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Caught between a rock and a hard place in a catch 22 situation, So its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Your damned if you do, but your damned if you don't so shut your cock!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Gold FFM

Sausages are next on the list - going to be banned as an offensive food.......

eu directive 817365-354 outlines the new name......... Frankfurters 

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Apparently, after we leave, the official EU language will become American as English won't be tolerated.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

We won't give up on that issue without a fight.  They'll have to faucet.

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British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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On 21/02/2016 at 15:30, Andyww said:

Crikey thats unexpected and should liven things up a bit !

I see that as a very sensible ploy by the Conservative party. Borris is probably next in line for leadership of the party, so if "out" wins then Borris is not unacceptable to the electorate, if "in" wins then Cameron can add his weight behind a successor and that person isn't automatically unacceptable.

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Out without question.  If we stay in that is the end of our country as we know it.

And I can assure you gentlemen that it wont be very long before these unelected bureaucratic cretins that we have allowed to grow to the position they are in will start picking on us and our cars.

It will still be OK for them to travel the world on fact finding missions, swan around in fleets of Range Rovers but for you and me to drive 15 miles to a classic car show will be too much and we will be destroying the planet.

Vote in and you might as well sell your cars now before they become worthless which believe me they will in time.!!!

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Well the Sunday Express is hardly renowned for its journalism, however, I noticed it was mentioned on the BBC this morning so found the link. 


Serious question - With the UK possibly voting to leave. With the financial issues in Greece and across the Eurozone. And with ever more protectionist strategies involving closing borders to prevent the free movement of refugees and asylum seekers. Are we seeing the slow dismemberment of the great political experiment and will the EU revert back to its original goal of providing a common market for goods and services as opposed to ever closer political integration and the movement to a single federal state?

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

It's an utter waste of money gravy train mess that's simply failing everyone.

we need free trade - but that it. Nothing more, nothing less. We don't need keen Eastern European workers - we need to get our idle workers working!!

we don't need rules - we've got our own. We don't need another court telling our courts who's right or wrong.

out out out - let's make our country great again.

and as for the EU - well - if we exit - that's the death bell tolling.....

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  • Gold FFM

Andy I agree completely....... We will have to shut our borders or limit immigration massively. That way - I think we will be able to force and shame the lazy back to work. 

Im doing a pair of 16000 bird egg units at the minute - and suprise suprise - lots of the workers involved in the inside construction are Polish - very good blokes - who work like mad...... I'm self employed so when I'm working I really am working........

Its funny as a contractor I'm often employed by firms whom have their own sparks - but choose to contract me In as it's faster and cheaper than using their own guys !!!

we have a culture of entitlement and something for nothing - it's really not very nice at all. A few years ago when these benefits caps were being considered low and behold the eurpean courts were being asked!!!! 

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2 hours ago, Barrykearley said:


Its funny as a contractor I'm often employed by firms whom have their own sparks - but choose to contract me In as it's faster and cheaper than using their own guys !!!


also on your insurance

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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Totally Agree. OUT!

However, the vote looks about 60% to stay according to the polls. I do have a few issues with the way the Government are trying to warp the figures. Allowing EU nationals the vote as long as they are a resident (even temporarily) so that's 3 million votes to stay in before you even start. Then there are 5 million Scots, they are being told to vote to stay in by their esteemed leader, Angela Merkel.

Then add in 10 million people who can't think for themselves and believe that it will mean mass lay offs in business because we will lose EU trade....or so the govt says. Then add in those who are swayed by the letter from 200 businessmen, despite the fact that another 2000 signed to come out...but didn't get reported.

Have I missed any other groups?

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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56 minutes ago, Kimbers said:

Totally Agree. OUT!

However, the vote looks about 60% to stay according to the polls. I do have a few issues with the way the Government are trying to warp the figures. Allowing EU nationals the vote as long as they are a resident (even temporarily) so that's 3 million votes to stay in before you even start. Then there are 5 million Scots, they are being told to vote to stay in by their esteemed leader, Angela Merkel.

Then add in 10 million people who can't think for themselves and believe that it will mean mass lay offs in business because we will lose EU trade....or so the govt says. Then add in those who are swayed by the letter from 200 businessmen, despite the fact that another 2000 signed to come out...but didn't get reported.

Have I missed any other groups?

That seems to sum it up unfortuately.

The biggest problem is the Out campaign are not able to state any policies which will be adopted if we come out, as they are not in a position to. For example they could state that if we come out, anyone who is from another EU country and has been working here for a certain length of time will automatically get a work permit so they can continue. They could also state that free movement will still be allowed for work purposes but no benefits payable of any kind ever. But they cant state any of this as they are not a government.

What the "In" people fail to understand is we dont actually need to change anything in this area if we dont want to. But being out gives us the freedom to change things if we wish. They bank on about roaming charges, clean beaches etc. The Out campaign could point out we could retain all laws and standards pertaining to those if we wish.  

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1 hour ago, Kimbers said:

Totally Agree. OUT!

However, the vote looks about 60% to stay according to the polls. I do have a few issues with the way the Government are trying to warp the figures. Allowing EU nationals the vote as long as they are a resident (even temporarily) so that's 3 million votes to stay in before you even start. Then there are 5 million Scots, they are being told to vote to stay in by their esteemed leader, Angela Merkel.

Then add in 10 million people who can't think for themselves and believe that it will mean mass lay offs in business because we will lose EU trade....or so the govt says. Then add in those who are swayed by the letter from 200 businessmen, despite the fact that another 2000 signed to come out...but didn't get reported.

Have I missed any other groups?

You missed these guys in Tooting Kimbers. How could you.....



God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Are you mad? Get out asap! It may be your only chance before the technocrats flip completely.

Noone with their senses intact can vote against getting out of the ec.

Please don't Waste this oppertunity.

And I really hope you vote "out", and other countries will follow.

Trading made easy inside the ec? well, allright.

Monetary union? no thanks.

euroarmy? no way.

Europresident? Can you spell hitler, franco, stalin, musolini, merkel, deutche bank, vag, rote arme fraktion, lenin, ceaucescu, putin, cecil rhodes, mao, jiang qing, zhang chunqiao, wang hongwen, yao wenyuan, bush, kim jong il, idi amin, kermit roosevelt jr, khomeini, skull and bones, noriega, and the lot. You get the point.

So, vote? Sure.




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  • Gold FFM

We must vote out........ 

And im damn sure it will lead to the unpicking of the current Union.

theres hoards more "migrants" running away from their home countries and storming Europe. I'm sure that will focus some folks votes to control our borders.

dont think I'm anti migration or the like, I'm not in some cases, but these are strong men running away from their home countries. Yes there's a war on I do not doubt that - but did our men run away in the past ???? No they fought like heros for the freedoms we enjoy today. These migrants - Cowards the lot of them. They should be fighting and forming their country into what they want.


rant over

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Very soon after the referendum, if we vote in, watch Merkel start to fast-track giving arriving migrants citizenship, in the hope they will come here. If she cant impose a quota system by agreement she will do it by stealth.

Note the scare tactics are going into overdrive, yesterday they were stating if we vote Out, tourists will get stranded abroad unable to return home!

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the French also want Europe to do us over on our classic cars.......

FFS when will they sod off and leave us alone.........

cant have a vac that sucks......cant have a kettle that boils.....cant have a hairdryer to dry your hair......

cant have this...cant do that......:censored:


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The Faster You Drive...The Slower You Age

(Albert Einstein  14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955)


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The thing thats crazy is the EU seems obsessed with things that dont matter, simply to give them power and control.

The biggest UK scandal is the number of people who die owing to NHS blunders, incompetence and cover-ups. The NHS pays out £100 million a year in compensation for mistakes. Not a peep out of the EU on that one. You would think that if they wanted to ensure uniform quality throughout Europe they would start there rather than stupid health and safety rules.

To be honest I remember when I was young and we were forced to switch over to using brown for live on power leads instead of red. That was the moment it all started to go wrong and its been downhill all the way from there.

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39 minutes ago, theelanman said:


the French also want Europe to do us over on our classic cars.......

FFS when will they sod off and leave us alone.........

cant have a vac that sucks......cant have a kettle that boils.....cant have a hairdryer to dry your hair......

cant have this...cant do that......:censored:


The problem is, all of the discussions about exemptions centres around pre-60s cars. 

It would not surprise me if the EU legislate emissions regulations without exception which 80's cars cant meet. Retrospective legislation is already happening, cars which were not originally fitted with rear foglights now have to have them otherwise its an MOT fail. It used to be the case that factory specification was taken into account, but no longer.

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  • Gold FFM

Clearly I'm in a minority here but I'll be voting to stay in. Main thing, I don't believe any politician, at all, ever.

I enjoy the free transit I have around Europe, and the ability to work. It does affect me and suddenly having to get a VISA to work in certain places would hurt me financially. I also do a lot of trade with Europe and having to not pay VAT helps me a lot.

Also I don't think everything the EU does is the work of Brussels wanting to be a pain in the arse. For example, mobile phone fees are now going to be the same to use in Europe as they are at home. Anyone remember when it was an extortionate amount to send a text just because you were in spain? I do.

James Martin (JayEmm)
Director of Photography & Car Enthusiast

Follow my Lotus adventure online! www.jayemm.com

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