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Everything posted by march

  1. march


    Unfortunately this has now been hijacked by SWMBO and would have been in 3 goes if I had not put my oar in. Wordle 224 4/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟨🟨🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. It's in the Lotus (Doh!). Only minor damage fortunately but I just don't get peoples attitudes, he just didn't care and his was not an old car like mine, where is the decency to admit when you have made a mistake. His wife's attitude was also laughable - she also said 'well someone has to go through' and was genuinely surprised when I said someone could have backed up and suggested I would have as I had the least distance to travel. Oh and I have a Landcruiser (bigger than a Range Rover) and drive down the middle of the road at times just to ensure no one thinks they can squeeze through a gap that does not exist, really pisses off the BMW drivers who feel they have the god given right to make everyone stop for them.
  3. Driving Standards and peoples attitudes! Yesterday I had someone hit the Mercedes, I pulled over in the village when someone came towards me on the way in to the village, the gap was a little small so I was going to back up but before I had chance the oncoming driver continued on scraping down the side of the car (it was obvious there was not enough room) forcing his way past. The upshot of it was the driver didn't seem to care that he had hit me as it would be knock for knock - and anyway it could be t-cut out (no it couldn't), oh and the wife got out and had a go at me for speeding whilst I was stationary with the hand brake on. Today I was picking up some round bale sileage from a neighbouring farm and a woman came belting round a blind bend her Skoda Yeti and only managed to stop about 2 feet from the sileage bale on the tractor - it was a bloody good job I was travelling slowly (approx 15mph). The miserable cow had the cheek to glower at me for making her back up 20feet. Bloody people.
  4. march


    Getting better! Wordle 223 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. march


    Wordle 222 5/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜⬜⬜🟩⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. It apparently is named after being a dark lane in the distant past because it was a sunken tree lined lane and was dark, then the Devon dialect got hold of it - how can anyone be offended by that? Oh crap I mentioned the word 'dark' twice - I must be a racist destined to spend eternity in one of those dark pits in hell - oh bugger that's 3 times I really am screwed.
  7. Finally had our wood burner fitted in our new living room to be after over a year wait. Amazing bit of kit. It's T shirts and shorts all the way now! Internet piccy - not our living room as it is still a work in progress (all be it a very toasty work in progress)
  8. Credit where credit’s due - turns out the government can organise a piss-up.
  9. I hope you used the correct period newspapers (Page 3 Sun to be truly accurate) behind all that Isopon. Authenticity is everything
  10. Our little village doesn't have much, not even a phone box any more (it's now a mini library). But we do have one of the finest Rood screens in the country: Lightly vandalised by those pesky Cromwellians (faces knocked off the carvings) Oh - we do have pub as well.
  11. Just broken the 1,000,000 mark - 🤣
  12. Farmers will do it - we can stick needles in anything (other services available), the bed side manner may be a bit basic at times but we get the job done 👨‍🌾🐮 (sorry - couldn't find the emoji for a farmer with his arm up the back side of a cow for some reason)
  13. Well they have just past the 1/2 million signatories 🤣
  14. Hi, I have not contacted anyone, I will give them a call later this week. Thanks for the info.
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - HIM - Do the honourable thing! That would be a first.
  16. This is a concern I have, I will probably end up by buying a universal top hat bush from someone like Powerflex and modifying, unfortunately I need to make 4 sets of 2 which won't be cheap. As Brian's message also stated durability may be an issue but as this is for the track / Rally scene ultimately the bushes although working hard only have to last one event (although hopefully a lot more). If all goes well these will be tested later this year. Thanks again for the comments - all useful stuff.
  17. Thanks for your response Thomas. I don't think that I will be going down the casting route but have bought a small length of polyurethane bar to try turning on the lathe. I have also found a possible solution with universal bushes from reputable suppliers (which will need modifying) so may go down that route.
  18. Has anyone made their own poly bushes? I need to make some for a project (GRP4 TR7 V8 Rally car) as I cannot buy the size I need. The plan is to turn the bush on a lathe using 90A shore polyurethane purely because it is readily available, possibly freeze the material? Any advice on this topic from someone who has done this before would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year to everyone.
  20. That's expensive - I am sure Unleaded was £1.42 and Diesel £1.45 at Alphington Sainsburys yesterday and they are never that cheap.
  21. Yep - And driven(tuk-tuk), ridden (Enfield Bullet), driven steam train (around marshalling yard only) - it's brilliant fun, can highly recommend it as long as the vehicles aren't yours. If you really want to be scared take a local Tata bus ride around the valleys of Nepal. Where possible we used to ride on the roof with the luggage so we could jump off should it go over (which is more common than you would think).
  22. Same here - The Booster and the Flu jab(both at the same time) have knocked both of us for six for about a week, although being a farmer taking time off work was not an option..
  23. I think they are offering that option - Carina is looking into it.
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