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  1. Looks amazing but you already knew that I don’t recall seeing any GT430s in that exact colour (Persian Blue?). Also looks like your rear wing is at a steeper angle than the factory GT430s, not sure if that was intentional or not but won’t necessarily give you more downforce if that’s what you were aiming for. Drag will be increased though for sure. I understand the obsession with a rare unobtainable Lotus but think if it was mine I’d stop short of the GT430 badging, does look good having said that and I don’t think Evora 400 badges would be appropriate any longer either. You should be able to replace the CupR embroidered cushion if you wanted. I’d want the vented front clam but the cost would be enormous for very little performance gain but you’re way past common sense on this passion project already. Must be a thrill seeing that in the garage, hope you get to drive a real GT430 one day for comparison.
  2. But which view is more believable?
  3. If they’re spending a fortune at Goodwood then it’s not a money issue, they must have decided that they are better off promoting the new cars to a wider audience. They may well be from a purely financial point of view but it still feels like another flick of the Vs to the people who kept the lights on during the many lean years.
  4. Unless we hear otherwise very soon it doesn’t look like the factory is organising anything in the UK which is not cool. 👎
  5. Shocking the factory aren’t doing anything, we surely would have heard something by now? The 70th was terrific and they did it all without the Chinese billions that they have now.
  6. You forgot lighter, more downforce, staggered wheels, better power:weight, more rigid chassis, better sound, carbon fibre panels, wipers that work properly…
  7. The later supercharged Toyota fours have much more torque than before but they are not big V8s or diesels and shouldn’t be driven like them.
  8. @will_warne by the time you’ve added real carbon, more power, cat scratches and Ohlins wouldn’t you be near GT430 money?
  9. That will also cost 3x your M3 won’t it? It’s hard to advise without knowing more about you and what you are really after, level of driving ability and so on but you’ll need to bring your A game to get the best out of a 311. They are not often driven especially fast at track days but I’m sure the owners are having a great time. But if you’re expecting to show up at a trackday and blitz everyone you might find that more of a challenge. You will certainly get an intense driving experience. Maybe a bit too intense at times on your bumpy roads in Yorkshire but you will cause a scene wherever you go and it will definitely be an event to drive. Anyway if you’ve put a deposit down it looks like you’ve already made up your mind. Nothing to look out for with a car with 300 miles. Obvs it will still need running-in before you do hard track miles. Tyres must be pretty old now I guess but no issue while you’re taking it easy. Hope it’s everything you were hoping for.
  10. Rear seats on 911 might be slightly better but you have to consider all the rude hand signals that your children will learn sitting in the back of one. Useful to be let out of junctions occasionally when you’re late for school!
  11. Very interesting development car recently listed on CC https://collectingcars.com/for-sale/2012-lotus-evora-s
  12. I’m guessing you didn’t get much response to your ph ad? Looks like a very nice car to me good luck on Collecting Cars. Definitely worth the extra over a 410 to me.
  13. If this comment is allowed by a moderator many congratulations on the Evora 410. Must be exceptionally rare in Pearl yellow.
  14. You are 100% tight and everyone knows it! 😉 What a car that would have been (which nobody would have bought). Seemed very odd at the time but axing it and airbrushing it out makes more sense now. Someone leaked the planned specs a while back and yup 430 motor was on the cards. Pretty much the same spec Emira owners are dreaming about for the 2025 Emira V6 Final Edition.
  15. Since when did ease of getting in and out become so important such on a Lotus forum? Why did anyone who think it’s so great all of a sudden ever buy a Lotus? Also why did the Exige (the hardest car to get in and out of) sell more than the Evora (by far the easiest and most practical Lotus of the previous range). ‘Like a normal car’ used to be a negative around here. I get that car buyers who are into prestige and impressing other people think the Elise is a toy/masochistic/kit car and they could never take it seriously as ‘a proper car’. The Emira has already achieved the near impossible in convincing so many who previously mocked Lotus to consider actually buying one. All credit to whoever is responsible but somehow they’ve gone one better in convincing many even here that the old cars are crap, weight doesn’t matter but ease of use, cup holders and infotainment are what really matters in a sports car - and done it with a car that’s slower than its predecessor. This sort of thing normally takes decades. Seems to have taken Lotus two weeks at the Goodwood FOS. Truly remarkable.
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