. This combined with Stephen Lawrence, Hillsborough, Saville etc, a third of the public do not trust the police, perhaps the riot act was what was needed? The police thought they were a law to themselves but it would seem not to be.

But let's hope this is not the start of privatising law and order.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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The Police Federation was established by parliamentary statute and has to answer to parliament in my view.When you look at the wrap sheet she had every right, as Home Secretary, to come down on them hard, especially after then crying wolf at previous conferences about the changes and revised funding she proposed. And as for the taxpayer funding executive salaries when they have 'reserves' in excess of £75m and refuse to have their books audited......


As to her reception, stunned silence it was. Because she was right. Acceptance of the Normington report's recommendations later in the day says it all.


Of course the majority of policing and police officers provide the service we expect and respect the public, but a sizeable minority and numerous incidents seem to have betrayed the trust we have in the law. Something has to be done. 


Read Nick Robinson's summary and extracts of her speech. Its pretty damning of where the police are at at the moment. The service has to reform.



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Absolutely. Police by Consent. That's how the Law is upheld in the UK. It's not them and us, it's them working for us because we let them.

Some of this fundamental principle seems to either have been forgotten about or at the very least has been partially eroded.

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 brought on themselves really. Perhaps now they will do what the public wants rather than what they they want to do. Less policing whilst sitting inside an office or car would be a start

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I did feel she was right tbh.

Disagree strongly with the comment above "you get the odd good copper". I think the vast majority of Police officers do a very difficult job to the best of their ability with the resources they have. You are always going to get bad apples. The problem is the public and press have very short memories for the positive things they hear but long memories for the bad things.

It makes me very sad and a little worried that people have so little respect for the Police. Plebgate, the Hillsbrough cover up etc have done nothing to improve this.

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I feel that the problems with police scandals have led to all the restrictions on what they can and cannot do, restrictions which have led, in turn, to the police's job being more difficult.  The police need to get the public's confidence so they can be allowed to use their common sense again.  Being squeaky clean is the only way that can happen.


Mind you, the politicians need to clean their act up as well, if they want people to vote for them.  Now, who is going to give them a pep talk?

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Mind you, the politicians need to clean their act up as well, if they want people to vote for them.  Now, who is going to give them a pep talk?

I think the latest results have given them a short sharp kick, but doubt it will change conduct

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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