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Oil sump corrosion

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My car is in for service and repairs at lotus they informed me that my oil sump was found to be corroded so badly it need to be replaced 

cost £250 wow is my luck is still running bad I must have upset someone ????

has anyone had experience of this ? I am having to replace the starter motor again and now this sump 

I also have to change all 4 tyres just to top the icing on the cake ☹️

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Mine does have three small patches on the bottom, about the size of a 10p coin. I've sanded them down and coated/stone chipped but will definitely keep an eye.

First car I've had thats getting a rusty sump at 7 years old!

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My lotus technician says first ever case he seen in a lotus with this level of corrosion and from his inspection he can’t work out how it has got too this state where it needs to be replaced ? 
I am so unlucky ! Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket as I will win and get knocked over by a bus the same day !!!

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44 minutes ago, EGTE said:

Very odd. Was it kept near the sea or something? 

Yes in middle of Leicestershire by the sea ! Lol 

my mate who is head mechanic at Mercedes said he never heard of a oil sump getting so rusty and when he commented the Evora has a full under tray and oil sump located near to exhaust there was sufficient heat to dry out any moisture ? Unless as my car left on drive and driven once or twice a week caused the build up of rust levels ? I don’t know ? 

just my bad luck ! 😮

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Thanks for the warning. I'll take a look at mine with some paint ready. I have an oil change to do soon anyway.

My Subaru Forester developed a hole in the sump on the bowl near the drain plug due to rust but was all hidden behind a plastic undertray with an access flap to get to the drain plug. Oil came out onto the undertray and lost without any noticeable warning. Engine rebuild is still a job in progress ...!!!   The new sump came nicely painted except that bowl! Looks like it's turned over before the paint is fully dry and sits on that bowl.

An engine placed on the sump is also likely to remove paint from that area, particularly if rotated!  Wonder what Toyota do when shipping to Lotus...

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Phil           Leave me alone I know what to do - I think. 

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I think I get the gist of what the comments coming back but I wonder why a 10 year car which has been serviced every year this wasn’t spotted and maybe from my naive knowledge of all mechanical things should an item like rust to the level it’s almost about disintegrate ?  

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Your last comment makes me think you should look at it yourself if you haven't already; just to make sure you're not being led on or its being exaggerated.  It does sound odd for it to happen, given its relative protection from the elements.

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I got sent a picture and it looks rusty but then I got be looking at 20 year old ford escort and I wouldn’t have a clue ?

i trust the guys at lotus otherwise you will almost be paranoid about everyone ? 
I have tried to be understanding so to create a rapport with my dealer which in turn builds trust ! 
I just have to put it down to my unlucky streak?  


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I agree. Considering the other side of that steel is permanently protected by oil, I can’t ever see it rusting through. It seems like the exhaust heat has burned away the paint, so maybe a wire brush tidy up and re-paint with heat resistant paint would be the most economical solution. I imagine this is probably a more common issue than we think. Out of sight, ...

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It's not common at all as being out of sight means it's very well protected from the elements, but it does get seen every year at service time and isn't something that usually occurs.

I've just been on the phone to a very quality person in the East of England about it and it's not something they've seen before.

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Thanks Bibs

but I have to trust the guys at central lotus that they have assessed this correctly 

Trust is such an important Factor and if they have found me a 2nd hand item at a cost saving then I am kinda drawn into believing that I am being looked after ? 

central lotus guys told me it’s an highly unusual part to get so rusty and they can’t explain how it’s got this level ? 

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13 minutes ago, Nelly said:

If they do replace it with the 2nd hand one, ask if you can have yours back so you can have a look in more detail.

I will ask but I am uncertain what good it will do ? I don’t want to appear as making a veiled accusation that I doubt their integrity ? 
However I still can’t understand how it’s condition can develop to this extend given its been serviced solely at a couple lotus of different renowned lotus dealerships ?

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It will put your mind at rest that you haven't been taken for a ride for one thing.

I would also say you are intending to update this thread for other owners, and it would be really helpful to have some pics and a summary of its condition posted here.  I did a similar thing on oil cooler pipes which look like they could be problematic on cars around 10/11 years old.

I tend to forget how old my car given its condition and mileage in that it is now in double figures so age related issues may start appearing.  

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For sure I will post an update so others can learn from my experience 

hopefully it will be the case I am just plain unlucky suffering a corroded sump and two failed starter motors in quick time ! Others may never have the issues I have fingers crossed 🤞🏻

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The technician at Central has completed the swap , just had the call on update of my car.

Central lotus they are trying to Sort out the issue regarding failed starter motor on warranty side with previous lotus dealers and lotus itself.

The oil sump swap seems to be straightforward according to the tech I hopefully get the car end of next week as I am still awaiting a couple of other service jobs  to be finished 

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