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Everything posted by 100th_Idiot

  1. Alternatively you could use an app with reminders for MOT, tax, servicing etc. Personally I just stick reminders in my calendar. Seems simple enough. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jvelimited.vehiclesmart
  2. Is it true what I've heard?
  3. Sorry to hear that. It really is gutting when you have to say goodbye.
  4. It's getting very tiring. And I say that as a remain voter.
  5. I was happy with my US shares until you messed it up with your pesky vote.
  6. I think it may take longer as it is not just about trade. There are lots of little complications such as pension transfer rights etc. that will take time to unravel. In some regards I think the approach you outline may be the best way rather than a long drawn out process ending at essentially the same point. We can only watch and see. And maybe buy some dollars.
  7. Maybe but the EU is not one country. So while Germany and France may have a lot to lose the other 25 states have much less and they all need to ratify any new deal. It's going to take a lot of arm twisting.
  8. She's grandstanding for the home support. The argument that devolved parliaments must approve the triggering of A50 won't wash with the supreme court although I do not think the SC will overrule the current ruling on the constitution as it would set a dangerous precedent. As for rUK lining up against Scotland in any divorce proceeding to make it difficult you can say exactly the same about the EU and the UK. It will be messy.
  9. Not true. Some cameras are on all the time regardless of whether a variable speed limit is indicated or not. Certainly the section of the M4 at Bristol between the M32 and M5 junctions is like this. Cameras are always active. As I understand it this is not the case with all variable speed limit sections.
  10. It's silly but something about Rachel Riley wet and getting sprayed in the face appeals. Innuendo Bingo
  11. I think the appeal is a mistake as well. The supreme court can draft new laws and set legal precedent on which future judgements will be based. Setting a precedent that enables the government to bypass parliament could be very dangerous. They will not do this lightly. The government could lose twice which will make them lok even worse and undermine them. Better to get the parliamentary thing done and dusted. It will get approved after some grandstanding as although many MPs were in favour of remain a large number of those will be of the opinion that they should respect the referendum result. Meanwhile some of the ministers reactions to the judgement is appalling. Liz Truss refusing to state that an independent judiciary should be respected. The rabid tabloids savaging them for being gay or and UK. An independent judiciary is vital to a functioning democracy. There need to be mechanisms to hold the government to account according to the laws of the land. This whipping up of anti judiciary fervour is dangerous.
  12. Excellent. Well done beeb for poking a pompous twat in the eye. https://youtu.be/WwsQ_5Wm4oo
  13. Unfortunately I agree that if MPs reject the referendum result then UKIP will likely benefit despite their determination to self destruct. However I think that is very unlikely as the MPs know that not respecting the result will be very dangerous. I do think the government may be making a mistake if they appeal to the supreme Court. This body can make laws where there is a gap and also set precedent. For them to set the precedent that the government can overrule parliament would be a dangerous precedent to set and one I think they are unlikely to make lightly. The government may be better served avoiding a second bloody nose and getting on with parliamentary alignment. In the remote chance that parliament rejects A50 then a general election will be called. Lastly if MPs approve A50 trigger but the Lords try to reject it there will be a titanic response.
  14. Or the other way around. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3659328/Brexit-buccaneer-rakes-220million-Hedge-fund-tycoon-declares-winner-betting-stock-value-falling.html
  15. Meanwhile the chairman of Geely as denied there are any purchase talks under way. http://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/industry/geely-denies-rumours-lotus-acquisition
  16. I don't read it as they are legally requiring and act of parliament but that and act of parliament was always legally required and the courts are upholding the sovereignty of parliament according to the laws of the UK. Looks like a right old clusterfuck. The question now is whether MPs will move against the result of the referendum of not. Interesting times. Of course this ruling will be appealed to the supreme court and if that also goes against Brexit then perhaps they could appeal to the ECJ.
  17. good luck Sparky. At least they are providing a decent transition period.
  18. i8 sound is artificial pumped through the cars speakers.
  19. No. Not true. I have a smart meter from BG. Switched to Avro. True they cannot read the smart meter so now it works just like a dumb old meter and I take readings.
  20. I've just switched to Avro as well. Best deal out there at the moment.
  21. Seeing two Evoras on a single drive out. Never happened before except at meets.
  22. Forgot about honey. Been getting quite into this over the last couple of years. Not the mass produced supermarket stuff but the regional small suppliers. There is some made in my village but also many in the area. I prefer set honey and the flavours from the seasonal flowers are fabulous.
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