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About PaulCP

  • Birthday 27/04/1954

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    Lotusless ATM 😟, Previously Evora S "Essex"
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    Woodbridge, Suffolk

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  1. Sometimes it pays to do a little homework before opening loud mouths. Another example of incompetent Labour frontbenchers shooting themselves in the foot! https://news.sky.com/story/blow-to-no-10s-investment-summit-as-port-giant-pulls-1631bn-announcement-over-po-row-13231876
  2. Another example of our useless justice system & why migrants who commit crimes need to be deported, preferable to the doorstep of the ECHR. This guy, a migrant who has been sleeping rough since 2020, gets a life sentence for attempted murder & is ordered to serve a minimum of 8 years😮. Well firstly how the fcuk does that work - life sentence now = 8 years 🙄 Also, thanks to our idiotic justice system, he has quite probably now achieved his goal. He gets a roof over his head & all meals provided for the next 8 years!
  3. Why anyone would expect a bunch of “politicians” who were totally ineffective in opposition for a number of years to be competent in government is beyond me.
  4. Why would anyone expect a group of individuals who were totally ineffective in opposition to be effective when in government. As for Reeves, she comes across more like a dictator than a member of the Labour cabinet. What they (Labour) have done so far is no different to Liz Truss with their jerk badly thought out decisions. The only difference is that the economy hasn’t crashed!
  5. The heart shouts a resounding YES at 110dcb. Then a big hand appears (not the wife’s) & slaps me hard around the face a few times. Knowing that the useless boffins that sit on the DVLA Medical Panel, who refuse to be re-educated, are likely to strip me of my license for 12 months at any point in the next 2 years it really wouldn’t represent a good buy. If only the DVLA would wake up and realise that the drugs available for this type of cancer have evolved massively over the past 8 years, then they just might be able to make an informed decision. Whilst ever they continue to rely on medical reports from 2008 they go from year to year with their heads buried firmly in the sand. I am, with others, still working on them but honestly you just can’t imagine the mentality and vacant looks that we get from individuals who sit on the DVLA Medical Panel. Their motto just seems to be “why even think about changing when you can just leave things as they are” Sorry, off topic rant over, 🙄🙄
  6. Looks as though my ex Evora is back on the market. Tempted hmmmm 🤔🤔 https://www.pistonheads.com/buy/listing/17106952
  7. My main point Andy @C8RKH is that in a real democracy MPs would be free to vote as they wished & not be controlled by party whips with threats of expulsion if they voted against a Govt motion. We do not live in a democracy & it is high time that our political system was overhauled, it is decades out of date. If you haven’t yet, look into Starmer’s past. A guy who, when he was younger, resented his father for running a successful business & making millions but a guy who now sits on those millions and reaps all of the rewards that his wealth brings. https://skwawkbox.org/2022/09/01/starmer-claims-he-knew-poverty-as-child-his-dad-owned-a-factory/
  8. Fully agree 👍 I thought we lived in a democracy but MPs aren’t allowed to vote for what they, or their constituents may think for the fear of the whip being taken away or expelled from the party. What is democratic about this
  9. @slewthy very interesting & thank you, it looks as though the NHS physio boys have been negligent with their words in addition to being, imo, negligent with their treatment. Thats all I’m going to say right now
  10. @C8RKH that was before covid, it’s all changed now. To get a knee replacement now, which is something I may need in the next 12 months apparently, you must have been suffering sleep inhibiting for quite some time😟
  11. Not today but a number of times over the past 2 months. Last week I had to pay out of my own pocket for a private knee operation to take place because, according to 2 hospital NHS doctors and NHS physios, the NHS will not perform knee surgery on anyone over 50. Now I’m 20 year over that age but wtf, point blank refused because of age. It didn’t matter that I am still very active, walking 15k to 20k steps a day whilst on holiday 4 months ago and doing 50 mile cycle rides on tracks and mountains (albeit on an ‘assisted’ bike) Age discrimination being used by the NHS as a way of managing down the waiting lists!
  12. PaulCP

    Formula One

    Wonder what little Jack’ next moan is going to be about 🤔 Egg on his & Marko’s face again https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/articles/c3w6y694406o
  13. Until they start making parents jointly responsible for their kids actions it will only get worse. Many parents just can’t be arsed with their kids & as long as they are out of sight & sound that’s ok by them. All of these video games they play about killing people surely can’t help & kids cartoon series these days are all about fighting. We live n a demented society!
  14. If it is anything like our village, as Bibs says, it will be a Parish council request due to speeding traffic. Highways then have to approve it and stipulate where it will be sighted. Because the flashing sign records information on the speeds that traffic are doing when it triggers Highways will want to sight it away from the major spots where speeding is possible to one where speeding is near impossible so that they can counter any requests to do anything else. We have exactly the same scenario, the flashing speed limit sign (& recorder) is positioned in the middle of a double bend. A request to Highways to try to reduce the amount of speeding traffic on the long straight section, a particular problem with HGVs, was met with “the data doesn’t suggest that speeding is a problem and there have been no fatalities in the village so there can’t be a problem.” This is the mentality of the civil servants in charge of our roads
  15. I don’t think Captain Hindsight will be growing a set of balls anytime soon. He is weakness personified who is concentrating on soft touch after soft touch whilst trying to pretend he is telling us all the truth.
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