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Yesterday One Tory MP gets the number 1 slot for saying she will vote "Stay". Today 2 Labour MP's come out in favour of "Leave".....anyone see the headline? No, thought not. Hidden away in "other news".


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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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The EU will disintegrate anyway no matter what the outcome. This will make the remainers look really stupid when it happens.

The French look like they might elect an anti-EU government next year and several other countries such as the Dutch are over 50% wishing to leave. If our vote is close it will spur them on even if we vote to stay. Although I suspect we will vote 60% at least to leave.

In the end it might only be Germany and the southern European countries left!

Also there is a whole lot of stuff they are holding over until after the vote such as the EU army which will piss people off even more.

Add  to that, the EU is a fundamentally corrupt organisation and I wouldnt mind betting a FIFA type of blow-up happens eventually.

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No acccountant has been willing to sign off their accounts for 20 years for a reason!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM

Good man Sir James :respect:

this is what we need - more people talking up our great country. We do not need Europe as a crutch - we are strong and will fly set free

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Has there actually been ANY positive promotion of the EU from the remain side? We've been in the EEC/EU for 40 years now, surely there is something positive that has come out of it over this period?

The Single Market which is all CMD keeps on banging on about. I don't think so - Here's another Telegraph item, this time from Charles Moore  - clicky - some extracts below


David Cameron's beloved single market is a ploy designed to subjugate British rights


So when the European Community combined the two words in the phrase “single market”, it did not create a market: it created a single control of that market. It imposed a single regulatory regime for trading standards on all member-states. That regime’s bosses were – and are – the European Commission, under the European Court of Justice.  


In order to achieve the single market, Britain had to sacrifice the power of veto in many areas (to “qualified majority voting”), and not just strictly trading ones. The single market also meant that European rules were imposed not only on what we traded with Europe but on everything we traded anywhere, even domestically. So the tail of about 12 per cent of our GDP related to the EU wagged the dog – the other 85 per cent. This applies today. Thus the innocent local British herbalist, say, selling nothing abroad, who finds herself bullied by the Commission; or the far greater burden on tens of thousands of small businesses who never go near Brussels than on the few enormous companies who can afford to lobby there full-time

We also gradually discovered that the single market, being regulatory, was obsessed with “harmonisation”, not improving choice. One spur to prosperity is competitive advantage. The single market often tries to weaken competition. Look at the relentless Brussels attempts to control the only serious global financial market in the EU – London. Look at the law which prevents individual countries freely setting their own rates of VAT. 


So the single market became a big weapon in undermining distinctive British rights and British citizenship in favour of European ones. That is why we are not allowed to control EU immigration – because “we” do not, in this context, exist. “We” have become part of “them”. That is one of the reasons why a growing number of us want to vote Leave.


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I did a 30 mile bike ride through the Kent country side yesterday  and did not see one single  remain poster.  There were 20ish leave ones half of which were in farmers fields.

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  • Gold FFM

And ironically they get paid by the eu........and the bbc has been hawking remain farmers all over the news, countryfile and other rural programs

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7 hours ago, ChrisJ said:

Has there actually been ANY positive promotion of the EU from the remain side? We've been in the EEC/EU for 40 years now, surely there is something positive that has come out of it over this period?



Cleaner beaches apparently.

Err thats it.

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Less then 2 weeks to go now! I really hope you guys vote NO and I am pretty sure Lotus is hoping for that too... The GBP would likely drop some which would help your export industry and make buying a Lotus even more attractive for me here in Sweden vs. the Porks and other alternatives. 

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  • Gold FFM

Our pensions and benefits are now at risk - don't make me laugh

successive governments have robbed and stolen from our pension pots over the years - benefits have been stripped out of our country and sent to Eastern European countries to assist in their economic growth.

stick all your arguments and scaremongering straight up your ass Dave.

im a though and through blue blood Tory - but I'm finding myself like many massively Unrepresented by any party. Im well qualified, educated and work hard, have kids and do the best for my family - always driving for more. The more I try - the more the government screw me to the floor - it's almost like there is no point in working hard. I have a clear belief and value set - which the media will paint as bigoted outdated, no doubt racist, intolerant and extremist. This like many it is so far removed from the truth. It would seem we have no real equality in our country anymore. If your views are not inline with the establishment then you are not equal and are ridiculed and accused of all sorts. This is apparent with bakers and hoteliers and homosexuality- you've all seen the papers - I don't care what folks choose to do - but equal rights - the bakers and hoteliers rights here are clearly second class. Everyone has a right to an opinion - just because you are offended - doesn't mean you are right !!

Immigration for me is actually not the issue. It's about us loosing our cultural identity. It's about idle folk choosing not to work, about low paid workers all being migrant workers, it's about ghettoisation of our inner cities. It's about the lies and propaganda propagated by the media. Germany and France are close to collapse - both are having street riots with cultural issues as the underpinning issue. It's all being ignored.  

If remain win - I'm just hoping for a massive surge in ukip just like the snp have enjoyed in Scotland.

rant over - now cheering Nigel on bbc !!

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Here is something to ponder on.

One of the products our company sells is a programmable USB pushbutton which I designed. Since Merkel went mad and threw open the doors, we are selling these by the thousand to Germany. We have sold over 5 thousand there in a couple of months. The usage which the Germans put these to is for panic alarms in stores, banks, offices etc using some special software. This is the level of unease which Merkel has unleashed on the German populace with her policy. It doesnt really matter whether the danger is real or perceived but this is a thoroughly unpleasant development.

The Germans will be doing their level best to pass this problem around the rest of the EU by issuing EU citizenship as fast as they can in the coming years once Merkel is removed.


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  • Gold FFM

Now daves on tv - yawn - yet more scaremongering 

not interested - all utter lies - squeezed statistics and bull.

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2 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

I have a clear belief and value set - which the media will paint as bigoted outdated, no doubt racist, intolerant and extremist.

Having read a lot of your posts on this media - seems like a fair description:harhar:

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4 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

Now daves on tv - yawn - yet more scaremongering 

not interested - all utter lies - squeezed statistics and bull.

Cameron seems to fail to realise that he has reached the point of no return. Every time he opens his mouth he will lose more support. He would be best not saying a single word from now on. He is digging himself into a bigger hole. 

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Daily Snail at the weekend did a piece on the Kinnocks and called it something like biggest snouts in the EU trough. It seems like the once EU bashing and leave former Labour MP, PM and current Lord, along with his wife and other family members have so far taken out an estimated £10m between them or some equally ridiculous figure. The article really does beggar belief....

Also, a piece on how DeGaul went back on his word twice to block us joining on 2 separate occasions. I like the French people but their political elite are a piece of work.All inter married and related apparently and 5000 of these elite rule France with an iron fist. However, finally looks like the French are waking up and a political revolution is brewing as the workers now realise their wedding to the Germans over the EU has killed their economy and workforce over the past 25 years.

I'm struggling to see the long term survival of the EU political movement in EU towers in Brussels and Strasbourg. But those deceitful and greedy snouters will fight tooth and nail to maintain their status. Did you know the EU refuses (can't as it does not know) to publish the total number of people who directly work for it? Over 10000 workers I believe, in the EU machine, earn more than Cameron with Italian MEPs being the highest paid in Europe at something like £125k per year bade salary!  Totally outrageous. 

It is an unelected Ponzi scheme and if a private company operated in this way it would have the Fraud Squads from every EU country raiding every office and filing cabinet.

Let's  tear it down and get back to basics with a common trading market. We don't need all the rest of it.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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There's so much misdirection and lies around the referendum it's insane.  I've done as much reading as possible from lots of sources, and am highly sceptical of newspapers and politicians..  Here's one impartial analysis that is hard to find fault with https://benjaminstudebaker.com/2016/06/05/britain-for-pitys-sake-stay-in-the-eu/


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If we leave the EU, there are 73 MEP's all on £80,000 no doubt plus lavish expenses. That should save a minimum of £5,840,000 a year, and probably a lot more.

If you believe the Telegraph's figures for the total costs of running the European Parliament, they cost £1,790,000 a year. So potentially a saving of £130,670,000.


Margate Exotics.

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That may happen, can you link to the article? how does the article get to that £130,670,000 figure?  It's a drop in the ocean when you consider what we put in vs what we get back.  For example, look at what just the Universities get back in funding from Europe, it's a profit... http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/international/eu-referendum-how-does-the-european-union-affect-universities-and-students/



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The above article conveniently misses out the loss of EU student loans which the students never pay back and simple disappear.

There is an article in the Guardian today which says that by leaving the EU we will be surrendering our sovereignty to the USA. Desparate stuff!

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