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First spring drive check list


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  • Gold FFM

For those Esprits that have been hibernating over the winter months, does anyone go through a list of things to check prior taking her out for the first drive of spring? Sure it will be model dependent, but it would be useful to know what people look/check for.  

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With any car that has not been driven for a while I check water, oil, brake/clutch fluid levels and tyre pressures and have a good look (or a quick look, depending how much time I've got) at the engine and ancillaries for peace of mind.

Then just drive it but take it easy at first, both to let everything settle and give yourself a chance to get a feel for the car again. I don't like having an engine idle unnecessary, can't see it doing any good compared to an easy drive. No offense meant Barry, just my take on things. 😉


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I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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  • 1 month later...
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Good thing you caught it in time!

I never have the cover on, I prefer to be able to see the engine. An I must admit, when at traffic lights or such I sometimes glance over my shoulder at the engine, seeing if it's stable, not shaking or anything. Mostly psychological, 'cause there's a lot to go wrong that you'd never spot, but still nice to see a running masterpiece of engineering.

I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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I've never thought if that but agree totally, but don't you then get fumes in the boot, such as it is? 

With the same idea after my rebuild I have only just put the tailgate back, I've probably done 100 miles without it and the engine cover so I could watch everything. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

When a car has not been started for a while I like to disable the petrol pump so the oil pressure has time to build up.

As for running the Esprit without the engine cover, I think it is a heat shield too, isn'it?

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Yes, the boot does get a bit warmer without the cover, but you also get better heat extraction from the engine bay (certainly in the SE with the rear glass panel acting a bit as a venturi). I never noticed any extra fumes in the boot. There is an easy solution, something I've been thinking about since my first SE about 10 years ago but never got 'round to: fit a thick rubber to seal the opening between the front of the boot and the tailgate.


I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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I don't see that as much of a problem. Most of the engine bay is GRP as well and not all is covered with reflective or insulating material. By removing the cover ventilation will improve, so less heat trapped in the engine bay. I've done >60k miles without the cover, no signs of ill effects.

It is louder in the cabin though, especially at higher loads. So for traveling I put the cover back (if I don't forget), so we're able to have more of a conversation on long motorway runs.

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I have made many mistakes in my life. Buying a multiple Lotus is not one of them.


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