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Everything posted by Advantage

  1. No, that's four. There's also one in forum.
  2. RC2 and Autoart both do a very convincing 1/18th Esprit sub. It might be worth adding at least one to your collection.....for research reasons, obviously! http://www.mi6.co.uk/sections/articles/col...tus_review.php3
  3. It needs some tension on it to push it into the tapered hole in the hub carrier. You can do this by a number of ways...I keep an old wooden axe handle in the garage to lever ball joints etc to load 'em up while spannering the nyloc, or you could place a bottle jack under the ball joint to push it into the hub carrier. (The neighbours find this less intimidating than me wandering around the driveway with an axe handle and a manic grin!!)
  4. I had this issue with my old '98 GT. It was decatted from new. After a particularly hard weekend in France (Boys on Tour!) it started smoking from the left bank as we were queuing up for the ferry home. Upon inspection and consultation with the factory it was decided that the lack of back pressure was allowing oil to seep past (remember it only takes a tiny amount of oil to make a huge amount of smoke!) a seal in the spindle. I think it was blamed on the spindle being allowed to move, although we're talking thousanths of an inch. I can't remember what the fix was, but it certainly didn't involve replacing the turbos etc, or even something as daft as putting the cats back on! I think we had a tiny shim made up to act as a thrust washer. Cos at Sportomotive (then Haydons) knows all about it, he was with us at the French hoon......
  5. I'm scratching my head trying to think what he's done recently apart from the Max Power Rovers?
  6. Well done for fixing your broken button! I've used it.
  7. I'll try..... When your windows are open and the car is moving a vacuum gets created in the cabin and air is drawn in through any opening it can find to fill the vacuum. If your rubber gaiter round the gear lever (under the leather) is perished or ripped this is an excellent opening for air to enter the cabin. Obviously the air coming into the cabin has been warmed by the heat of the engine and cooling pipes that run through the chassis. Sometimes the air might smell of exhaust or fuel fumes, too. The easy solution is to replace the rubber gaiter.
  8. This chap, we'll call him Tony ( ), went to the doctor and said to him "Doctor....I don't know what's wrong with me, but every time I fart, it sounds like the word HONDA". "That's interesting, never heard of anything like that before. Do you think you could fart for me?" says the doctor. Tony says "Sure." And sure enough, the doctor hears "HONDA". After several attempts to figure out what's wrong with Tony, the doctor runs out of ideas. He sends him to all sorts of stomach specialists and none of them can figure out why Tony's farts say "HONDA." It is a completely out of this world medical condition. Finally, as a last resort, the doctors think they should send Tony to a dentist. After explaining the problem to the dentist, the dentist opened up Tony's mouth and examined it. The dentist says "A-haa!!!!....I have solved the problem." Tony says "What is it? What is it. Please tell me doc"..... The dentist replies "Well, sir, you have an abscess tooth." Tony says "Yeah....so....What has that got to do with my farts?" The dentist replies, "Cant you see??..... Abscess Makes The Fart Go HONDA"
  9. I'd be more than happy to bung a few pennies in the pot, but being slightly scared of these haunted typewriters, I'm confused as to which button I'm supposed to be clicking (I have a Paypal account) on the original post, all I get is this: <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="youknowsit@glcforum.com"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="LEF"> <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="002"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_GB/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form> Which I'm sure is some techno speak for enter you pin number now...or some such. Do some keyboard bashing, Bibs and help me to exercise the wallet!
  10. You're right about the lip, Mark. It is part of the structure of the car but I think Trevor means the section after that. (He mentions: 'the bit nearest the occupants') That strip ('the bit nearest the occupants') is bolted to the lip structure from underneath....lots of nuts - 10 or 11mm heads, I think? The lip structure has a recess moulded into it and the dash section lays on top with bonded poking through to which the nuts are attached. It's a right pita to remove completely, but you might get away with slackening off the nuts and tucking the leather trim into the gap. I've attached a piccy ( I know it's of an S4, but the principle is the same and I can't find my early manuals!) to muddy things up further....
  11. Yep. Dave is spot on as usual. It's just an anomaly of the Esprit if the battery is at a low state of charge when you crank the engine. If it only does it when you first dig the car out of the garage after a week or two of not driving it, then it's not really a problem. If the headlights lift up and down every time you start the engine, it'd be worth getting your alternator and battery checked because you're getting low on amps and Esprits are awkward (embarrassing) to push start!
  12. Whispers: F all...y'know eff all, nuffink.
  13. You invented Lost and Big Brother? Oh dear, I was just starting to like you......
  14. I'm zipping up my flame suit as tight as tight can be because.......I don't like the Revival. The FOS is great, particularly getting close to the F1 cars and Supercar paddock, but the thought of watching old, slow, crunchy cars trundle around in circles does nothing for me. All the old crocks limping along, dropping oil, overheating, going slowly - heck, I get that everyday with my old Range Rover! ( ) I have been to the Revival a couple of times (including along with a short stint at being a member of the GRRC) but it just didn't hold any appeal. I guess I just like new stuff. I don't want to dress up in old clothes, either...sorry Have a good time there, though. I'll be at home practising my best harrumph and humbug!
  15. That's not a lollipop. That's a thin slice from a mahoosive piece of Norfolk rock.
  16. First Monday of every month (unless Bank Holidays etc) so that would be, er, tonight! Even though you're local to me, I haven't got any spanners and um, I've hurt my back and er, my mum says I'm not allowed out.....
  17. Oooh, I quite like PH. Mainly for the Gaurdian style rants that go on....y'know, it's all the fault of the imigrants, chav mums and Tony Blair!
  18. Seeing as how I've owned um, (counts on fingers....) 5 (or is it 6?) Esprits over the years, which one do you want me to comment on? Least expensive....my '90 H Se, back in 1993. It just needed an exhaust manifold (which I did on my back in the garage.) Most expensive....my '98 R V8 GT back 2000. It only needed a bit of pollyfilla* after having an oopsie at Paddock Hill. *I might be understating this!!
  19. GT3s and V8 GTs weren't designed with a spare wheel in mind (only the V8SE had one) as part of the weight saving programme. If a GT3/V8GT has one, it's been added after manufacture and consequently will have some bearing on nose weight. (Earlier cars S4/SE G cars etc had a spare)
  20. You are joking, of course? Pretty much all Lotus does these days (apart from ride and handling contracts) is design or modify engines for various other manufacturers (they are especially good at diesel engines too). They make cars as an interesting 'shop window' style sideline.
  21. We received conformation from the hotel of our booking, this morning. (They got most of the letters in my name right! ) There was some blurb included in the envelope obout the hotel, too. They've got a spa treatment area (massage/sauna/swimming pool/jaccuzi etc), should I get my hair done or my nails polished?!
  22. Numbers 18-19 1. Graham Pilkington 2. Seeing as how it hasn't run for about 15 years, we'll probably be in the Range Rover - sorry...I could put the Esprit on a trailer, though! *Update* We've just bought a '98 GT3, so that'll be our transport for the weekend!! 3. Yes. Louise - coz my mate Jeff snores. 4. Hotel room booked for Sat, Sun, Mon....expecting a hangover of monstrous proportions! 5. No, thank you. 6. We could run support truck stylee with tools, jacks + hammers etc? Yes! New car....shiny. 7. No, wrong sort of track..no mud! Yes! Can't wait. 8. Hampshire, near the bottom of the A3. Edit cos I left the numbers out! Edit again for new car update!
  23. So, basically what you're saying is if I lose my shirt in some drunken poker game on Sunday night, then it's not your fault? Sounds fair!
  24. Some, er, interesting lines being taken by the Exige there! But at least it didn't end in a tearfull mess of mangled metal and plastic, which is what I suspected might happpen when I started watching.
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