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General Election - 8 June 2017

Bazza 907

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Dianne Abbott has gone.........


just shows what kind of disarray Comrade Corbyn and the Red Flags are in.........

still cant decide whats what.....and thats the day before the biggest day of your life......:pirate:

The Faster You Drive...The Slower You Age

(Albert Einstein  14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955)


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Yes their pay is probably too high but it pales into insignificance compared to the 6 figure bonuses awarded to CEOs for economic failure leading to mass redundancies for their employees  . 

(BTW Corbyn is very much opposed to PFI. His Labour is certainly not actor/war criminal Tony Blair`s Labour. Tony Blair has already warned people not to vote for Corbyn  - who might well send him to The Hague for trial if possible)

UKIP voters should applaud like his policy of repatriating control over our railways, water, gas and electricity industries. For all the lies about Corbyn being a Communist he will not sell our crucial infrastructure out to the Chinese Communist Party as George Osborne has done through his nuclear power deal.  

Corbyn realises correctly that this is a war between the megarich and the rest of us. In a war you don`t sit on your backside moaning, you get out there on the stump every single day and state your case to total strangers.

The proof of the pudding is that the tax-avoiding megarich are seriously concerned that he might win. They have a lie machine at their disposal.

This election is far and away the worst I have known for lies. Precisely because the billionaires know that unlike Blair, Corbyn believes what he is saying.  

Every day another lie (starting of course with the lie that there wasn`t going to be an election at all !)  

The biggest lie that we cannot afford  massive investment in infrastructure and public services. 13 trillion quid lies idle offshore. £70 billion in tax giveaways for the rich over the last 7 years.(Source Forbes Magazine 23rd July 2012)

Corporation tax to rise to a level lower than when Thatcher was in power-aren`t these Labour people awful ???!! 

24 hours to go ! Wheel on for the hundredth time the lie that opposition leaders support terrorism. Despite their signing parliamentary motions condemning IRA violence and Martin McGuinness shaking hands with The Queen.

Wheel on the lie that Corbyn is a pacifist. Who supports terror. The first pacifist, terror supporter in recorded history and by total coincidence he wants to be Prime Minister. They`ll be calling him a vegetarian cannibal next !  

The lie that the opposition did not support shoot to kill.

The lie that he wants uncontrolled immigration-the manifesto refers to CONTROLLED immigration.

The lie that the pound did not fall because of the Brexit vote.

The lie that the Electoral Commission was "complied with" by you know who over allegations of electoral fraud. The Tories fought its investigation all the way.  

The lie that there were sufficient police to meet the terrorist threat.

...and to cap it all, they refuse to publish a report into Saudi sponsoring of terrorism because it will embarrass them over their commercial links with the Saudis. In some countries there would be riots over that.  


 I leave you with this thought :"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" Mark Twain




Edited by basalte
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13 minutes ago, theelanman said:

Dianne Abbott has gone.........

Only temporarily according to the article :( - Now there is a opportunity lost by the Labour party, I suspect permanently getting rid of her would have boosted their vote. Anyway she was seen on a train station happily nattering on the phone after pulling out of an appearance for ill health, make of that what you will!

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Meanwhile where is our Strong and Stable PM ? Whose idea of "naughtiness" was running through a wheatfield.

Personally I think it is rather naughty to do business deals with alleged sponsors of terrorism and then refusing to release David Cameron`s Report into it.

- A no-show for Question  Time.

-A no-show for Womans Hour. 

- A "meeting with the public" (who forget to take their blue rosettes off LOL)

-No reply to senior police officers who accuse her of lying about police numbers.

(at least Diane Abbott was talking about increasing police numbers when she screwed up !)

Rightly or wrongly lots more people will vote for Corbyn if Abbott is off the scene.

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12 minutes ago, basalte said:

Meanwhile where is our Strong and Stable PM ? Whose idea of "naughtiness" was running through a wheatfield.

She is busy figuring out exactly which human rights law to repeal, and topping the wheat field all at the same time.

Edited by Corranga
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OK before we get a bit carried away with this Human Rights statement - the Gov can arrange for a derogation (actual approach has not been made clear as yet) as they have done in the past, which means the human rights laws are not touched.

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4 minutes ago, march said:

OK before we get a bit carried away with this Human Rights statement - the Gov can arrange for a derogation (actual approach has not been made clear as yet) as they have done in the past, which means the human rights laws are not touched.

Human rights exist to protect people.

The laws state things like 'fair' and 'right to' followed by things like 'freedom of speech' and 'not to be tortured' and 'a fair trial' and indeed, 'life'

They also have already written in statements to allow Government to work around them if they genuinely have an ounce of evidence, saying things like 'in the interest of national security' and 'proportional response.'  They are geared up to protect people, but also allow justice to happen.  There is no need to go breaking them.

I'm not getting get carried away, I'm concerned that, as a country we are happy to even consider voting for those who feels it's ok for the Government to cross that line.

These acts of terror didn't happen because Human rights were left in place.  Violating human rights laws is not an alternative to 20,000 police as it seems is being proposed.  

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If a human rights act case were brought on the basis that terrorists shouldn`t have been killed (Article 2 ECHR) , the central issue would be whether the police response was proportionate.

The facts would vary from case to case but (leaving aside the rather obvious point that many are suicide bombers as in Manchester),

it is very hard to see on the available evidence from London Bridge how the police could fail to justify shooting to kill. 

The fact that these scum wore fake bomb belts rather suggests that they knew that would get them killed.  

It is typical of May`s reactive incompetence to drag human rights into it.    

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Sorry if I offended anyone - I was just trying to point out a fact, derogations can be used without actually changing a law, contract, etc.. (as a farmer I have had to use them myself). There was no judgement intended on peoples views.

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1 minute ago, march said:

Sorry if I offended anyone - I was just trying to point out a fact, derogations can be used without actually changing a law, contract, etc.. (as a farmer I have had to use them myself). There was no judgement intended on peoples views.

I don't think you did at all, I think we are looking at the same point of view in another way - we both seem to be pointing out that the laws don't need changing - they are by design, in place to protect people, and allow justice.  A Prime Minister who openly admits that she would break laws of this magnitude is a terrifying thing.

It is my opinion that as soon as we start taking away human rights, we've lost the war on terror.

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"In 7 General Elections as anchor of Channel 4 news, Theresa May is the first serving Prime Minister to refuse me an interview. Why ?" John Snow .

...extraordinary, just where are you hiding Mrs May ? In a bed with the blankets over your head ? Letting your billionaire mates scream "terrorists terrorists terrorists " for you ?

 ...........and people think this feeble charlatan of a bureaucrat is some kind of true-Brit  leader. Wow.  Just wow.

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5 hours ago, basalte said:

"In 7 General Elections as anchor of Channel 4 news, Theresa May is the first serving Prime Minister to refuse me an interview. Why ?" John Snow .

...extraordinary, just where are you hiding Mrs May ? In a bed with the blankets over your head ? Letting your billionaire mates scream "terrorists terrorists terrorists " for you ?

 ...........and people think this feeble charlatan of a bureaucrat is some kind of true-Brit  leader. Wow.  Just wow.

You've forgotten to note that Corbyn today refused to see Snow as he was "late for a train" - presumably he's made sure he booked a seat this time for fear of sitting on the floor of an empty carriage again - and May has granted Snow the usual five minutes interview.


As for the Human Rights issue, many would look earlier on than the attack and subsequent shootings and wonder why those three and the Manchester bomber's family were allowed to stay here in the first place. All three of the non-national London attackers should have been deported long ago. The father of the Manchester bomber claimed asylum here from Libya for fear of his life if he returned - and then went on to take several trips back to his homeland. If he'd been denied or his asylum had been reappraised then he would not have been here thus his murderous son wouldn't have been here either. But y'know, human rights innit?

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Human rights laws should be there to protect humans. IMHO there is no need to change the laws we have, except perhaps to stipulate that anyone who deprives one or more people of their human rights, has no protection under such legislation.

Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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re the University issue, I'd happily pay for students to go to uni, provided that the courses were condensed into intensive 18 month courses (with the caveat that some 'real' courses like medicine, veterinary etc etc are actually more than full time already). Some 3 or 4 year courses seem to involve so little 'real work' as to make them laughable.

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Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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  • Gold FFM
7 hours ago, basalte said:

If a human rights act case were brought on the basis that terrorists shouldn`t have been killed (Article 2 ECHR) , the central issue would be whether the police response was proportionate.

The facts would vary from case to case but (leaving aside the rather obvious point that many are suicide bombers as in Manchester),

it is very hard to see on the available evidence from London Bridge how the police could fail to justify shooting to kill. 

The fact that these scum wore fake bomb belts rather suggests that they knew that would get them killed.  

It is typical of May`s reactive incompetence to drag human rights into it.    

Three pieces of scum gone. Problem solved. Beer and medals for police involved. 

Move on....

Only here once

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As a matter of interest where are the rest of Corbyns cabinet and who are they

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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I figure that both Labour and particularly Tory electoral campaigns have been a disaster - has it influenced my voting choice? No.

Doubt I'm in the minority either. I often wonder if there were no campaigning at all, whether voters would be more engaged and turn out higher??

I hate Corbyn to the core but F*** me, Theresa May is a PR disaster!!


Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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To be honest whoever gets in will back track on all sorts of things.  as long as we get out of the EU i don't care who is messing my life up. It's my kids i worry about and there children. I will be voting tomorrow only for a party and not its leader. 

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3 hours ago, pete said:

As a matter of interest where are the rest of Corbyns cabinet and who are they

I thought I heard they were all on indefinite leave!

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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So, after spending most of the past 36 hours in meetings or travelling the conclusion I have come to is: 

Vote Jezza

Vote Maybot

Vote Evil Ginger Dwarf

Vote him

Or her

Or the other one

Or don't vote at all

I don't care. I'm sick of the whole thing to be honest. May is awful but Corbyn is an abomination who would bring ruin to this country and I don't even know who the rest of then are.

Not much choice in the matter when it comes down to things ultimately. Roll on Friday. I am looking forward to my Facebook feed being kids and cars again, rather than endless amounts of bullshit on all sides from blinkered people who should know better. 

Edited by Gashead1105
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