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And now to win the older vote Cameron says pensions will suffer

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM

Is that the same mr Cameron who's government is considering plundering steel workers pension schemes ???

i wouldn't trust any of them to look after a dead badger.....

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And they called Robert maxwell a crook and Gordon Brown plundered everybody's private pensions

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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Not sure if anyone saw BBC Question Time last night but I thought Steve Hilton and David Davies (who should be Tory leader) absolutely nailed it. They both gave logical clearly-explained reasoning for why we should come out.


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In The Washington Post


The E.U. has a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a president no one can name, a parliament that no one other than its members wants to have more power (which must be subtracted from national legislatures), a capital of coagulated bureaucracies that no one admires or controls, a currency that presupposes what neither does nor should exist (a European central government administering fiscal policy), and rules of fiscal behavior (limits on debt-to-gross domestic product ratios) that few if any members obey and none have been penalized for ignoring.


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  • Gold FFM

Sums it up just nicely.

that weasel tony Blair was on to this morning trumping about how important it is we stay in......

come on folks - that alone must mean everyone should vote "Leave"

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  • Gold FFM


and we really want to be part of this ??? Turkey will be joining the eu in the next couple of years - and we will have no say whatsoever on that. 


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But that nice Mr Cameron said that there is no way they will be joining.

Oh hold on, just remembered for the past few years he has been campaigning for them to join and the first step was to sack all the Ford Transit factory workers in Southampton and use our taxes to pay for the plant to be moved to Turkey.

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  • Gold FFM

Treaty change after treaty change.... We will have little of no choice - they all lie - and massively. They will look after their own interests ahead of the working man.

its amazing how this monster has morphed over time to what it is now.

will be interesting to see how ukip will fly just like the snp in the event we remain. 

The interesting part is if a democratically elected party is put into office with a manifesto of coming out of the eu - then we can come straight out......I think it's really only a matter of time now.

roll on Greek default, Spanish and Italian bankruptcy and more exposure of corrupt German company practices........

oh - and up the revolution 

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now 2 different lots of Albanians have been rescued on boats in the English Channel.Where will they be sent back to or will we grant them asylum?.They have other relatives waiting in Calais to join them and Albania are one of the countries waiting the join the EU so another country whose population can`t wait to come here

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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  • Gold FFM

We will no doubt take them straight in. Give them a nice house, healthcare, school places for their kids at the local school, taxis for them to get back and forth. A load of money for new household items and chuck them thousands in benefits payments every month.


whilst just up the road there will be and Iraq war veteran sleeping on a piece of cardboard in a doorway. We should hang our heads in shame

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I didn't see anything xenophobic in your post, Andy.  It's more the articles in links that people have posted.

What I meant about the European Court of Human Rights is that it's not an EU thing.  It's separate as this link explains.  Leaving the EU won't make us any less subjugated to the rulings of ECHR.

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On ‎30‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 19:10, Barrykearley said:

We will no doubt take them straight in. Give them a nice house, healthcare, school places for their kids at the local school, taxis for them to get back and forth. A load of money for new household items and chuck them thousands in benefits payments every month

An over 16 asylum seeker will be housed in a shared house (3-4) with rent, water, gas and elec paid. They will then have £45 per week to pay for everything else, food clothes etc.  If given asylum or leave to stay until they are 18 they are allowed to work.  If they are refused asylum they get £35 a week until they are removed which would not be until they are at least 17.5 years old. The reason being you cant return a child alone to their home country.  The rules are tighter than they were even a year ago so only Eritreans and Syrians stand a good chance.  So a lot of Egyptians  say they are Syrian  for example but get weeded out in the immigration  interviews.

Under 16 they are put in foster care until they are 18.  If the local authority is full they will go  to an IFA (independent fostering agency) who charge between £800 and £1000 PER WEEK to the local authority. The foster carers are paid £375 per week to look after and provide for them.( same as an indigenous child).  If they look even faintly near 16 they will go for it  and pretend to be 15 on arrival at Dover. Kent has an enormous number of asylum seekers "born" on 1/1/2000 ( we have one and know of 3 others locally).  Once in care they are treated like an indigenous child so when they say " I want my teeth straightened" the carer HAS to take them to an orthodontist or receive a bollocking from the childs social worker . One of ours has upper and lower braces courtesy of you and me and I know of others.  

We foster 2 eritreans.  Some times I am disgusted at myself  for not throwing them out due to their self entitled, arrogant , self absorbed and selfish ways. However that's  teenagers for you.  We are taking these people forward 500 years in the space of a few months.  1 year prior  to arriving here one of ours was walking behind the arse end of a cow dragging a plow of the type we stopped using here probably in the 1300s. We either  send them straight back, or integrate them into our society and our ways.  The ones we look after will speak English, know how to do please and thank you,  and operate in our society.  The 16+ yr old boys in the community speak little English and have no family hierarchy to grow up in just the company of 3 other 16-20 yr olds.  

You have to remember they have been sold a package deal by the people smugglers. Both of ours said they were going  to go to Oxford or  Cambridge and be doctors and their view of the west is twisted by what they have seen on the internet and footballers on tv.   They were quite surprised to see in the land of milk and honey drugged up and  homeless people comatose in doorways in the town centre at 11am. 

At his main interview one of ours was really pissed off that the immigration officer kept asking him why he didn't stay in Italy or France. He said he didn't know he could!!! In the car on the way home  I asked him again and he said "because in France and Italy they don't give  you house and money".  Frankly I am surprised more don't try to get here.  They all have mobiles  and facebook and this info is all going back and forth.  They know their  human rights  before they even set foot in the UK.  Their solicitor paid for by you and me advises them  that they don't have to provide their medical details to immigration if they don't want to.   To put that in perspective apart from check for ebola you have no idea what they are carrying  when they arrive.  

Its not the fostering we went into fostering for but not many people want to foster older teenagers let alone asylum seekers. The previous carers for one of ours had him removed after he invited the husband outside for a fight!!!  I know they are disappointed on a daily basis but  Its our job to spec them up to  a point they can operate in OUR society  to the best of their ability by the time they are 18.  

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IFA's make £400-600 per week profit from this?

Rather you than me Malcolm, I don't think I've the constitution to stomach that kind of entitled behaviour from those who aren't entitled to it. While I appreciate that they are human beings and deserve a shot at life, biting our arms off and then taking a decent chunk of the rest of us just isn't fair.

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Its not all profit as they do replace some of the social workers in the LA system.  But its so profitable I read an article a few months back  that some IFA are being bought up by private equity firms  from abroad. 

And trust me they know exactly where they stand and are pulled up every time they take the piss.

Its not all bad and remember indigenous teenagers are selfish little  gits a  lot of the time  but re the asylum seekers  the horse has bolted. They were not stopped at Calais so its too late.   We either change the rules or integrate them in to the way we live.  The other option is they go underground and join the blackmarket.   Only a few weeks back they broke up an exploitation gang in medway both sexual and slavery exploitation. 

Its an interesting journey we take them on ,  for example some  can use a smart phone but  not cutlery.  As a carer we have to remove phones  from under 16s at night time and monitor in day time.  Some get contacted shortly after arrival to be collected by trafficers to start  paying back their journey costs.  Its great fun explaining to a 16 year old that's got themselves thousands and thousands of miles through war zones, viewed drowning, rape and murder on the way that you want their phone over night please!! 

The scary thing is 18 months ago one of ours came in on a lorry with 23 others and wasn't stopped.   12 came out of a lorry a couple of days ago and 18 a week before that.  These are the ones we see reported.  We really have no idea whats coming into the UK especially re the gun  smugglers that got sentenced yesterday. Those are the ones they found.


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No it is not. We have gone soft. We have allowed ourselves to be exploited and we allow people from all over, to take the piss and take advantage.

We need to do more, both UK and EU and rest of the world, to encourage people to stay in situ, in the countries of their birth, and we need to work with them and support them to make those countries a better place to live, grow up and work. Mass migration is not the answer and will not fix the problem long term. It just moves it and allows scumbag traffickers and the like an opportunity to get rich quick whilst others die and suffer.

Unfortunately, we (the rest of the world) are all too happy to continue to exploit the mineral and wealth wealth of many of these countries for our own selfish gains, propping up dictators and allowing huge swathes of the UK to be bought up with "bad" money that we are effectively legally laundering, as, it generates wealth in this country for the minority.

The UN has no teeth. The EU does not really give a shit. The US, China and Russia just continue to plunder as is there right as global superpowers (or so they believe). It's normal people, home and abroad, who actually pay the price for all of this.

The world really is at times a shitty place and sometimes I really do believe the human race is a plague, an infestation, that needs to be controlled by something other than, the human race. We are not going to fix the problem by self governing, nature will intervene and take action eventually on our behalf. And, before anyone says otherwise, I mean the HUMAN RACE, not a specific race, religion, colour, creed, economic or other sub group of it! We are all part of the problem. We could be part of the solution, but we do not really have the appetite for it.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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