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I'm interested in others opinion on something that is really resonating with me at the moment. Whether that is Esprit related (in my case), or other Lotii or other makes and models in general.


The background is that I bought my first Lotus, an Esprit V8, in January and had it for nine days before a very unfortunate incident involving a patch of frost and a signpost. I didn't really have time to "get into the car" as I was working overseas away from home during those two weeks.


Seven months later I got the car back from repair and have been driving it quite a lot in the last three weeks in not too shabby weather.


I find myself acutely aware that the car is demanding my full attention and concentration when I'm driving it. As explained on another thread, I upgraded the ICE and put new speakers in but to be honest that was a waste of time and money as I find that I can't listen to it as it affects my concentration.


I'm not sure why this is. Is it because the mishap has sensitized me to hurting the car again and I am very conscious about the road and what is around me? Is it because of the incredibly taut steering, suspension, knife edge handling, the awesome power? Are all Lotii like this?


I know that when I drive the family car or my LDV Convoy I can lounge around, listen to tunes, watch the scenery, pick my nose, look at other vehicles on the road. So this post-accident condition is not blanket.


I find the Esprit much more like riding one of my motorbikes, the attention demanded is the same. Perhaps I have answered my own question. It's a four wheeled motorbike..?



I tempted fate...now my Esprit V8 IS in bits...(sob)

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Get yourself to Bedford for a trackday. It's nice and safe (relatively) with little to hit if it goes wrong and you'll find a tonne more confidence in the car. Sounds like, quite rightly, you're a little oversensitive to it at the moment. They're epic cars to drive hard, should be a real pleasure and enjoyable rather than a chore. 

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It's an easy car to drive on the limit, my old 1980's 911 turbo, now that needed concentration!

As bibs says do a track day, preferably an owners club one so you're not out there mixing it with the fast & furious brigade. It might also pay to have a play in a quiet wet car park if you have one nearby

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Thanks for the thoughts chaps.


This is really interesting, as I read your replies they suggest that I am nervous about driving the car. Well no. Completely the opposite. I have SO much confidence in the vehicle. I haven't quite got to the point of squealing the tyres on roundabouts yet but I'm not far off, I'm chucking it in really hard. I have had driving licence evaporating numbers registered on the speedo on my favourite quiet bits of dual carriageway. I have stood the car on its nose with the ABS until it was nearly vertical. I can do all of this even with traffic around, not a problem at all.


All of that obviously takes some concentration. Yet sat on the M4 playing with the lorries at 70/80mph I still feel the same demand from the car. Around town in the one way streets. That's my point. It's not a chore Bibs. I love it, I feel very relaxed but so, so attentive.


Perhaps it's just me.

I tempted fate...now my Esprit V8 IS in bits...(sob)

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The old G cars aren't nearly so refined as the later cars and V8s so I may not be identifying with the same thing.  But FWIW ....  Lionel always has my full attention because its just a bit too loud inside to listen to anything at a normal volume and to maintain a conversation you end up with raised voices and sore throats.  Stirring the gearbox demands familiarity and deftness that will bite if you're sloppy.  Visibility is better than their reputation suggests but not in the RangeRover league. Wet track time has taught me that when it lets go it does so quickly and I need to be on it to save it.    And the general fun element means that I'm often doing it all quite a few MPH quicker than I drive the other cars.  Its addictive fun, but for me its not really relaxed....and all the better for that.

Loving Lionel and Eleanor......missing Charlie and Sonny

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I do find I have to concentrate to a certain amout every time I dont I see to curb my fu$%ing wheels!




My new Goodyears have this, dunno if they have a fitment for a Turbo though?



The old G cars aren't nearly so refined as the later cars and V8s so I may not be identifying with the same thing.  But FWIW ....  Lionel always has my full attention because its just a bit too loud inside to listen to anything at a normal volume and to maintain a conversation you end up with raised voices and sore throats.  Stirring the gearbox demands familiarity and deftness that will bite if you're sloppy.  Visibility is better than their reputation suggests but not in the RangeRover league. Wet track time has taught me that when it lets go it does so quickly and I need to be on it to save it.    And the general fun element means that I'm often doing it all quite a few MPH quicker than I drive the other cars.  Its addictive fun, but for me its not really relaxed....and all the better for that.


Thanks Mike, this is much more like what I was getting at :thumbsup:


But again, I am pretty physically relaxed, not tense or gripping the steering wheel like it is about to come loose or anything. It's a mental state.


Oh and ha - Lionel. Mine is called Lucifer Lotus. The Devil incarnate...

I tempted fate...now my Esprit V8 IS in bits...(sob)

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I find that I need a longer learning curve to adapt to mid engine and rear Wheel drive plus the odd Esprit way of doing Things, than other cars I've driven. It's sharper, more direct, quicker and simply better driving. More input reaches me and calls for my attention - road input.

So, I concentrate more driving the Esprit, than other cars.

But this is indeed much more rewarding.

I don't see the Esprit as a lazy float around car. I don't get physically tired from driving it, but it's definately more exiting.

In fact, if all other road users were more attentive, my guess is, that we'll have a Whole lot fewer road accedents.

My other point is, that I think most cars indulge the driver in a sense of false security. The same road, the same other roadusers. The same tree and ditch. The same horse riding teenagers and grown up men in spandex on two Wheels. The same big public bus on a narrow back road in the country side.

But most cars give the feeling, that this is not something worth taking notice of, and indulge you, the driver, in a sense of "well, I'll deal with that in due time". In fact real World is not like that. Often, there's no time to react and avoid - hence the accidents.

All made worse by in car entertainment.

Read that Again please.

In car entertainment.

Is the car so boring to drive, that you as a driver, have to be entertained by music, video, telephone, games and what not?

Thank God the Esprit is not a car like that.

The last point I'll make is, that I find the Esprit much more rewarding to drive because of all of what it is and takes. And faster.

And faster Means more concentration.


Good thread and well worth talking about, Alan.


Kind regards,


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Nobody does it better - than Lotus ;)

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It's sharper, more direct, quicker and simply better driving. More input reaches me and calls for my attention - road input.

So, I concentrate more driving the Esprit, than other cars.

The last point I'll make is, that I find the Esprit much more rewarding to drive because of all of what it is and takes. And faster.

And faster Means more concentration.


This. This completely this sums up what I feel.


Great post Jacques, thank you.

I tempted fate...now my Esprit V8 IS in bits...(sob)

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I was always confident of the handling of my S4. I found it reliable and used to love driving it long distances. I had even got to the stage that with a bit of damp or rain I could control slides  and even did a bit of track day drifting (in wet).


The one day, with MJK in the car, I took a fast roundabout near me at a fair lick the back end stepped out, no probs just get it back.....erm...get back....GET BACK!!


I was left sitting in the exit of the roundabout blocking the dual carriageway with my nose about 2mm away from the central Armco. Even to this day I am not sure why I couldn't control it like normal. Dad needed new pants.

Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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  • Gold FFM

I found my V8 easier to drive than my n/a. 7 years newer and 7 years more modern with the expected more umpf. With the additions of things like power steering, it was always going to be easier. I never found it a relaxing drive though, but that probably had something to do with my 6''6" 19 stone frame lol. My Élan now is almost too easy to drive in comparison - front wheel drive and possibly slightly under powered but easier than either Esprit.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Alan - track day sounds a great idea.........I'd be up for it if you could get a few of us newbies going

As one of he newbies with a v8 id be interested in pushing the car/myself a bit further with a track day!

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