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US forces kill Osama Bin Laden


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Awoke to the dulcet tones of fighter jets patrolling over my fair city at 3:30 this morning, low and then very high so you could barely hear them. Just like the old days, which I could do without again.

1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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But at least its for the right reason!! Well done USA! You've gone and done something right!

Apart from the mud wrestling above that is :innocent:

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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I've split this in to a new topic, I think this is big enough news to have it's own thread plus that 5 year old thread went way off topic in the end!

Well done for finding it though Matt!

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  • Gold FFM

Yeah - massive operation to catch the most wanted man in the world, retrieve his body, and dump it over the side of a ship? I know I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but this stretches the bounds...

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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Not a good week to be a "bad guy"!

Paddle Faster, I hear Banjos!
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I would have preferred his body was was placed in some secluded location with a webcam where you could see some american bald eagles picking away at him till nothing was left but the bones and then roll over those with a tank until well pulverized. -but that's just me. :devil:

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After 10 years they finally catch up with the worlds most wanted man and they KILL him and not even question or get any intelligence off him. Theres so much more to this story then wat were being told!

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After 10 years they finally catch up with the worlds most wanted man and they KILL him and not even question or get any intelligence off him. Theres so much more to this story then wat were being told!

There was a fire fight. I think the object was to just take him out (and not die trying to get him alive). From what one analyst said he probably is far removed from the action of his operatives as far as getting any crucial intelligence and they just wanted him dead for certain this time with no body left behind to enshrine. Get in, kill, get out.

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Theres 2 schools of thought.

1. The official one: Osama was using a woman as a shield (classic bad guy move) and they shot her dead and then killed him with a single bullet to the head (bit ott to kill her but there you go). He was apparantly buried at sea so his grave doesn't become a shrine. Sounds like a movie ending doesn't it!!

2. The unofficial one: Osama was alive and they have either taken him to Guantanomo or an even more secret location so no one can shout about human rights abuses, while they slowly pull out his fingernails, take his skin off one layer at a time and elctroshock his privates till they are medium rare. All to find out what he knows and who else he can implicate!

Several facts that were known:

He was being looked after in Pakistan, right next to the "West Point" of that country!

Several people including a woman who was used as a human shield were killed.

One of the seal teams helicopters was so shot up they had to ditch it and burn it out.

Apparantly, not a single injury or death on the side of the good guys.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Christ, i must have woken up psychic this morning!

I saw the title of this thread, guessed who would be on it, and what their opinions would be...

...and i was 100% right!

I'm off to buy a lottery ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • Gold FFM

Strangely enough, Paul, I thought the same about you! I bought 2 lottery tickets. :D

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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Too late mate!

I won!!!!

I'm going to by the rights to something with the Lotus name on it!


Christ!, the scratchcards are winners too!

I'm going to start an epic AV/state of the country thread before anyone else thinks about it!


Where the f**k are those fortune cookies? I must have won something!


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Shall we add an 'allegedly' to the end of the thread title? Buried at sea my ass...

That was the first thing I thought also. Spend 20 years looking for the guy, 10 years of which he is the most wanted man in the world, then kill him, DNA test him then transport him to the ocean and dump him all on the same day. It is like catching the worlds biggest fish, taking one unconvincing photo then releasing it before anyone else can have a look.

There is a fairly reasonable chance that he was dead before 9/11 or that he is still alive now.

For the American government / CIA to be up to something dodgy doesn't surprise me anymore but it still surprises me how weak their cover stories are. Most school kids can come up with more convincing stories to trick their parents with.

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India are upset that the US crossed the border line to get him more than the fact that they where hiding him.

That's one way to upset a billion people. He was in Pakistan. India and Pakistan don't really get on.

Makes sense to bury him where no one can make a shrine or a gathering place.

Don't know why people were in the streets of Washington at 2 this morning, celebrating, though.

S4 Elan, Elan +2S, Federal-spec, World Championship Edition S2 Esprit #42, S1 Elise, Excel SE


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I've split this in to a new topic

Well done for finding it though Matt!

Good thing because I thought I was losing my mind and had no memory of creating a new thread.

Anyway, screw that rat bastard coward. Personally, I'm against capital punishment, but I'm glad Obama told them to go for the kill shot and nothing but the kill shot. I watched the second plane hit the south tower from the elevated train platform that would have taken me to the station that ended up collapsing under the towers for a meeting later that morning. I watched my late father-in-law walk around his apartment in his underwear for three days after, stoned out of his mind because he worked five blocks from the towers and watched all those people jump to their deaths. I watched the guy with three kids across the street from my dad's sit on his porch and weep only to have them find his wife's body a year later pancaked between the 8th and 9th floor. I went to the funeral of a co-worker who ran the surveying crew at the site doing laser monitoring of the retaining walls so emergency workers wouldn't get killed in a collapse (lung cancer--42, non-smoker). I literally picked up a woman off the sidewalk who'd fainted because her boyfriend was in one of the towers, she didn't have a cell phone and wanted to borrow a quarter to make a call. I watched firefighters from two counties away come in to the electronics store I went to for a flashlight so they could commandeer all their stereo speakers to use the magnets to unlock the NYC hydrants. And I smelled the stench days later and 30 miles away while at work on Long Island.

And all that is NOTHING compared to what other people here dealt with. So seriously, I agree with drilling a hole in that motherf____r's head, but I'd also be AOK with it if after that they'd bombed the snot out of a few Pakistani "security" forces installations, instantly cancelled all aid, and watch the damn country implode.

1983 "Investor's Special Edition" Turbo Esprit (#43/50) | 2012 Evora S

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Makes sense to bury him where no one can make a shrine or a gathering place.

Wouldn't that have been a good idea though? Stick a webcam on it, 99% of visitors are terrorists, makes the CIA's job real easy!

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It was my impression that Obama watched it live, therefore there must be footage??

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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It was my impression that Obama watched it live, therefore there must be footage??

Not only watched, but actively participated. I have the proof.


Simon  (94 S4)      My Esprit will be for sale in late 2017

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