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London Terror Attack


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  • Gold FFM

I mus admit to being glad that Liz and I came to London when we did and not now.

This is really sad.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

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  • Gold FFM

This callous and cowardly attack is unfortunately becoming more and more common. If steps are not taken and nothing is done it will become more common and easier and easier for these religious sad fucks and fruit loops to continue to carry out their purposeless and pointless killings.

The BIG question - What can be done?

Surely nothing can be done anymore. They are here already. 3000 odd fruit loops already on the 'watch' list, all hiding and being nicely protected by their human rights, and its all still happening. These events used to be rare, then it was monthly, now becoming weekly. Is it soon to become daily? Hourly? Then so common  it doesn't even make the news anymore because it's expected and we are to just live with it from now on.

The emergency services are continually just brilliant in these situations. 



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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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57 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

I'm so glad to see and hear that the 3 attackers were shot dead. No messing. No fuss. Job done

The Beeb reported that it was 8 mins from the first 999 call to all 3 of them dead. I'd imagine that saved a lot more blood shed. 

Reading the eye witness reports will give me nightmares, it sounds like a horrific attack. 

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Very sad to see another attack again, even more so given the extremely small time gap between the horrific attack in Manchester and the target audience  been children. 

My thoughts go out to the families of the injured and dead victims of this attack.

Very pleased the cowards got shot dead and my theory regarding the fake suicide bombers vests was more to protect themselves as folks will run from a suincide vest as it's a natural instinct. However some brave folks in the public would of probably fought back had they not been wearing the vests. 

Dirty stinking braindead cowards ! Thankfully now brown bread. 

Personally I would drape the body's on spikes at the tower of London. 





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I would threaten these babaric people with the following, commit your acts of atrocities and ALL of your family and close relations will be rounded up and deported.

Also anyone on the monitored list, deport them right now!

We don't want these people living amongst us!

Buy them a one way ticket to Syria.

These events will become monthly and weekly over the coming years.

We must do something about it!

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We tried to do something about it but people whinged and continue to whinge about it. Maybe now people will wake up to the reality of the situation.  Mr. Corbyn's well documented response will be to invite them round for a cup of tea and a wee chat.  Even God will not be able to help us if he is in No.10 next week.  I know social justice and the NHS are important, but without security that all dies anyway.

I do think that the communities that these people are coming from need to stop hiding behind excuses and now need to firmly come out and expose anyone in their communities who peddles and deals in this hatred. It is time they stood up proudly and were counted and put the safety of their friends, families and the citizens of the UK before these abhorrent monsters "rights" or protection.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

Sad thing is the media will just keep going on about the community coming together and lighting candles.

when is this going to be addressed properly?

very sad state of affairs - I'm very pleased to see they simply shot them dead.

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Yup. Simply shot them dead and no doubt the officers concerned are now the subject of an enquiry into their conduct and will be "off duty" until this concludes!

Totally bonkers state of affairs when they were doing a difficult job with the only intention of serving and protecting the public. This is such an open and shut case there should be no enquiry or "explanation" needed from them. They should be lauded for their quick and selfless actions instead by putting themselves in harms way and taking a hard decision quickly.  Politicians could learn a lot from these guys!

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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After the shooting of the Brazilian illegal John Charles de Menenzes I had been worried that armed Police might be reluctant to take the shot. Fortunately, they did and the attack came to an end speedily. The dummy suicide vests must have helped...like wearing a flag saying "SHOOT MEEEEE!"

As for deporting suspects...since the recent bunch of terrorists are British citizens...where are you going to deport them to?? Bradford?? You can only send people back if they came from somewhere in the first place, and that place has to agree to take them. The Immigration Service certainly used to be able to detain people indefinitely, and detention would be an option....if they have been brainwashed into terrorism, it's probably possible to brainwash them out of it.

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." - Albert Einstein

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The one who keeps silent, agrees, it is said in my country. Maybe it's time for all those having the same "ideology" to stand up and react against those mad people conducting or supporting terrorism? Maybe it's time for ordinary people to shout against hatepreachers doing their evil job in certain places in the UK, France, Germany and Denmark and other countries as have been documented in tv?

Or maybe just shut those documented speaking against our democratic free society down, if they cannot control what is happening inside? Maybe that would make them have a better and more peacefull view on the World?

They are not working alone. last time in the UK, 14 accomplices were arrested. This time 12. Lone wolf? nope. I am wondering how many more there are? Can we walk in Peace and safety any more? Can we let our children and Young ones play and be entertained in their free time? What is the Price for freedom and free speach, which we all value, and is so utterly important? How can we prevent these evil thing happening? Or at least try?

Maybe people all over the West should gather in gigantic demonstrations against governments, the ec and likewise entities, to make a very clear statement: enough is enough?

I express my deepest sadness and condolences to those innocent killed and wounded in the UK today.

As usual we see leaders from various countries sending twitter, pipper et al messages to each other. What about Mr. Trump and Theresa May holding hand with Mrs. Merkel et al, visiting the familes of the victims at their home? I think that would be more appropriate.

During ww2 for example, the us ministry of war, sent a letter of codolences with a messenger directly to the families affected. Here? today? A twitter to another national leader... says a lot in my view.

Personally, I don't see all those demonic harmfull people as religious, actually nothing to do with religion, but just terrorists.

We must never accept these mad actions as being "normal" or "everyday incidents" or "Price to pay for xxx" (chose yourself).

I also think there is a danger of civilians taking measures to retaliate soon, if the general population don't see a positive Development soon. And governments know this very well. And that can lead to large scale conflicts and civilian wars spreading. Something noone wants, for sure.

A thank you from me to those police officers shooting and ending the misserable lives of those mad terrorist islamists, as they were said to be. 3 less to go.

Maybe it's time to give some thoughts as to why all this is happening?

Very sad to see this continously going on in the World today, when we could all benefit and Prosper instead.

Likewise in a place like South Sudan, where a gigantic conflict of power and suppression id going on, to the loss of the Whole nation.

We in the West, must be doing something right, since it pisses off so many evil reactions.

I suspect the answer could come from the many houndreds of millions of women of the originating countries, having been suppressed for centuries, being enslaved, married as Young children, raped, stoned, molested, whipped having no rights and the like. Maybe they are the ones to straighten their backs and stand firm and say no to those ill-hearted fanatics? maybe the mothers of those terrorists should rebell against their sons?

I don't want a suppressive Peace, for that is not Peace. I only want Peace.

When is enough enough?


Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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Sadly there is yet another occasion to express shock, grief  and to offer condolences to all those bereaved.

I certainly agree that religions are a problem because historically they have usually provided a pretext for all sorts of mentally disordered acts and land-grabbing . But there is also a hell of a lot of knee-jerking going on here about people who happen to look and speak and dress differently . If you add up the victims of terrorism worldwide huge numbers are Muslims . The sick twat who murdered Jo Cox in the street wasn`t muslim. The sick twat in Norway who murdered 150 young people wasn`t a muslim.

You actually do not have to look far online to see myriad examples of Muslims helping those caught up in these attacks, in  Manchester for starters .

"Muslims Against Isis " has 106,000 likes on Facebook.

I personally have given substantial sums to muslims who are fighting the mullahs` evil regime  in Iran -they fight for a State NOT based on religion.

BTW The Mosques are refusing to bury the Manchester attacker.  They do not consider him Muslim. 

Yes of course by all means shoot those who present an imminent threat and I believe that they did so here - but at least consider whether they have intelligence to offer if caught alive.

There is a background to all this and it must be looked into without fear or favour.

I mentioned policing cuts previously which the politician you love to hate drew attention to in November 2015 and which a retired officer repeated on Sky News today. He said the Government were lying about the number of armed response officers on the streets.

I absolutely do not apologise for drawing your attention to the following :

The Government has just blocked publication of their Report into the funding of terrorism commissioned in 2015 .

Why ? Because the contents are "highly sensitive",

By highly sensitive they mean LINKS BETWEEN OUR GOVERNMENT AND THE SAUDI SPONSORS OF TERRORIST GROUPS. Yes I am angry about it . 

They do not want you to know something that is of direct relevance to the growth and sponsorship of terrorism !

The Government with which we have just concluded a big arms deal.


This is not some eccentric conspiracy theory-it is happening here and now.

The usual excoriation of those who are soft on terrorism has taken place in posts above but unless you look at the cause and motivation of those who commit these atrocities and treat them as criminals at the same time-when will this end ?

We want an end to this so we don`t have to keep posting like this.  

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None of these guys are real Muslims, they're just poisoned scum. Real Muslims are awesome, well friendly, down to Earth and a good laugh. Isis kill more Muslims than any other religion, real Muslims totally oppose Isis. It was really nice to see Muslim communities in Manchester providing refuge, shelter, refreshments and friendly faces after the Manchester attack. I'd like to think that every religious group we have in the UK would organise themselves at such short notice the same.

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I think that will not happen Bibs, as the ec, the human Watch rights org, Den Haag Court etc are all working for protecting every human rights to live and Prosper, which in theory is all fine, - thereby indirectly supporting any Work against other forms of punishment. Anyway, if said terrorists of these British attacks are promoting sharia in it's extreme form, then maybe there is something there? I think killing someone as a Courts descision is not enough punishment. They should be locked up forever, thinking about what they did.

As for the mad man in Norway, he deliberately wanted to kill Young politicians WHO supports the free borders and imigration of huge flocks of middle Eastern people into Norway. At least that's what was told in the press. One never knows and should generally be carefull believing the press. In all situations.

I am just tired of people killing other people to gain power, suppress or otherwise control and destroy other peoples lives. Sometimes it's one Group, sometimes another, and these years it seems to be those that we have seen at Work in the UK these last months. But generally speaking, I think that the public wWest is very afraid of calling someone it's name. As for example in tv, when a Whole part of outer Copenhagen is dominated by Young muslim making trouble every single day, every single night, burnig cars, shooting in the streets, selling drugs, robbing, beating other people, scaring the police off, the firedepartment off and the ambulances off. They don't drive there anymore. Governments response? Silence, as they don't dare calling them by their name. When it was a Group called the green jackets 30 years ago, being blonde westeners believing in an infamous german of the past, showing Southern us state flags, burning crosses etc. the politicians shouted up about them all the time. This time, they are afraid of being called racists. Which it is not. It just to say WHO have done what. If someone drives a car into innocent people at London Bridge, then jumps out of a car, stabbing more people, shouting it's in the name of their "deity", then what to call it?

Steve: I think that just goes to show how crazy it is.

I believe your Prime Minister called it by it's name today.


Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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  • Gold FFM
1 hour ago, Bibs said:

I dread to think how much the pair who murdered Lee Rigby are costing us. It does make a good argument to bring back a more efficient form of punishment than locking them up at huge expense for years. 

It would appear the guidance to armed responders to these incidents is changing for the better. 

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We can assume the Police will be issued with Nerf guns and told that under no circumstances are they to press the button. Sorry, I mean the trigger.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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I actually think this is a pretty low and cheap shot to be honest and very crass re timing.  The Police responded and dealt with this in 8 minutes so would another 20,000 officers have meant they could have got there any quicker?

The issue he is really referring to is more around our intelligence services who have the primary role to identify and stop terrorist plots and actions. Let us not forget, because I won't let you :) , it was Labour's actions in the Middle East who really stirred up the shit around this with an illegal war or two. It was Corbyn who so vehemently denounced any sort of shoot to kill policy. Looks like it is not just the Prime Minister who "does U turns".  But all this aside, I do think this is a pretty low punch at this time.


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

I'm wondering where the condemnation of this attack is from the Finsbury Park Mosque - have I missed it ??

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