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TLF Film Appreciation Society

Paul C

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  • Gold FFM

My friend once summed up Prometheus perfectly. "It's the first half hour of a brilliant film we've already seen, dragged needlessly into two hours"

I was very wound up seeing it, I knew the guys supplying a lot of gear and it started off being called "the alien prequel", then after a couple of months they said "Nope, it's called prometheus now and it is a stand alone story" then I watched it and thought "Right...."

Ridley is one of the most overrated directors on the planet. Yes he's had some great hits, but far more misses. His brother was more consistent I think. In fact, I think Joel Schumacher has a higher hit rate (there's a controversial opinion).

The Martian was pretty decent but it could have been directed by literally anyone, no real sense of Ridley about it.

James Martin (JayEmm)
Director of Photography & Car Enthusiast

Follow my Lotus adventure online! www.jayemm.com

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Yes Prometheus was not the best, A good movie to me imo is one you will watch again and again from time to time, and i have only watched Prometheus twice. Story line was dead with no true content.  Best film imo from Scott was Kingdom of Heaven.  


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Look, I am not known for my liking if intelligent movies. I am frankly insulted you all ignored Kubo so here's my awesome movie number 2. 10/10. nuff said!


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  • 1 month later...

Watched it yet @silverfrost?

So where do I start after 2 months?

1. Deepwater Horizon 8.5/10. Awesome movie only slightly spoilt by the fact you know what is going to happen as it is the story of the piper Alpha oil rig.

2. Secret life of Pets. 9/10 grandaughters favourite new movie with lots of adult style jokes as well "Why are you laughing Grandad?" erm........he laughed so hard he pooped and now the cat is playing with it...."Grandad, that isn't funny, he must tell his mommy he is sorry".......... 

3. Arrival. 9/10. Amy Adams makes the movie but a great story.

4. Kubo of the 2 Strings.....and Hunt for the wilderpeople 10/10 and reiterating previous reviews, these movies are absolutely 100% MUST SEE's.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Desperate to see Arrival. Missed it at the cinemas but it has just shown up on Amazon. So will rent it shortly.

Logan is getting very good reviews but I'm not sure I can be arsed to go to the cinema for it.

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  • 2 months later...

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is just unbelievably good - so many laugh out loud moments. Hilarious, sad, joyous. Just watch it. If you don't like pigs being killed then close your eyes for about 2 minutes.

Watched Hacksaw Ridge last night. Film is brilliant but F***, what an amazing true story!

Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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Watched Hacksaw Ridge as well Saturday night. Whilst the movie isn't exactly what you would expect it is raw, vicious, shows the reality of war, blood guts, body parts and decaptations abound whilst you actually feel its real. The backdrop of the story and the character building is very good, so much so that you really feel for them. From the moment they land on Okinawa, I was at the edge of my seat until the end. And the lovely touch at the end interviewing a couple of the real people. It was so well acted and so well produced and Directed I think I can honestly say it is one of my all time great movies with a heart warming/rending story. Absolutely 10/10 and well deserved. 

Glad you watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople Ant. Now try Kubo of the two strings. It's animation but not mainstream kind.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Watched Trainspotting 2 last night.  Excellent film, I loved it - but seeing (and perhaps knowing) the original well is recommended, possibly even a must.

I guess if I were to be critical, it's not as good as the original, but those are big boots to fill.

The original was like a life changing experience, and possibly the best bit of anti-drugs paraphernalia ever made, combined with a great story, amazing acting, and a phenomenal sound track, and near perfect setting..

The sequel tries to emulate this, and succeeds to a point.  It gets the music right, and the humour, and the character progressions too.  It has a certain air of 'homage to the original' about it though.

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  • Gold FFM

Not a film but I have watched Goliath on Amazon Prime and it is probably the best TV series I have ever seen. Billy Bob Is bloody brilliant playing a washed up lawyer. Make sure you get to the end of episode either 3 or 4 it is a shocker. Truely brilliant. Pretty sure BBT got a well deserved golden globe for it 

If you haven't seen it, please give it a go it was worth the £80 a year just for that. 

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I watched that too @Dan E and totally agree. Bloody brilliant and a great piece of acting.

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


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  • Gold FFM

I am really pleased you agree, let's hope a few others give it a go. Apparently another is on its way that's going to be a very difficult second album. 

Get on it chaps, don't blame us two for you going to bed at 6am though. My wife loved it to. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Gold FFM

My review of the new McLaren movie. I quite enjoyed it. Not particularly incisive or trying to push an agenda, more a loving tribute to a very talented man who was very much in the Chapman mould.

Would definitely appeal to any fans of that era of motoring, plenty of footage I hadn't seen before and learned a bit about a man I really knew nothing about.

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James Martin (JayEmm)
Director of Photography & Car Enthusiast

Follow my Lotus adventure online! www.jayemm.com

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  • 1 month later...

Last week I got to finally see the "Real person" version of Beauty and the Beast. And I have to say..........I loved it! All those great songs, live action mixed with CG that is so good you will believe it's real and of course, I had to shed a tear! Wouldn't be disney if I didn't! Emma Watson was brilliant and sings all her own songs and WOW! What a voice! 9.5/10


My Grandaughter wanted me to watch "Sing" with her and again, I was surprised I really enjoyed it! Absolutely excellent! And once again I was surprised at the Actors who can really sing! Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, Seth Macfarlane are all excellent, story's not the strongest but you really don't care as it's funny, the songs are excellent and overall it's a very enjoyable experience! My Grandaughter gives it 10/10 as she gets up and boogies even after watching it 20 times!! 8.5/10


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ARGGGGGGGGYHHHHHHHHHHHH OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG, Can't wait.......and I need to go change my pants now.


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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Saw the trailer for Kingsmen 2 last night - looks epic, as does 'Darkest Hour' with a brilliant Gary Oldman playing Churchill - yes, go figure!!

Actually went to see Dunkirk - simply not enough words to say how good I thought it was - a real experience (although not really a feel good movie either).

We 'youngsters' really don't know how lucky we are to have avoided conscription (or the need to sign up voluntarily) in order to fight in wars like that....

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Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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On 7/22/2017 at 10:44, oilmagnet477 said:

Actually went to see Dunkirk - simply not enough words to say how good I thought it was - a real experience (although not really a feel good movie either).

Dunkirk was fabulous. There were a number of things that impressed me with it. First and foremost, its avoidance of presenting a physical enemy. Much like The Thin Red Line, the enemy is never shown (except in the air and on the sea), but their presence is felt throughout, enhanced by the ominous soundtrack and those eery shots of hundreds of thousands of men just standing out on an empty beach, waiting for either their impending doom, or a miracle. Furthermore, Nolan managed to deliver this tension and pervading sense of dread throughout the film's running time without any blood or gore. I was actually expecting scenes more akin to the beach scene in Saving Private Ryan, but Nolan avoided that particular pitfall and delivered something completely different.


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Vanya Stanisavljevic '91 Esprit SE | '97 XK8

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