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Can I put in a standing order for an original G Esprit gear knob, steering wheel and Motorola LT551 head unit please

Oh and the knob/switch the dash is marked "bright" for.

A little worried about finding this stuff

Edited by GTK
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There's a steering wheel on eBay right now... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151728593109?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


I don't think anybody has ever seen a Motorola LT551, let alone got one they're willing to sell you. If you Google it you won't even be able to find a picture of one.


Gear knobs do come up now and again on eBay.



Lotus Esprit [meaning] a 1:1 scale Airfix kit with a propensity to catch fire

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Have been watching that steering wheel thanks Paul. It started at £39. £250 (as it stands) for a mediocre wheel without the cover is heartening but not an attractive proposition for me. I was wondering, is it possible it's from one of the other models? Are they interchangeable? 


The frustrating thing is not being able to contact the right people, the original wheels were often swapped out and I can imagine there's probably a handful of them dotted around the UK, hanging up in garages covered in dust, forgotten.


I've seen an original Lotus Motorola, although not sure if it was a 551 or 558. Realistically that's probably not going to be gettable, but ever on the lookout!

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I sold a steering wheel which had a crash pad but no boss for £250 about 2 years ago. There are at least 3 different types that I know of... the one I sold was bigger in diameter than the one on my car and they also did one with brown leather instead of black.


We're all on the look out for a 551/558 ;)

Lotus Esprit [meaning] a 1:1 scale Airfix kit with a propensity to catch fire

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Ha ok! Bad news all round. My paperwork from Lotus says mine is one of 41 in its colour combo, but one of only two in that spec that had the factory radio option. I've never been so unappreciative of a piece of info

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  • 4 weeks later...

So another tooth I'd like to rob a hen of:


My car's missing the instrument dimmer rheostat and knob for same. Even if the rheostat hasn't fallen in behind the fascia they seem to be available. The knob though, that's another story. Does anyone know what parts bin it came out of?

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  • 3 years later...

Got a dimmer switch, got a gear knob too!

Seems that the original wheels were too big for taller blokes, so it might not be the end of the word if I don't get one, seeing as my car has an S3 wheel.

Still really want a Lotus branded FM radio cassette player though! Anyone got any ideas?


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  • Gold FFM

I have a nice Brown leather steering wheel hanging in a bag in the garage. not sure if it came off the Esprit or an Elite/Eclat though. As for the radio, I recon it's in the hastack looking for the needle which is with the goose with the Golden egg which was last seen nesting in the money tree.

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Talking of hens with teeth, and thread crashing slightly.... sorry. I am after a pair of these speaker grills for an 84 turbo.




Edited by NR2k
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  • 1 year later...
13 hours ago, GTK said:

4.5 years later, three of which I was actively searching at every opportunity, and I got a Lotus Motorola radio cassette! First one I've seen come up for sale in that time. I'm shocked. Can I just take this opportunity to say  :harhar:

Really though, if you're on here and on the trail for one then all I'll say is don't give up :)

Can you post a picture of it?

Lotus Esprit [meaning] a 1:1 scale Airfix kit with a propensity to catch fire

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Will do, just waiting for it to land. I'll put together everything I've found about them, which isn't much [because there isn't much] but it'd be good to have it in one place and hopefully it'll help someone else. There is a photo of one on TLF, I just can't remember where. It was buried in the middle of someone's S2 build thread iirc. I have the photo though and will dig it out asap.

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