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What made you UNHAPPY today!


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  • Gold FFM

Frankly I don’t want any tenants any more.

The legal side is now stupid - its all completely balanced in favour of the tenant. If they choose not to pay or smash the place up there’s little you can do these days. Eviction via the courts will typically cost you around £1200 and currently can take 6-7 months. Enough is enough for me now - I want out and I want out ASAP. 

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  • Gold FFM
Just now, Barrykearley said:

Frankly I don’t want any tenants any more.

The legal side is now stupid - its all completely balanced in favour of the tenant. If they choose not to pay or smash the place up there’s little you can do these days. Eviction via the courts will typically cost you around £1200 and currently can take 6-7 months. Enough is enough for me now - I want out and I want out ASAP. 

Good Luck.

Enjoy Peace, Tranquility and Karma .......









As a  .....  





Lotus Owner  ....  🤣 🤣 😇

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2 hours ago, Barrykearley said:

The legal side is now stupid - its all completely balanced in favour of the tenant. If they choose not to pay or smash the place up there’s little you can do these days. Eviction via the courts will typically cost you around £1200 and currently can take 6-7 months. Enough is enough for me now - I want out and I want out ASAP. 

I've been on the outside looking in (not a landlord nor a tenant), but have seen the other side of it. OK, so you are / were a decent landlord, and my mate currently rents from somebody that seems to be a good (or even better than can be hoped-for)  landlord, but the last landlord was awful.  So, I can see why the law has gone that way.


Previous rental property: Day of moving in, shed with wired-in electrics (not extension lead) is found to have a leaky roof with water running into the electric socket and light switch. Letting agent's response was basically-What's the problem with that? If previous property didn't have new tenants arranged he'd have cancelled the move.

During tenancy, Shower leaks causing black mold, response from agents is to say mat needs to clean it more frequently. After several attempts to fix, they find a leaky pipe in the wall which had by that time rotted out the floor beneath the shower.

Garage up&over door, wire for the mechanism snapped, the agents don't fix, saying parts not available. Eventually gets to point where door cannot be opened or fully closed.

Two storey house, with just one smoke detector and that's a PP3 battery type (apparently should be long-life battery or mains), no CO monitor (gas heating etc).

Loads of other faults. Letters sent demanding action, eventually mate sends letter saying he is moving out early and it's directly as a result of the mold causing health problems for two asthmatics, letting agents try and demand rest of the year of rent. Also try and keep deposit for repairs to decoration (despite video inspection of property having shown all as good/ better than when moved in). Went to arbitration, landlord ordered to return full deposit, not entitled to remaining rent and had to pay some rent back. Mate found previous tenants, and they had same sort of problems, but didn't formally complain. Mate got local Env Health involved near the end of the tenancy who were very good and picked up on lots that my mate hadn't realised was wrong.


So, the laws are how they are, because of a bad few landlords. Generally landlords tend to not be going into the arrangement in a vulnerable situation (such as not knowing rights), but some tenants don't know rights etc or aren't able to speak up for themselves and so do need the law to protect them from that small proportion who are rogue landlords. I do feel for you though, because bad tenants drive good landlords away from the market, and you end up left with the rogue landlord left who probably deserve the bad tenants like these ones you've now endured.


Mate's new landlord. If mate reports a problem, reaction is to get builder to do quote and fix almost immediately, and for the fix to be long-term not superficial. Example, conservatory has a leak due to coping stones on wall no longer being secure, so repair that but also rebuild the part of the wall which was exposed to moisture as mortar may be weakened so may cause problems further down the line.  Mate asked to take out massive pond and put in patio, landlord OK with that, but also volunteers to pay for the materials.


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On 30/09/2020 at 17:04, Barrykearley said:

Clearing a house as the sale should be able to proceed next week. One room was a hoarder - went from this


to this5B2EEEEC-C53E-4CCD-8E31-753248C4819A.thumb.jpeg.da2ad3c69646c2d88468e853e8e22852.jpeg

that was an absolutely vile job - trailer and van was absolutely rammed - the fire I’ve just lit down Nobbys was massive. I simply cannot wait to be rid of rental property.

Christ thats even worse than our students  let one of ours in.

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I'm sure that will just polish out and a ceramic coating will get rid of the marks for you!


Seriously, gutted for you!

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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Could have been worse as the Elan was parked there all day and only just put away 🙄😐😅

This is the fourth time in 20 years living there as well, last car took out the steps and railings!

Dave :) 

Do or do not, there is no try! 


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  • Gold FFM

My 'neighbour from hell' is at it again, 😠.

Ever since he retired (at the age of 50 I might add - nice for some) at the start of the year, not a month has gone past without some project or other taking place and all of them seem to involve lots of noise at close quarters to our house.

I came in from nightshift at 6 this morning and went to bed about 7.30 only to be rudely awakened an hour later by a jack-hammer. Seems he's decided that his textured concrete driveway has got to go and so the contractors are in digging it up. All this is taking place barely 15 feet from my bedroom window. Even through in the conservatory, which is at the other end of the house, it's still clearly audible and as there's too much light there and I can't sleep with earplugs in, I've now given up.

I was supposed to be working again tonight but sleep deprivation and a 44 tonne truck don't really mix so I've had to sub-contract out the job - not just lost sleep but lost income too.

The most annoying thing about it is that on Wednesday morning, as I was taking the dogs out for their first constitutional of the day, he stopped at his gate to chat to me and part of the conversation involved him asking me if I was still working nights - no mention of what was taking place today though! :censored:

The sooner Priti introduces the defence of 'justifiable homicide' into our legal system the better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Gold FFM

Well, since my post above about my 'considerate' neighbour having his concrete driveway ripped-up we have been waiting with baited breath for the next installment, with a week of inclement weather being in our favour.

Unfortunately, our luck has run out. It's been relatively rain-free for the past 48 hours so at 8 o'clock sharp this morning, less than an hour after I had put my head down on the pillow, all hell broke loose again. 😠

A quick glance past the side of the black-out blind confirmed my worst fears - he's having monoblock paving laid. Not in nice easy straight lines though, oh no, but in artistic sweeping curves so that a considerable number of the bricks will need to be trimmed to shape to some extent.

Of course, the only location for the powered circular saw type machine that's being used to cut the bricks is at the corner of their garage, a few feet from my bedroom window - I mean, where else could it go? :censored:

So that's another rest period destroyed, the consequences again being that it's not safe for me to go out driving tonight so another job having to be sub-contracted at short notice with all the financial implications that go with that course of action.

Where there's blame there's a claim? 

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Another unhappy bunny here!. The F'ing Central Heating guys are here to relocate the boiler after the last fiasco, thanks to their efforts the farm no longer has a water supply (water people on their way -who are brilliant, can't recommend them highly enough). Current guess at the problem is that they turned the wrong valve off (having told them precisely what valve to use) and burnt the farms bore hole pump out - there goes another £2000.00. All I get is the scratching of heads and 'not me guv' looks - it's been perfect for 16 years and within an hour of them starting it's buggered. The give away to me was the question 'have you touched the blue valve?' for them to rush out and say no it's OK. Strange they new exactly which valve it was and where it was when I hadn't even mentioned it. Selling up and moving is looking a good option again ☹️ - shame we have started the refurb (Roofers only month and half late to start - next week is the new promised date).

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Well - vast amounts of humble pie being eaten, profuse apologies to the heating guys have been offered. With the water treatment guy we traced back the fault to a cable near the pump that has been chewed through - what are the odds after 16 years that it will go the day that someone is modifying the water system. Water pump is now running but it has been advised we should really get a new one so not all good news.

Have even offered them 'choccie bickies' as an apology.

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Oh sod it, blame the heating engineers anyway, I'm sure it will not bother them.

Logic for it being them: Their presence has upset the delicate balance of the rodent ecosystem and so out of stress the rates chewed the wires as way to end it all.

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Seeing yet another pathetic excuse for a member of the shadow cabinet in action today in Parliament made me unhappy today. As far as I could see the only "SCUM" in the house today was Angela.  What on earth has happened to the Labour party? A party that was once the proud champion of the working person has declined into the party of the wannabe celebrity.

I was born in the 60's in Liverpool. Lived through the good and the bad times since and for the first 40 years or so of my life was an avid Labour supporter but did have a little thing for Maggie as she had the guts to do some things that needed to be done - such a shame she tried to hang on for that 3rd term. It ruined her and her legacy. Blair made the same mistake. 

I could handle new Labour. Their first 7 years or so were OK. But then it all started to implode and hasn't been the same since and I now find myself in a position were I could never countenance voting for Labour!  Even when not in power, when you see the positioning of people like Ed Milliband, and that self publicist Andy "fooking useless but look at me" Burnham, and don't even get me started on the complete idjeet and total waste of oxygen that is the clown Ed Balls.  It's like the party has been taken over by a race of thick and stupid aliens from the planet "Dipshit".  I'm struggling to find even one of them I could vote for! It breaks my heart that the party of the people has sunk so low with such a talentless bunch posturing for position and power.

Hey ho. A glass of red and no doubt all will be ok again.


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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

Politics is deeply broken. 
The tories represents what they always do.

The Labour Party - well they are supposed to represent the working classes. Sadly all they seem to represent is the “most vulnerable” or AKA the benefits scrounging class.

I really do pity the future generations in having to sort this mess out

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I tend to look at is as they are equally shit, but the Tories understand that money doesn’t grow on trees and therefore will do it cheaper and not bankrupt the country. 

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Blessed with the competence to be a slave to the incapable.

Currently without a Lotus, Evora 400 Hethel Edition in Racing Green with Red leather and 2010 Evora N/A in Laser Blue and 1983 Lotus Excel LC Narrow body in Ice Blue all sadly gone.

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47 minutes ago, C8RKH said:

  I'm struggling to find even one of them I could vote for! It breaks my heart that the party of the people has sunk so low with such a talentless bunch posturing for position and power.

Diane Abbott? 🤔

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