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Strattons at the weekend and my weird noise

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I mentioned to several folk at the weekend that i had an odd tapping (wheel speed changable) at the front of my car when slowing down in traffic.


The Elise never see's traffic jams normally so this was the first time in noticed. In case you wondered Sparky, it was the inner lead wheel weight!

My megga big new brakes mean the weight could 'just' clip the caliper as the wheel turned. Strattons found it for me, and gave me Bibs and cliff a very generous look around their facilities. If i was in Norfolk then i'd be taking my car there and thats for sure. The monday at Srattons was as much a highlight of the weekend as everything else, what a refreshing dealer.


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Inded! They've quiet a toy chest too! Without Strattons, Laura and I would have been running the meeting via a Corsa but Guy stepped in (where Lotus said no!) and leant me his Elise demo for the weekend.

Good dealer, highly recommended :alien:

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Had to laugh, when we dropped Bibs Elise off on monday i was telling Guy at strattons about bib's manic driving on the way up there, i saw a horrified look on his face but assured him that his elise was fine, and it was just everybody else in norfolk with half the grass verge on their cars from diving out of the way.


For the record:

Letting bibs drive you in your car is an ordeal. Begging him to stop only prevokes devil like laughter (think planes trains and automobiles) and more of the same but worse. casepoint, 'Bib's brake test' is this: Accelerate hard towards the rear of the car in front, then brake at the very last minute. Why you need an impending oncoming hazzard to test brakes, several, several times is beyond me. Never say to bibs 'thats fast enough' or 'stop', it's like a red rag. He's a little bit insane when holding a steering wheel IMO.


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  • Gold FFM

Yeah, and it's the way, when you say "no thanks, I'm still in therapy from the last time", he sort of winks and says "go on, you know you want to". Then, like a lamb to the slaughter, you agree. Beats the hell out of a day at Alton Towers though, and much cheaper.

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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  • Gold FFM

the, the little blue beast was making good pace on the line, so we felt like home :alien: ...and the way back from Cromer with Kimbers in Front was also big fun, especially as thought all those dead pheasants are the work of Bibs & him on the usual runs around the area there.. . Sadly we reached the Dunston entrance just as the speed was on the enjoyable higher level.

Please can we make more of those 'guided' country-side speed runs next time. The English Motorways are not so my favorite. Just because of those reflecting curb-marks and rough washed-concrete.. . Bud the country roads seem to have some good structures !!!



to name the things if I see them, that's what I call integrity..


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Guy is a top bloke, saw him at the Motor show and when everyone else was being sheepish about letting people look at the cars he was very welcoming, sadly he was doing the Morgan cars that day but he is a credit to Strattons and I wouldn't hesitate to take my car there.

facebook = jon.himself@hotmail.co.uk

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Just to add my thanks to Guy and the team at Strattons for such a warm and inviting welcome on Monday, all the time given by them during our visit and the great complimentary coffee too. A fantastic and wonderful dealer experience. Its good to know that old fashioned courtesy and generosity is still very much alive and well, in this modern me, me world.

Thanks again to a fantastic bunch of people.


Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. : Albert Einstein

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Strattons are my dealer of choice for all my parts. Rob is spot on and you get a discount from your Full forum membership of 10% too.

Caught between a rock and a hard place in a catch 22 situation, So its 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Your damned if you do, but your damned if you don't so shut your cock!!!!!!!!!!!

Lotus Espirt Turbo S3    

Lotus Esprit S4 

Lotus Elise S2 Sport 130


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  • Gold FFM

Man up the pair of you, I sit & do tapestry when I'm a passenger with Bibs! :huh:

That Diazapan really does work then? :whistle::harhar:

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Letting Bibs drive you in any car is an ordeal. I thought I was going to end my days in the COF on the North Circular when he drove us back to yours after Ally Pally.

I understand now why you sleep through the journey where possible.It's best not to know what's going on!

I know, I know... woman up!

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You're more likely to come out of an accident unharmed if your muscles are relaxed and as it's impossible to relax when you know you're about to crash sleeping really is the safest way to travel!

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Wendys first experience of Hooning with Bibs involved alot of punching me on the arm and alot of asking why Bibs comes up on you so fast and brakes at the very last second!

The one time I said, "here he comes" Wedny said...."No thats Laura!"......Must be catching, thats all I can say!

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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