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George Floyd

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I wonder if that cartoon was drawn by a bloke? Hmmmm....

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I think many of us are aware of the situation and how oppressive it is and are quite shocked, outraged and disturbed that what is often held up to be the beacon for the free world has, in 2020, still not addressed the institutional racism and got its shit together on this. Why is that? What can possibly be the excuse in this day and age?

The situation and conditions in the US in no way reflect the situation and conditions in the UK so some of us really get pissed off when domestic US issues cause protests and criminal damage here in the UK.

Also please remember that Brits tend to make light of stuff and just get on with stuff. We take things far less seriously than many of our cousins over the pond especially where politics are concerned.

Until white Americans are truly held to account for their generally racist beliefs, words and actions you'll not fix the issue. You all now what the problem is. You know the issues. So fix it!

Racism is taught. It is behaviours. Points of view. Attitudes. Beliefs. Actions and intent. Often passed down from grand parents and parents. Time for ordinary white Americans to face their issue, their prejudice, head on maybe?

However, it matters not what any of us say on this matter in a Lotus forum 👍

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

In the USA where this all started - the BLM fund raising machine is raising money for the likes of Mr Biden. This is nothing to do with colour now - folks are being played in a deliberate ploy to oust Mr Trump.

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You Americans don’t have the monopoly on race problems, every country in Europe has them too.

Thanks for letting us know our data is questionable, 
Also, I have met so many Americans who can only see things  their way to the point of everyone else being wrong.

There are many sides to this problem, which at the end of the day can only be sorted out through equality and respect for a fellow   
human being,.but of course, this has to be earnt from both sides

As for Trump, thank god he got in, your police forces are being weakened enough with him in, god knows what Hillary would have done.

anyway Lew we are all entitled to an opinion and that’s mine.


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  • Gold FFM

We also get complaints the police are racist on stop and searches. But it’s profiling and frankly while folks in London are running around stabbing each other - surely they should be stopping and searching more.

oh - if you are stopped and are found in possession of illegal drugs or a knife - it’s not about colour - it’s about law enforcement. Your skin tone is an utter irrelevance.

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Spare a thought for the police

Every policeman ( more so in America than Europe) starts every shift with the thought at the back of their mind that it could be their last.

Imagine having to pull a car over or approach a person that could be carrying and prepared to use a gun or knife. In these situations there are always going to be tragic accidents. As they say “ I thought one of us was going to die, and it wasn’t going to be me!”

I note that a lot of policeman are being sacked/charged in the US if they make the wrong call on a situation, hardly an incentive for an officer to try and uphold the law. This will encourage the police to become like the fire and ambulance departments, attending events after they have happened with no inclination to prevent them happening.

When a country allows itself to be awash with guns it can’t expect the police to treat everyone with kid gloves.

I personally have no problem with guns, I just fail to see why it is necessary to have an assault rifle at home, after all a 5/6 shot .32 revolver is enough for self defence.Maybe changing the gun laws in America would allow the police to behave a little less aggressively in bad situations. I realise that this would probably take 30 years to start having an effect, but you have to start sometime.

Policing is a fine balance, but a weak police force is no good to anyone especially these so called victimised minoritys.

The libtards need to be careful what they wish for.....the world could end up a real bad place for their grandchildren


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Where I think the BLM protest went wrong is on trying to change the past.  Their focus should only be on changing the future.

The whole thing with the Churchill statue is what angered me - he may have been racist (but that generation generally were, through ignorance if nothing else) but defacing the PM who steered us through the war and gave them the freedom to protest is unacceptable.  I had never heard of the guy who's statue was thrown in the harbour, I am damn sure a lot of those cheering had no clue who he was or what he did either.

Certainly judging by the football yesterday they have succeeded, the message was everywhere.  Lets hope things calm down.


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  • Gold FFM

Dominic Raab has angered things a little - but I think he speaks for a massive amount of people whom are frankly fed up of this now.

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13 hours ago, Francisco Franco said:


The libtards need to be careful what they wish for.....the world could end up a real bad place for their grandchildren


I think your forum handle wonderfully and accurately expresses what seems to be your world view.  Well done.  There's no point dragging this out further, we'll just have to disagree about most everything but mutual admiration for Lotus.    We can perhaps return to happier discussion in Evoraville.  See you there.  

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'17 Evora 400 MT 


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An example of how much these BLM need educating. If you look at the history of Cecil Rhodes he might have had a past in slavery but it appears that he also did a lot of good for the coloured community as well which probably vastly outweighs the slavery connection. However these BLM activists only focus on one thing which either just shows how much they need educating or proves that they are intent on gaining the upper hand in society by dictating that we should forget our history.

Whilst I’m on a bit of a rant what’s all this crap about the England supporters rugby song. How far are our weak authorities going to go to in trying to pacify a minority of activists. Does this mean that Scotland will not only have to abandon their rugby song but also their national anthem, both Flower of Scotland, which is openly racist again the English if my memory of working with a company north of the border Serves me correctly.

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Lewis Hamilton has been vocal on social media but seems to ignore the origins of his 40million a year. Has also had to withdraw comments he made about Helmut Marko as they were fake news

hindsight: the science that is never wrong

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I'll give travellers / gypsies some leeway when they start to pay some taxes and stop just turning up and leaving a mess. Sorry if that makes me a bad person but it is NOT about their race for me, it is about the choices they have decided to make and how so often they seem to not care about anyone else.


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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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4 hours ago, C8RKH said:

how so often they seem to not care about anyone else.


That covers in excess of 50% of the U.K. population theses days 😠

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From today's Times:

Someone had hung a noose in the garage of Darrell “Bubba” Wallace, the most successful African-American racing car driver in the country, ahead of the weekend’s big stock car race. The noose of course is the loathsome symbol of a lynching. NASCAR is huge in the deep south and the organisation has sought to purge racist elements from its fan base.

After what must have been one of the simplest and shortest investigations in the agency’s long history, on Tuesday it was reported that the “noose” was in fact a rope tied in a small loop knot for a pulley used to open the garage door.


Meanwhile as the fleet-footed successors to Eliot Ness were hunting down imaginary racism in Alabama, in Chicago last weekend more than 100 people, almost all of them black, were shot, 14 of them, including a 13-year-old girl and a three-year-old boy who had just proudly got a haircut with his dad, fatally. In New York there have been 125 shootings in the first three weeks of June. Again, almost all the victims have been black. In Minneapolis, where George Floyd’s death last month started the protests, at least 30 people were shot between Friday night and Monday evening.

Not a single police officer was involved in any of this violence. In cities across America, the picture is the same as it ever was: young black men, single mothers, students, children with lives and hopes ahead of them, gunned down by black criminals.

Leaders of Black Lives Matter, the organisation that is now, quite possibly, the most powerful in the country, if not beyond, had essentially nothing to say on those dozens of black lives lost in a single weekend to violence. 


John W

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Meanwhile in the UK, 3 people were killed in a religious/racially motivated act that has been "branded" as a terrorist act and hardly a murmur from anyone in the scheme of things. It seems some lives do indeed matter more than others!

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

And all the “minor issues” last night in Brixton are being glossed over by the bbc.

the reality is the police have gone soft and certain sectors of society know it. The hospitalisation of 22 officers last night and 4 arrests just highlights the cultural problems we have.

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Well the BBC set a new “low” record this morning with their reporting. Barry has already mentioned how they glossed over the Brixton disturbances yesterday but this morning was the BBC at their worst.

They briefly reported on the Notting Hill disturbances of last night, cleverly blurring out images of coloured people in the video footage and interviewed a coloured person who rightly condemned the disturbances, but then switched to Liverpool and spent 10 times longer showing how Liverpool supporters gathered en mass to celebrate being Premier League champions, with no attempt to blur out faces etc,  and debated how they were likely to cause a spike in the virus.

Totally disgusting biased and bandwagon reporting 

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The BBC at its best these days indeed. Such a shame they are going down the pan like this. They used to stand for something.


God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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On 20/06/2020 at 09:11, Buddsy said:

Ive never seen or heard any racism against black or Asian men & women.

Nor me on a personal level but like you, I'm white.

When Obama was first running for president and I was living in North Carolina, there was plenty of race-based opposition to his election on local radio.

One point not discussed in this thread is that many US policemen are effectively immune from prosecution for killing people in their custody.

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