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Techyd last won the day on July 22 2018

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  • Birthday February 5

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    Elise S2, Ex Evora S
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    Locks Heath, Hampshire

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  1. Techyd

    Formula One

    McLaren have a really strong car now and could challenge for a good share of the spoils this year. Piastri is good enough, fast enough and mature enough to be fighting at the front with said car, alongside Lando (who is equally strong). Lando taking his sweet time to switch back was IMO two fold: 1) See if the Team back down, which is to say, are the team more behind me than Piastri and 2) A message for Piastri to say you won, because I let you. That the team upheld their team orders is a great sign of integrity and actually, both drivers can now move on a drive with that reassurance behind them. Lando, will, I suspect be feeling threatened in the team by Piastri's ability, and rightly so. The competitiveness in him at wanting to win himself and coming out on top within the team matters - of course it does, he's an F1 driver! I have to say like MV, Lando can quite quickly get a touch immature (can't they all) - but nonetheless, he needs to work on that - throwing his P2 hat on the ground for example and being a bit rude to LH as examples; both not necessary. Piastri stands out from this as quite the exception - he's so level headed. He's still feeling the pressure though, that little trip through the gravel showed that but I think we'll not see much of that sort of mistake from him again.
  2. Techyd

    Formula One

    I'm struggling to warm to Russell to be honest. He talks too much corporate cheese for me.
  3. Totally agree with all of this. That video he did driving through France in a Spider a few months back - you could tell he was smitten, got the itch, then clearly went about getting one. What I didn't like in this video was that he went from hating black cars to getting a black car. The appeal of an MSO sourced car was a big lure for him - exclusivity & rarity and he's comprised on colour to get that - that's what makes this car special for him and he's in hype mode for it. There have been a few videos of late that I think are sending him in the direction of Schmee150 - a little too much focus on exclusivity and rarity. I still think he knows his stuff and enjoy hearing his thoughts, I just don't want his content getting a bit too ostentatious.
  4. What would that do to Electre and Emeya prices, or are these considered a domestic product or something???
  5. I feel like we've seen this mix and match yellow one before on the classifieds not too long ago?
  6. Looks nice enough but too low a specification to be asking that price IMO.
  7. I hope so, but I think the Evora numbers are far fewer than Elises, Exiges and VX220s. I hope companies such as Elise-Parts can expand to cater for the market as it would be a crying shame. You're right - the Esprit and other Lotus classics does have good aftermarket support so maybe there is hope for the Evora yet. I hope so.
  8. I doubt it is quite as succinct as that. Cost of inflation, some job sectors experiencing job cuts and redundancies, the car itself proving unreliable / faulty. It's a car purchased in a price bracket typically (but not exhaustively) to second / weekend car. There was hype around it from launch, a huge waiting list and as such I do think a good portion of early buyers were there simply to flip it after a few months fun. I'd wager the technical gremlins and Lotus customer service on resolving said gremlins play a much larger part than is visible, along with cancelled orders and, as you say, getting out while they can on a car that is depreciating. There was nothing really, to suggest this new, higher volume car, wouldn't be subject to devaluation like any other normal car. Falsely propped up by the brief Tesla EV phenomena where they were loosing very little money over the lease term (again propped up by supply / demand and a chip shortage). It's the Evora that will stand the better test of time with regards its value - but that might itself may well be held back by parts availability (which I found poor a few years ago when I had my Evora). Such a small market place for manufacturers to bother supporting, I do fear for its longevity on that basis alone.
  9. Because it's a Lotus and because it's an Evora, I'd have taken it out on a two hour test drive, just to be sure 🙂
  10. Looks incredible, hope it sells for you soon, just wish I had the funds for it myself 🙂 What is it up for??
  11. Me too. I might even be topless
  12. Oh dear, what's broken with this one??
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